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USAID Crime, Corruption, And Incompetence Exposed: A Viper's Nest Of Radical Left-Wing Progressive Marxists Who Hate America.

Writer: Linda GenzelLinda Genzel

Updated: Feb 15

Over the years, we have often heard ridiculous but true stories regarding how our Government has somehow managed to burn through billions upon billions of our hard-earned tax dollars as though there were no limit to or tomorrow on their spending, splurging with little to no regard for the American people with whom they are supposed to represent, protect, and serve. You know, me, you, and every other hardworking, law-abiding citizen who gets up every day, often pushing ourselves to the point of exhaustion in order to support our families and pay our taxes, so our Government can then turn around, forcibly take our money, and squander it on frivolous, so-called do-gooder causes, projects, programs, or policies that our elected Representatives ostensibly implement on our behalf and purportedly, for our betterment, that oddly enough, never seems to benefit us. 


Of course, all while they, with minimal IRS scrutiny and with even less public disclosure, somehow manage to get fat-cat rich, accumulating excessive wealth and influence beyond the ordinary on a Congressional salary as though they had a magical cash cow in the Well of Congress hooked up to an automatic milking machine… oh, wait there, they do; that would be us. 


Naturally, we are, more often than not, left furious, wondering how in the hell our Government has not only managed to gamble away our money as though it were nothing but chump change in a high-stakes game of fleece the taxpayer but then, on top of that, also lose it without any vestige of its prior existence. 


Billions upon billions gone in the snap of a finger, missing in an endless loop of “we pay, and they blow it into planet enigmas,” where it evaporates into oblivion without a trace, without any explanation or receipts, without anything or something to show for it. Nothing but absolute nothingness; no accountability or consequences for those siphoning and mishandling our money in pursuit of what we now know, thanks to President Trump and Elon Musk's extraordinary genius, is the Democrats' Progressive dream to dismantle our Republic, rewrite and whitewash history, and remake America into a Marxist Society. A dream that is or was up until February 3rd, 2025, being funded into fruition, ostensibly by a “do-gooder” Government charity that is located about ten dimensions south of reality in an ideological hemisphere known as the Woke World, widely recognized as Washington DC, or in political circles, as the "USAID… the United States Agency for International Development." 


No surprise, as a direct result of the Democrat's disastrous, out of control Progressive, Socialist spending policies that, over the last four years, have been destroying our economy and bankrupting Americans, and, of course, for countless other insidiously malign, not to mention Unconstitutional, America Last, weaponized reasons that have been brought to bear on, against, and to the devastating and demoralizing expense and detriment of the American people, on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024, an America First reckoning and uprising ushered in a massive landslide victory and mandate for the People’s President, Donald J. Trump so that he might, amongst other things, restore our Constitutional Republic’s Founding Principles, Values, and Sovereignty, solve and fix America’s financial woes, and fulfill his promise to


1)— No longer allow or tolerate America being used and abused as the World’s richest doormat, particularly when hardworking tax-paying Americans have spent the last four years struggling to make ends meet.




2)— No longer impulsively and injudiciously divvy up and dole out American tax dollars to Foreign Nations without any receipts, regard, benefit to, return on, or accounting of or for our investment.


Suffice it to say, upon entering Office on Monday, January 21st, 2025, President Trump, acting in the best interests of the American people, immediately issued an Executive Order directing The Department of Government Efficiency or DOGE, led by Elon Musk, to deliberately and judiciously review and audit not only all Government spending Stateside but also all U.S. Foreign Aid in a critical effort to curb, cleanup, and eliminate wasteful Government spending, fraud, and abuse in addition to reassessing and realigning how our hard-earned tax dollars are being disbursed and spent overseas through or by USAID. An agency that has become a brawling bureaucracy in charge of handling and handing out our tax dollars to the entire World, evidently unresponsive to Congressional oversight requests and at their own self-anointed authority and mythical discretion. 


As a matter of fact, and infuriatingly so, as we have all learned in recent days, that while USAID has been masquerading as the World's premier philanthropic charity, it has, in actual fact, not only been operating as a Progressive Propaganda Machine in furtherance of the Democrat Party’s Marxist agenda, but it is also, according to RFK Jr. and other whistleblowers inside the DC beltway, a well-known front for the CIA, that, unbeknownst to and at the expense of the American taxpayer to the tune of a whopping $50 billion annual budget, has not only been meddling in dozens of foreign elections for God only knows how long, but also, among other things, coercing regime change in numerous other countries around the Globe.


Bearing that maniacal, Sovietesque-ness in mind, just days after President Trump’s Inauguration, it came to his attention through Elon Musk and his new USAID leadership appointees that some Deep State bureaucrats embedded within the USAID, in seditious defiance of President Trump’s Executive Order, not only unlawfully locked down the agency’s Washington DC headquarters in an unscrupulous effort to block Elon Musk and his team from entering the building and carrying out their duty to audit its expenditures as per President Trump’s Executive Order but they also, like the little Machiavellian Left-wing Communist tyrants that they are, took several other surreptitiously malign, seditious steps to circumvent and defy the President’s EO freezing foreign aid and in so doing, flouting the mandate that Trump, a duly elected President, received from the American people. 


Needless to say, as a consequence of their insubordination and Elon Musk's initial findings that USAID was not only grossly abusing and misusing American tax dollars but also working against the best interests of our Republic and the American people, President Trump, on Monday, February 3rd, 2025, after intense discussions with Elon Musk, Secretary Rubio, and other members of his Cabinet, decided to shut the agency down.


Slamming the agency as a criminal organization, President Trump stated that USAID “Has been run by a bunch of radical lunatics,” going on to say, “We’re getting them out, and then we’ll make a decision.”


Accordingly, within hours of the agency’s closure, President Trump announced that he had appointed Secretary of State Marco Rubio as Acting Administrator of the USAID and subsequently put the agency back under the purview of the State Department in an effort to rein in, regain control of, cut off, and end the agency’s corrupt and wayward Progressive spending policies, practices, and projects.


Even at that early juncture, it had become abundantly evident to President Trump, his Administration, The Department of Government Efficiency, and the American people alike that the USAID had devolved into nothing more than a slush fund, a "Personal Progressive Piggy Bank" if you will, that has been exploited by Democrats to funnel cash and finance Left-wing projects and programs, or moreover, anti-American schemes, to, in most cases, push and promote the Democrat’s DEI Marxist Indoctrination Agenda, both Stateside and Internationally, losing billions of American taxpayer dollars annually, possibly even for decades, to partisan political corruption in violation of not only:


1)— Our National Interests. 


But also in violation of, amongst other unlawful activities;


2)— Our Constitutional Republic’s core Founding Principle of Popular Sovereignty;in that our Government was created by, of, and for the people and exists solely to represent, protect, and serve them, the people of this Nation, and not to represent, protect, and serve the ideological interests of the Democrat Party and its Progressive One-World-Order agenda to fundamentally transform America into a borderless Nation populated with Global denizens as its citizenry. 


It seems the bureaucrats who have been deeply embedded within the USAID for years, potentially even decades, were under the arrogant, misguided notion that the agency was a separate entity that operated independently of the Executive Branch of our Federal Government and our Nation’s National Interests, bestowed with unfettered discretion to do as they wish and will with the American people’s tax dollars, funding programs, and projects irrespective of whether or not they align with or run contrary to American Foreign Policy and our Republic’s Fundamental Founding Principles and Values.


Marco Rubio stated, “If you go mission after mission and embassy after embassy around the World, you will find that in many cases, USAID is involved in programs that run counter to what we’re trying to do in our national strategy with that country or that region.” Going on to say, “That cannot continue…” Telling reporters that “USAID is not an independent non-governmental entity. It is an entity that spends taxpayer dollars, and it needs to spend it as the statute says in alignment with the policy directives that they get from the Secretary of State, the National Security Council, and the President” of the United States… 


In other words, affirming, as the USAID’s statute established at the agency’s inception, that the agency is, in fact, under the authority and control of the Executive Branch of our Government, i.e., President Trump as the Chief Executive Officer of the Executive Branch, contrary to, and despite, and in spite of what Congressman Jamie Raskin and other Constitution-America-hating members of the Democrat Party have been propagating. 


Needless to say, upon assuming his position as Acting Administrator of the USAID and in compliance with President Trump’s Executive Order, Secretary Rubio immediately got to work by:


1)— Notifying Congress that he was implementing a review of the USAID’s foreign assistance activities.




2)— Implementing a ninety-day pause on all foreign assistance that was being funded by or through our State Department and the USAID.


Obviously, Secretary Marco Rubio’s pause was implemented to give Elon Musk and DOGE time to audit all of the USAID’s financial records in order to review precisely where our Federal Government has been spending, or moreover, wasting our money, to find out exactly what programs it has been funding, and to determine what policies it has pursued and whether or not those expenditures, programs, and policies respectively, were or are justified and/or in alignment with U.S. Foreign Policy, our National Interests, and our Republic’s America First Agenda with, as Secretary Rubio stated, the answer to  Three simple questions:


1)— “Does it make America safer?”

2)— “Does it make America stronger?”


3)— “Does it make America more prosperous?”


Unfortunately, as we have all witnessed in recent days, the answer to those three simple questions is a resounding NO, what with the agency’s cache of outrageously INSANE expenditures on programs and initiatives like, for example:


-$1.2 billion in awards for unnamed recipients.

-$7.9 million to teach Sri Lankan journalists how to avoid binary gendered language.

-$47,000 for a transgender opera in Colombia.

-$10 million in USAID-funded meals on wheels for Al-Qaeda terrorists fighting in Syria. 

-$5.5 million for LGBT activism in Uganda.

-$32 million in funding for the Left-wing propaganda rag Politico in the U.S.

-$268 million in funding to train and support over 6,200 Left-wing Journalists.

-$34 million in funding to the Tides Center,” a George Soros organization that funded BLM and Antifa riots. 

-$170 million in funding for other Left-wing backed Soros groups or organizations that, to the tune of $50 million, funded the elections of 75 Democrat prosecutors who subsequently targeted President Trump for political persecution and prosecution.


And the list goes on and on and on…


All absurd programs and initiatives that make it abundantly clear to all of us with functioning brains that, in the six decades since USAID was established, our Government has strayed far afield from the agency’s original mission, which was fighting poverty, undercutting Soviet propaganda, and spreading American ideals in order to responsibly promote, facilitate, and advance American interests around the World.


Without question, USAID has transformed from an agency that, in actual fact, did good to becoming nothing more than a well-funded Progressive apparatus or operation that has been industriously spreading political propaganda, sabotaging the United States, and undermining the Pillars of Western Civilization in order to advance and promote the Democrat Party’s Radical Marxist ONE-World-Order agenda across the Globe and within the United States itself. 


Indeed, for God only knows how long now, taxpayer money has been siphoned and shoveled into the USAID under the veil of charity. Then from there into an NGO, then another NGO, and possibly another and another, and who knows where else until it finally finds its way into the piggy bank accounts of Left-wing groups or organizations, such as, for example, the Tides Foundation and the “Tides Center,” both George Soros organizations, that have been fomenting hate, racial division, and antisemitism around the Globe and in the United States whilst funding deviant terroristic like activities such as, for example, the deadly Democrat incited Antifa/BLM “Summer of Love” riots in 2020, to the tune of $27 million, all 574 of them, that resulted in the murder of 34 innocent civilians, including police officers, in addition to thousands of vicious assaults as cities across America were trashed, looted, and burned to the ground by a cult of Left-wing thugs.


Without question, USAID is, or moreover, was “a viper’s nest of Radical-Left Marxists who hate America.” It went from exporting American exceptionalism and ideals to exporting and importing Marxism, terrorism, and all sorts of deviancy, but thanks to President Trump’s patriotic fighting spirit and leadership and Elon Musk’s exceptional problem-solving aptitude, we can all see that now.


Although listening to Democrats rant, rave, and rail against President Trump’s Government audit of USAID’s funding practices, you would not only think that saving the American taxpayer money was some sort of egregious, god-awful dastardly deed, but you would also swear that the agency was a benevolent, life-saving charity, and while yes, at one point in time, in the very distant past, it was that, and may, in some small measure, still do some good; however, today, the tragic reality is, as evidenced by DOGE’s recent revelations, the agency as a whole, is anything but a benevolent charity; it’s a Left-wing slush fund.

Indeed, when some of the most despicable, maniacally corrupt politicians in Washington DC, like for example, Jamie Ratskin Raskin, Senator Cory Spartacus Booker, Mad Maxine Waters, Chief Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren, and Ilhan, “Some people did something,” Omar, amongst others, become audibly and visibly viscerally angry, pounding the pavement, beating their chests, cursing, and spewing pure venom, and generally at the point of no return where they are quite literally foaming at the mouth and losing their ever-hating unhinged minds on national TV over a Government audit, telling their serfs to fight and take to the streets, that is a really really good indicator that Republicans are over a pretty massive target that the Democrats do not want the American people to see… very telling, indeed.


But all it is is noise, the last screams of a dying Regime as “We the People” people take our country back, our Republic that was created By, Of, and For the People.


The truth is when all is said and done, when this audit is complete, and the dust settles after all the Democrats crimes, corruption, and incompetence have been brought to light and fully exposed, you will likely find that some of the most reputable, pious-sounding politicians in DC, currently in the throes of uncontrollable hysterics, opposing the audit, and claiming that USAID saves lives, are, in point of fact, the very people who are deeply involved in this, the biggest political fraud ever perpetrated on and against the American people… 


And so, in my educated opinion, I believe that going forward: 


1)— President Trump, Elon Musk, Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent, Attorney General Pam Bondi, and FBI Director Kash Patel should follow the money and then prosecute every last Progressive politician, including RINOs, activist judges and prosecutors, and Left-wing Deep State bureaucrats like, for example, Samantha Power who have been abusing power and misusing our tax dollars by exploiting USAID funding under the guise of an International Charity when it was little more than a regime toppling slush fund that the Democrat Party has used to finance Global and Domestic upheaval; to run fear-mongering propaganda campaigns in order to foment hate and provoke violence in the streets in order to divide and conquer, to in effect affect the outcome of elections—they need to go to jail, all of them; it is just that simple.




2)— President Trump and Republicans should challenge the Constitutionality, the very existence of USAID, on the grounds that there is not one single power etched in the Constitution, contrary to Jamie Raskin’s claims, giving Congress, in this case, the Democrat Party "Stand-Alone" authority and/or control over an Executive Branch Agency, in this case, USAID, to seize taxpayer dollars and give it to foreign countries or entities unless there is a TREATY, as stated in Article II, Section 2, Clause 2: of the Constitution—(Treaty-Making Power Clause), “He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur…”


If you look at and read Article I Section 8 of the Constitution—(Enumerated Powers), you will see that there are "18 Enumerated Powers" detailing precisely what the Legislative Branch of Government is legally permitted to spend our tax dollars on. For example, the Constitution gives Congress the power “To Establish Post Offices and Post Roads.” No matter how or what you feel about the Post Office, it is there; the Constitution calls for the creation of a Post Office; however, the Constitution does NOT, under Article I’s 18 Enumerated Powers, grant Congress the stand-alone power to “Establish Foreign Aid” through an Executive Branch Agency, unless there is, under the President’s purview or authority, an Article II, S2, C2, agreement with consent of the Senate and a Treaty. 


I dare Representative Jamie Raskin or any Democrat to identify any part of the Constitution that gives Congress the unchecked "Stand-Alone" Power and Authority to take our tax dollars and appropriate them as foreign aid without the Senate and a TREATY which falls under the President’s jurisdiction or powers. 


Linda Genzel Editor @WECU News. 




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