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Who's Garbage, D Party Of Misfits And Marxists, R The Party Of Patriots?

Writer: Linda GenzelLinda Genzel

Updated: Oct 31, 2024

Americans loathe Extremism. We welcome "Normal," crave "Balance," and want and expect "Fairness." It is part of our culture and our National DNA, which goes back hundreds of years to our Founding, to the Revolutionary War, and our fight for Independence

However, in today’s America, the average American who strives to create and lead a happy and normal life, who works hard to provide for and to support their family, who pays their taxes, who obeys the law, who wants to live in a society that is safe and secure for their children with Sovereign borders and limited immigration, and who generally does their best to be a good and decent human being but who also so happens to vote for Republicans are now, or at least, according to Democrats, not only dubbed and denounced as “EXTREMISTS” but moreover, in many cases, designated and documented as “DOMESTIC TERRORISTS” on a watchlist that was cooked up, crafted and consummated by the Kamala Harris and her cauldron of broomstick carrying despots in the Democrat Party. 

You see, by not only bastardizing the language but also by redefining or reconceptualizing our societal axiom or tenets of what is widely considered, presumed, and/or, in many respects, even established to be what most Americans call “Normal,” what we call “Balanced,” and what we call “Fair,” Democrats are, in point of fact, insidiously toiling away in a malicious effort to put Republicans and Conservatives on automatic defense, both psychologically and verbally, and for that matter, anyone who dares to dissent which includes their own! 

In truth, it really doesn’t matter to Establishment Democrats what Party or what faction or wing of what Party you belong to, and nor does it matter what gender or race you are. "You must either pledge your allegiance to the Democrat Party and their Marxist ideological agenda or face their wrath."

As a matter of fact, as many know all too well, if you are a Black Conservative, you will be labeled an Uncle Tom and a token of the White man; and if you are a White Conservative, or worse still, a "Straight, White Conservative Christian Male," you will be branded a Racist, a Fascist, a Nazi, an Antisemite, a White-Supremacist, a Misogynist, a Deplorable, a Neanderthal and the latest, unfortunately, not unsurprising, vile and vulgar epithet the Left has conjured up in order to smear Trump and MAGA Republicans with is, "Garbage," you know, Human Scum, despite the undeniable historical fact that it was the anti-Abolitionist, not to mention, Misogynist Dixiecrat Democrat Party of Jim Crow and of the KKK who not only fought against Women's Rights but who fought for Segregation whilst enslaving and subjugating Black Americans, putting them in chains and hanging them from trees as the Abolitionist Republican Party, under Abraham Lincoln’s leadership, not only fought for Equal Rights for all Americans regardless of one's Race, Religion, or Gender, but who also won the Civil War, freed the slaves, and after 40 plus years of battling the Democrats "War on Women,' passed legislation giving Women the Right to Vote.

As far as today's Democrats are concerned, especially now that Women and Black Americans have -(as codified in the United States Constitution through the 13th, 14th, 15th, and 19th Amendments, all thanks to Republicans' hard-fought efforts)- Equal Rights and the Right to Vote, the only thing that actually matters to them is that you toe the Progressive Party line, that you, much like the days of Slavery, know your place, and that you never, under any circumstances, step outside their Communist fray and advocate for any policy much less even entertain an inkling of a thought or sentiment, let alone verbalize an idea or opinion, as trivial or as inconsequential as it may be, that is contrary to the Left’s ideological Marxist tenets, and the current, agreed-upon narrative and/or agenda

Today, for political gain, power, and controlDemocrats have and will continue to debase and reframe or, moreover, to quote one of their favorite manipulative catchwords, “reimagine,” quite literally anything and everything antithetical to their perverted Imperialistic Worldview, whether that pertains to American Exceptionalism, our Republic, our Constitutional Principles and our Judeo-Christian Values, our personal beliefs and opinions, the Nuclear Family, our Gender, our Race, and our Capitalist Free-Market economy, system, and policies. The fact is Democrats will not only vilify, undermine, distort, and subvert but utterly destroy anything and anyone who contradicts and rails against their Cultural Marxist doctrine and Radical Left-Wing agenda without losing a lick or wink of sleep. Indeed, ostensively justifying their grotesque attacks on Conservatives as being ordained by God and hence righteous because Republicans are reputedly, obviously, by Democrat decree, only, Evil Extremists and Hitlerite-like when, of course, nothing could be further from the truth. 

As a matter of fact, I would venture an educated guess that if we took a walk down memory lane -(you know, turned off the TV for half a millisecond and actually opened up a history book or read and analyzed the Congressional Record logs, as strange or as frighteningly challenging as that may seem in today's feel-good, dumbed down, and docile world of illiterate wokeness)- that legislation and policy positions of and which bygone Democrat Presidents, like, for example, Bill Clinton or JFK, ran on and/or endorsed, they would, by every metric and current Left-Wing standard, be considered “Far-Right."

But the question is, who are the real, ruthlessly uncompromising, intransigent, bona fide Extremists, Misfits, and Miscreants here?

1)- Are they the Democrat Party who believes men can get pregnant and deliver babies and that White babies are born inherently racist? 

2)- Are they the Democrat Party who believes there are more than two genders, that gender is subjective and fluid, and that it is you and only you, not science, not biology, and not your chromosomes, who can determine your own gender?

3)- Are they the Democrat Party who believes in mutilating the genitals and surgically altering the gender of minor children and even infants in order to pander to and satisfy the latest Woke whim?

4)- Are they the Democrat Party who believes that boys can legitimately and comparatively speaking, compete fairly -(you know head to head, neck and neck, side by side, nip and tuck, and all that equal and even feel-good psychobabble, or, moreover, lies that females and males are the same in every which and what way, when we are clearly and thank heavens, NOT)- with girls in female sports when basic anatomy and physiology since the dawn of civilization says otherwise, no matter how much Hormone Replacement Therapy they shove down their throats? 

5)- Are they the Democrat Party who believes school parents are and should be labeled and listed on an Unconstitutional Nanny-State Government Watchlist as “Domestic TERRORISTS” and hence subject to surveillance and harassment by the FBI by order of the DOJ, in this case, Merrick Garland, and also the Executive Branch of our Government, i.e., the "Presidency, in other words, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris," in violation of the Patriot Act, if they oppose CRT indoctrination, if they oppose Drag-Queen story hour in elementary school classrooms, if they oppose boys striping naked and showering in their daughters’ locker rooms, and/or if they oppose the sexualization of their children with lewd and lascivious books, content, and material that is being hammered into their vulnerable, impressionable, and emotionally immature minds by Woke, public school educators?

6)- Are they the Democrat Party who now believes we should NOT stigmatize Pedophiles by calling them what they are, Pedophiles, you know, sick, depraved deviants who prey upon children, but instead demand that we refer to them as “Minor-Attracted People?" -As if that makes sexual perversion, delinquency, and the abuse of children somehow acceptable?

7)- Are they the Democrat Party who wants to replace the idea or Constitutional Principle of “Equal Opportunity” and of “Merit” in the pursuit of the American Dream for the mediocre with, quite frankly, the increasingly dangerous "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" (DEI) Government-mandated system of Governance as instituted by Left-wing Progressive Politicians like Kamala Harris?

8)- Are they the Democrat Party who believes that infanticide -(you know, the murder of infants)- is Women’s Healthcare? Who not only supports abortion after a fetus can feel pain and a fetal heartbeat is detected but who also advocates for “Full-Term," up until the moment of birth and even in some States —(albeit exclusive to eight Democrat States, including Washington DC)— after the delivery or birth of a healthy full-term baby 


9)- Are they the Republican Party who opposes the Left-Wing lunacy of the aforementioned, who embraces our Constitutional Principles and Judeo-Christian Values, who not only believes that every life is precious but also in the “Sanctity and Right to Life" of the unborn, and who supports small Government and a Free-Market Capitalist economy?

I  believe the answer or answers to the aforementioned questions are evident to anyone with an ounce of intellectual integrity, honesty, a conscience, and an IQ larger than their shoe size.

So, the next time Kamala Harris and her cast of corrupt Communist Comrades in the Democrat Party hyperventilate whilst clutching their pearls and foaming at the mouth over what and who they deceitfully malign as "Extremists" or Extremist behavior amongst MAGA Republicans," whilst referring to them as "GARBAGE" among other slanderous names, they and the Democrat electorate ought to either:

1)- take their breathless insanity and shove it up their a**** or their badonkadonks, their derriere... you know, where the sun doesn't shine.


2)- they could take the more logical and sane approach by educating themselves, you know, by researching, reading, and reviewing the most comprehensive CONGRESSIONAL Voting Database in the country that is produced by The Institute of Legislative Analysis or (ILA), which is a hub for analyzing, recording, and generating irrefutable statistics and Congressional Voting Scorecards on and where politicians from either Party stand or vote on any given particular legislative issue and/or policy in order to determine whom amongst our Representatives are, in point of fact, the real Stalinist Soviet-Style Extremists up on Capitol Hill and in their State Legislatures.

And then, after they have done that,

3)— they should invest in a mirror, preferably one that will accommodate their relatively large heads so that they can take a long, hard look at who the actual bona fide Extremists are! 

The unvarnished truth is that Democrats have shifted so far to the Left that the only way they can even begin to remotely justify or explain away their extreme ideological positions in order to effectuate change is by tugging at the heartstrings of their electorate through not only grotesque smear campaigns and unbridled fear tactics designed to evoke anxiety and dread but through emotional and semantic manipulation by altering the meaning of words and intent behind their surreptitious policy positions and legislation.

Here’s the thing: if you are a decent, reasonable human being with a functioning moral compass and a cogent or even semi-rational mindset, do yourself a service and listen very carefully and intently to what Democrats tell you, to what they tell all of us, what they repeatedly regurgitate ad nauseam, and then make a concerted effort to read, review, and think about their Congressional Voting Scorecard or (CVS) and Legislative bills, i.e., what they have actually done in comparison to what they have actually told us, or, moreover, lied to us about, then ask questions rather than taking the lazy way out by merely glancing at the warm and fuzzy misleading “titles that never seem to, in any shape, form, or fashion, reflect the content and context of those very same legislative bills that they voted on and passed into law as recorded for historical posterity on their Congressional Voting Scorecard.

Think about what Kamala Harris and Democrats have, in actual fact, done, what they are doing, and what the real-world implications and consequences of those policies are on not only America and on the American people at large on a macroscale but, moreover, on a microscale, on your personal life and your ability to meet your responsibilities -(what with unaffordable gas prices, and skyrocketing inflation and interest rates, whilst Democrats continue to print and spend money that we don't have under the misguided notion that America can just print and spend its way out of insolvency, except economics 101 will tell you, it doesn't work that way no matter how many times Democrats tell you it does)- and very quickly, you will begin to connect the dots and come to the disturbing realization that you have been played for a fool, that you are being GASLIT, manipulated, and repeatedly lied to as America devolves into the Democrats den of Marxist Despotism. 

1)- “We are tolerant.” = We will trash and potentially even assassinate anyone who disagrees with us.

2)- “We need to protect people from big, bad, mean words, from hate speech, and from disinformation or misinformation.” = We want to Censor any and all Speech that does not align with our ideological Marxist beliefs, values, principles, and agenda.

3)- “We want to Defund the Police.” = We want to legalize crime in order to create systematic anarchy, chaos, and conflict.

5)- “We want fiscal policy to be more “balanced.” = We want MORE Government SPENDING and MORE TAXATION on the People.

6)- “We are feminists.” = We are fine with men co-opting women’s sports, stripping naked, and showering in girls' locker rooms.

7)- “America is systemically racist.” = If you disagree, you’re vile racist.

8)- Men can have babies.” = Biology is subjective.

9)- “We oppose Don't Say Gay bills.” = We will expose elementary school children to sexually explicit material and content in the classroom.

10)- “School Boards and educators know better than parents.” = They are our kids, and we will indoctrinate them. If you have a problem with that, the FBI will be more than happy to knock down your front door and explain it to you.

12)- “Gun control saves lives.” = We do not want you to defend yourself against criminals, but, moreover, we do not want you to defend yourself against a tyrannical Government; we want Absolute Power and Control over you.

13)- “We support green energy and want to shut down the greedy oil, gas, and coal industry.” = We want to bankrupt you and make living completely unaffordable in order to create a welfare state. 

The fact of the matter is that it is Democrats who want to fundamentally transform America and mold it into their ideological Cultural Marxist image, who want One-Party-Rule, and who do not want to coexist in our Constitutionally mandated Dual-Party system of Governance. They want to do away with our Constitution; they want to eliminate our unalienable Rights and Freedoms; they want to crush dissent and implement censorship by any and all means possible and necessary, regardless of the collateral damage, irrespective of the injurious or grave consequences that their actions have and ultimately will bring to bear on the American People in their endless pursuit of Absolute Power

As you head to the polls, remember, our Constitutional Republic is, by the Supreme Law of the Land, Of the People, By the People, and For the People,” and not "Of, By, and For the Government." Our elected Representatives derive their powers from the CONSENT of the Governed, i.e., from "We the People," so don’t allow Democrats to destroy our Republic and take away the “American Dream.”  YOUR DREAM —“That dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to their ability..." their achievements, and their want and desire to succeed regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position.

We have a Right to throw off any Government that becomes destructive to our end, and we can all do that, of course, PEACEFULLY & PATRIOTICALLY, that is, by getting out en masse, doing our civic duty, and VOTING EARLY or on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024 for Donald J. Trump. 

Linda Genzel Editor @WECU News.



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