During the merry-go-round season of Covid, Covid variants, lockdowns, reemerging lockdowns, vaccines, modified vaccines, ineffective vaccines, boosters on top of boosters, masks, school closures, and 6-foot, 3-foot, 6-foot, no-foot social distancing mandates, that ostensively precipitated an epoch of mass, unchecked mail-in ballots, that consequently resulted in Democrats squeaking out a paltry, 30,000 marginal victory in 2020 in what was not only a highly contentious and hotly contested General Election but for all intents and electioneering purposes, one that was fraught with not just strong implications but, moreover, with countless “meat on the bones” documented cases of voter fraud, that the courts, eager to quell public unrest and get rid of the political outsider and upstart, not to mention Deep-State menace that is President Trump, simply dismissed off-hand.

Indeed, Judges, for the sake of silence and some might even argue, at the behest of the Political Establishment Ruling-Class, —(particularly in light of the overtly egregious weaponization of our Judiciary that we have all witnessed in recent years)— on the basis or, moreover, using the “excuse” of “standing,” not only outright shirked their Constitutional Duties by smugly DECLINING to cast even as much as a fleeting glance at, let alone summarily examine, far less microscopically scrutinize any and all evidence of voter fraud, which, of course, as wards of the court, is what they ought to have and were obliged to do with a mammoth degree of judicial professionalism, fairness, and integrity; after all, it was and is only the heart, soul, and viability of our Republic, “If we can keep it,” that is on the line here.

Suffice it to say, our Judicary's delinquency and failure to adequately address, analyze, and adjudicate the compendium of hard evidence set forth before them not only undermined and dampened the electorate's faith in our electoral process, not to mention the Judiciary itself but it also left the American people reeling and swirling with more questions about the validity of the 2020 General Election results, and hence the width, breadth, and depth of corruption within our system of Governance, and thereby underscoring or calling much needed public attention to the actual strength, or, moreover, in this case, weakness of our Republic, than it, in actual fact, gave us satisfactory or sufficient answers to.
Needless to say, or at least, in my educated, extensively researched, clear-eyed, and bushy-tailed objective opinion, —(not only undeterred by going beyond the red line limitations set forth by our Founding Fathers in the United States Constitution, you know, the Supreme “Law” of the Land, but, in point of fact, emboldened by a passive Judiciary)— the ensuing four years, effective January 20th, 2021 at noon to date, saw Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democrats alike, with their ever so slight majorities and Partisan Party-Line votes in both The House and The Senate, not only march in lockstep, shoulder to shoulder, but equipped, outfitted, and armed with an arsenal of divisive Soviet-era schemes, dirty tricks, and propaganda at their disposal that they utilized as weapons and tools to balkanize, or in modern terms, “divide and conquer” the electorate in their battle to prevent "We the People," you know, their “menial serfs and subordinates” from not only uniting in opposition against them, but also against the existing power structure, and their quest to reduce our Constitutional Republic to rubble and ashes in their Unconstitutional pursuit of "One-Party-Rule."

Indeed, with their playbook or, rather proverbial bible, the "Tenets of Communism" clasped in one hand and Barack Obama's ideological dream to fundamentally transform America clenched firmly in the other hand, Democrats forged ahead, and under the auspices of "The Emergency Powers Act," they exploited the hysteria surrounding the pandemic to, in effect and by proxy, render our Constitution moot, effectively jolting us back in time to the Pre-Revolutionary War days of Colonialism and King George the lll, conferring upon Joe Biden, the Powers of a Dictator with the unbridled authority to remold our economy, redefine our country’s Founding Principles, rewrite or whitewash history, weaponize our Justice Department and our Judicial Branch of Government against his political opponents, and censor Free Speech in order to stomp out dissent, in an effort to quite literally mandate and control every aspect of our lives from the cradle to the grave.
And Democrats call Trump a Fascist; seriously, have they ever heard of a dictionary or opened up a history book, or is it that they are just plain evil?
At any rate, be that as it may, with suspicions abounding and with such a nanoscopic and credibly questionable victory in 2020, one would have imagined, or, at least, if critical and objective thinking, logic, and reasoning had not been replaced by sophomoric, self-righteous subjectivism on the Left side of the political divide, that, at the very least, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would have made a concerted effort to govern with some degree of circumspection and modesty.
However, as we all know, that was not the case.
And why?
Well, unfortunately, not only driven but, in many or most cases, at least as far as the Democrat Party is concerned, utterly bewitched and spellbound by the primal allure of Absolute Power —(with which comes tremendous deep-pocket political privileges and clout)— whilst feeling invigorated and motivated by the excitement of or under the auspices of “We Won“ and Republicans “Lost…” Nah Nah Nah Poo Poo, Democrats, obviously, committed to reversing the central tenets of Federalism and our “Of the People, By the People, and For the People” Constitutional System of Self-Governance, rushed in, headlong, eager, and determined to enact and impose their Radical, Cultural Marxist agenda on the people.
And whilst they essentially ignored the will of the people by, in effect, blindly and mindlessly dismissing what their pint-sized victory actually meant, as they, no surprise, “Placing Power and Party above People,” exploited the Office of the Presidency, made a complete and utter sweeping mockery of our legislative process, and swung open our Southern Border to not only millions of economic migrants, but to the worlds worst of the worst, to countless tyrants, terrorists, crooks, and criminals from every Country, Continent, crevice, and corner of the Universe for, of course, their electioneering electoral benefit, and as such, the Democrats, plunged our Nation into what can only be described as the darkest chapter in American History.

Indeed, with not only one manufactured, blatantly deliberate, not to mention irreverently needless and cruel —(and in many cases, irrevocably dangerous and deadly)— crisis after another, but also with the malicious persecution, and politically motivated prosecutions, and imprisonment of their political opponents, Democrats spent the last four years governing by every Machiavellian, method, measure, and metric, with an ideological iron fist, as America, the once "Shining City on a Hill," became increasingly more difficult to recognize with each day that passed under the Biden-Harris “Big Government" Nanny-State Administration."
However, as a direct consequence of not only the Democrats' malign but gratuitously Unconstitutional behavior over the past almost four years, millions of struggling and suffering Americans, disillusioned with the state of our Union and feeling not only broke, broken, fed up, and forgotten by their Elected Representatives, desperate for an end to the tyranny of Left-Wing Lawfare and lawlessness sweeping the streets of our Nation, but longing for a return to some semblance of normalcy, of safety, and security with our Constitutional Rights, Principles, and Values restored and respected once more, came together, on November 5th, 2024, to make their voices heard, in what was:

1)— The single greatest comeback in political history and, to boot, the largest middle finger ever flipped to a bunch of smug elitists who think the rest of us are garbage.
2)— A repudiation of the Democrat Party’s march toward Marxism in what was ostensibly Barrack Obama’s third term with an eye on his 4th with Harris as his surrogate.
3)— Our last best hope for salvation, by delivering President Trump not only a resounding 312 Electoral Vote count landslide VICTORY but a Popular Vote mandate in the millions —(a feat that no other Republican Presidential Candidate had accomplished in 20 years)— whilst sweeping all seven Battleground States, flipping the Senate, and handing the Republican Party control of both Chambers of Congress.
Indeed, by night’s end, it was evident that President Trump, in defiance of the cascading cacophony of unrelenting and egregiously vicious attacks and attempts to not only persecute, prosecute, imprison, bankrupt, and utterly destroy him but to ultimately kill him, to “MURDER” and erase him in at least two, if not three assassination attempts on his life, had clearly persevered in the face of evil, surviving the unthinkable, overcoming unimaginable obstacles, and making the impossible possible, as he stunned the world once more by not only WINNING in what was nothing short of a momentous landslide VICTORY but a story of redemption and complete and utter vindication as he united Americans from all walks of life and from across the political divide.

Without question and with resolute, uncompromising conviction, on Election night, 2024, Americans of every race, color, creed, gender, and generation came together to send a loud, resounding, and unambiguous message to Deep State Establishment Democrats and RINOS alike that they had had enough, that the hour had struck and it was now high time to permanently dismantle Obama’s coalition of "America Last Marxist Democrats," to wake from the hellish nightmare that is “Wokism,” and to terminate the divisive and pervasive rot of identity politics that has been plaguing and poisoning America and the minds of Americans, particularly our youth, for far too long, as it erodes our Constitutional Founding Principles and Conservative policies, and polutes our Christian-Judeo Values.
Inarguably, the American people decided that the time had come to give rise to and bring back President Trump’s coalition of “America First Patriots” and implement his agenda without fear, favor, or compromise:
1)— To pass massive tax cuts.
2)— To reduce inflation, interest, and Mortgage rates.
3)— To drill, baby drill.
4)— To bring back American manufacturing and jobs to our shores.
5)— To secure our borders.
6)— To deport illegal aliens.
7)— To ensure that the Safety, Security, and Sovereignty of America, the American people, and our Southern Border take priority and precedence over illegal aliens, foreign borders, and geopolitics, including global conflicts, and so much more.
8)— To put an end to endless foreign wars, stop the bloodshed, and put the Military-Industrial-Complex out of business.
9)— To prosecute crimes and stop victimizing criminals and criminalizing victims.
10)— To enact school choice with education and not CRT indoctrination.
11)— To criminalize woke Progressive professors, educators, and public school board officials twisted and sick symbiotic measures and efforts through their shared ideological goals, policies, and programs to not only homogenize pedophilia but legitimize, facilitate, and/or personally groom emotionally vulnerable children with the use of lewd and lascivious literature in Kindergarten through 3rd grade.
12)— To expel transgender women, or, moreover, men from women’s restrooms, locker rooms, sports, and every other female activity and organization that has come to be since the Republican Party —(with intense opposition from the Democrat Party)— rallied for, and ratified of the 19th Amendment, "Women's Right to Vote" in 1920.
13)— To ban the highly discriminatory, not to mention dangerous, and even deadly Democrat DEI mandates.
14)— To end Big Tech’s Unconstitutional censorship of Conservatives.
And last but certainly not least on this list and amongst a plethora of other issues, measures, policies, and programs:
15)— To drain the swamp by “doing unto the Establishment Deep State Democrats” and RINOS as they have done unto Trump and unto the American people.
Yes, payback is a bitch, but it is, in some circumstances, periodically essential… as they say: “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”
The fact is, Democrats have spent the better part of a decade overtly fear-mongering, mocking, and insulting us.

They vilified Trump, called him Hitler, a racist, a fascist, a misogynist, and every ist and ism they could conjure up.
They called us, his supporters, irredeemable pieces of garbage.
If you were a Black Conservative, they called you an Uncle Tom and a token of the white man.
They debased us; they called us deplorable, stupid, unintelligent Neanderthals.
They manufactured hoaxes, then impeached, prosecuted, and attempted to imprison Trump; when that didn’t go as planned, they sought to remove him from the ballot, and when that failed, they tried to kill him.
They set our economy on fire and sent American manufacturing and jobs overseas.
They destroyed our Sovereignty by opening our borders and putting illegals above citizens.
They Mandated DEI.
They colluded with Big Tech to shadow ban, shut down, and censor Free Speech, then weaponized our Judiciary to prosecute and imprison their political opponents and public dissenters.
They labeled school parents Domestic Terrorists as they normalized pedophilia, then groomed and sexualized our children with transgenderism, Drag Queen Story Hour, and genital mutilation.
They eliminated public school choice in favor of CRT and indoctrination.
They started wars, left Americans behind in enemy territory, and then abandoned Israel.
And yet, after all of the aforementioned and then some, Democrats still struggle to understand the obvious, wondering and questioning “Where they could have possibly gone wrong… how it could be that they lost and Trump won, or why anyone would ever vote for him?…” You know, the big bad Orange man, the tyrant and threat to Democracy who unapologetically put America and the American people FIRST and FOREMOST.
The Democrat's lack of introspection and soul searching, their inability to find fault within themselves, and their failure to understand how or why we would or could support Trump and put our personal interests above the ideological interests of their Party is stunningly bemusing and confounding to me given the divisive degree of political hatred, intolerance, rot, rage, and anger they have subjected us to since Trump came down the Golden Escalator.
Unlike Democrats:
Trump won because we know he will improve our lives and bring back The American Dream.
Trump won because he has and will Fight and take a Bullet for US, the American People and our Republic; HE CARES.

Trump won because he understands that America is not about a Place, a Party, or Power, but moreover, about a “FEELING IN OUR HEARTS,” where people, regardless of race, color, or creed respect each other despite and in spite of their differences, and where people understand that irrespective of our storied and sometimes painful history from our fight for Independence from British Colonial oppressors in the Revolutionary War to slavery, the Civil War, and Women’s Rights, to fighting Hitler in World War ll, to plagues, epidemics, pandemics, and 9/11, and so much more; you see, Trump understands that there’s good, there’s bad, there’s really bad, but then there is also really really good too; he understands that we, as a young Nation, have come a long way, that we are trying every day, trying to be better and to do better, not perfect, but perfectly imperfect, striving for perfection and the better good in an imperfect world.
Linda Genzel Editor WECU News