1/5 of mail-in voters admitted they cast votes illegally
The fear that swept through America in 2020 was undeniable. With the looming threat of a virus boasting a 2% mortality rate, many individuals hesitated to step outside for even the most routine tasks, opting instead to prioritize safety over personal freedoms. As the government enacted widespread closures of schools, churches, and businesses in response to the pandemic, few could have anticipated the subsequent introduction of new voting requirements. These measures, seen by some as a response to the crisis, have sparked concerns that they could or have fundamentally altered the American landscape, potentially steering the nation away from prosperity and towards the grip of autocratic rule.

Despite media assertions, the 2020 election was touted as the most secure in American history. However, skepticism was swiftly met with censorship on social media platforms, with dissenters facing criticism and even legal repercussions for simply questioning the validity of the election. Nevertheless, research conducted by The Heartland Institute revealed a stark contrast to the media narrative. Through interviews, it was discovered that nearly 20% of respondents who acknowledged participating in mail-in voting admitted to engaging in some form of voter fraud.
Mail-In Voting Created Problems
In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, numerous states made significant modifications to their voting procedures. However, in many instances, these changes were implemented hastily, without careful consideration of their potential negative impacts, and without the approval of the elected representatives in state legislatures.
To see the number of states and the changes they implemented Ballotopia lists Changes to election dates, procedures, and administration in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, 2020
In fact, 2020 was the year when more mail-in ballots had been cast in the history of voting, where 43% of voters cast their vote by mail-in ballot. In a pioneering survey undertaken by The Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports during November and December 2023, an attempt was made to evaluate the level of potentially fraudulent voting. The results were striking, unveiling a number of significant discoveries:
21% of mail-in voters admitted that in 2020 they voted in a state where they are “no longer a permanent resident.”
21% of mail-in voters admitted that they filled out a ballot for a friend or family member
17% of mail-in voters said they signed a ballot for a friend or family member “with or without his or her permission.”
19% of mail-in voters said that a friend or family member filled out their ballot, in part or in full, on their behalf.
States distributed tens of millions of ballots to their residents using voter registration rolls known for their inaccuracy. Many states opted to send ballots to all registered voters, regardless of whether they had requested an absentee ballot or provided a valid reason for being unable to vote in person.
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
CISA was aware that mail-in and absentee voting were less secure compared to in-person, verified voting, echoing concerns raised by former President Trump and others regarding increased fraud. CISA shared these apprehensions with mainstream media outlets during an unclassified "media tour" the Friday preceding the 2020 election. However, the mainstream media, despite dismissing the notion that "vote by mail" was less secure than in-person voting, concealed this information.
The America First Legal Foundation filed a lawsuit against CISA and uncovered that despite CISA's awareness of the potential for fraud in mail-in voting, they aligned themselves with the viewpoints expressed by media outlets. Despite being aware of the risks associated with mail-in voting, the challenges of absentee voting, and the negligible risks of in-person voting, CISA continued to endorse the unprecedented voting policy changes implemented across states in 2020.
October of 2020, CISA created a chart specifying six significant fraud risks presented by mail-in voting.
Numerous questionable outcomes arose during the 2020 election, yet the media chose to ignore them. Instead, they positioned themselves as the arbiters of Truth, Justice, and the American way, censoring anyone who dared to question the election. Furthermore, they leveraged government power to censor dissenters, indict election deniers, and pressured social media platforms to remove any content that contradicted their narrative.
We invite comments on our article, particularly if there are any inaccuracies in our research. While we have addressed key issues in this article, it's important to note that The Heartland Institute and America First Legal Foundation have compiled more comprehensive reports on the topic. For a more detailed list of misinformation propagated by the media, we recommend referring to these sources.
Given the revelations, it's understandable that Americans may feel a deep-seated unease about trusting our institutions to safeguard the very foundation of our society. The public's fervent belief in the sanctity of our democratic processes, ensuring every voice is heard and every vote counts, lies at the heart of our democracy. Yet, in light of the widespread instances of fraud that have come to light, it's no wonder that trust in our government's ability to protect these fundamental rights has been shaken. Without robust safeguards at polling places, the specter of fraud looms large, casting doubt on the legitimacy of our elections and eroding the bedrock of our democracy. It's imperative that our institutions take swift and decisive action to restore faith in our electoral system, instilling confidence that every vote truly matters and that the will of the people will be upheld without compromise. Only then can we begin to rebuild the shattered trust and ensure that the voices of all Americans are heard loud and clear in the democratic process.
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