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Trump: Providence & The People's Designated Survivor!

Writer's picture: Linda GenzelLinda Genzel

Updated: Jul 22, 2024

It’s not merely that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely but moreover it is that power attracts the corruptible and after eight years of one failed witch-hunt, after another failed hoax, after countless failed attempts to batter, bruise, break, bankrupt, persecute, prosecute, and imprison President Trump on bogus convoluted charges, the vast majority of Americans, if not the entire global population, are plugged in and astutely aware that Democrats and anyone who enters the Democrat fray are not only innately corruptible but will stop at absolutely nothing to eliminate the Deep-State-Establishment threat that is Donald J. Trump, and as we all now know, the very least of which is violate any right or law, propagate any lie, perpetrate any crime, fabricate and falsify evidence, and gaslight, manipulate, and mar any person because reason, rules, and our Republic matter not one bit to immoral venal Democrat politicians whose only goal in life is to establish unopposed, unchallengeable Absolute Power.

Frankly, if one ungodly truth is manifestly obvious at this dark, demonstrably insidious partisan political juncture in our history, it is that the abysmal, diabolical depths to which the Democrats are willing to sink in order to hold onto the levers of power are not only borderline psychotic and psychopathic but, in fact, they are profoundly psychotic and psychopathic in nature. 

As a matter of fact, at no other time in recent memory has that naked, irreverent, fiendish reality been any truer or been made more breathtakingly evident than it was on Saturday, July 13th, 2024, when the culmination of almost a decade of overtly dividing our Nation by cultivating an atmosphere of hate and fear through the evocation of divisive fallacies against President Trump, came to a vicious head at a Make America Great Again Rally in Butler Pennsylvania, when a would-be assassin, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, who, after being unwittingly indoctrinated and thereby forcibly propagandized into believing Left-wing lies that have not only been playing on an endless loop across our airwaves but circulating in his head for half of his impressionable life, came within millimeters of killing President Trump.

Indeed, a wicked act that will not only go down in history as one of the darkest days in America but one that struck those of us with a conscience and a soul in inexplicable ways, as Trump, after being hit by a bullet to the side of the head, dropped to the ground, whilst two other rally-goers, James Copenhaver and David Dutch, were critically injured and another, 50-year-old Retired fire chief, Corey Comperatore was murdered shielding his family as gunfire erupted and bullets rained down on them. 

Shockingly, in defiance of and undeterred by the presence of law enforcement, Thomas Matthew Crooks somehow managed to slip past the U.S. Secret Service, climb onto a low-lying open rooftop, and take up a firing position in the direct, unobstructed line of sight of President Trump, irrespective of the fact that law enforcement, around 3 pm that afternoon, had taken and circulated his photograph amongst officers and Secret Service agents, not only identifying him as a person of interest but doing so HOURS BEFORE Trump took the stage. 

In fact, as the dust settles, more disturbing details are emerging regarding the catastrophic security breach and failure to adequately protect President Trump, to guard and secure the perimeter, and to prevent a would-be assassin -who, by the way, was so noticeable that even rally goers were pointing him out to law enforcement in real-time- from getting within firing range of Trump.

As a matter of fact, we have since learned that among a plethora of other irresponsible, ignominious security failures, the Secret Service not only skipped a police briefing before the event, but they also knew that Crooks had arrived at the rally with a range finder scope, and yet, knowing that, they not only allowed Crooks to roam freely amongst rally-goers but, even more alarming, they still ALLOWED Trump to take the stage

Indeed, as the saying goes, something is rotten in the state of Denmark, or in this case, the state of our Secret Service

Inarguably, when for no other reason other than a self-serving willingness to do, say, and risk anything to stay in power, to consciously concoct, push, and propagate bogus narratives against your political opponents, manufacturing outrage and inciting violence regardless of the collateral damage and oftentimes grave consequences, deliberately putting the fear of God into the minds of people, particularly our youth, those who, like Thomas Matthew Crooks, are most susceptible to outside influences, brainwashing him and others into believing the ludicrous fallacy that Trump is going to turn America into 1940s Nazi Germany and destroy everyone and everything that they hold near and dear, it should come as no great surprise that something as extreme, as wicked, and as heinous as murder, as assassination, or in this case, only by some miracle and the grace of God, FAILED attempted assassination, would transpire. 

It was simply a matter of time, not if, but rather when, whether, with the exploitation of a gullible, unwitting scapegoat, premeditated and set in motion by those in the upper echelons of our Government, or whether by a lone lunatic who was simply provoked by the incendiary rhetoric coming from the witting Left-wing media, of course, on behalf of those in the upper echelons of our Government, you know, the Establishment Deep-State. 

Over the past decade, in and from no other place has the willingness to manufacture outrage, propagate bogus narratives, and incite violence and riots been more overtly prevalent and pervasive than it has been coming from and among a plethora of so-called journalists, anchors, and media pundits tethered to Progressive politicians and Left-wing networks and shows such as MSNBC’s Morning Joe with Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, ABC’s The ReidOut with Joy Reid, the unladylike men-hating women of The View, and This Week with George Stephanopoulos and his co-host Martha Raddatz, to name but a few, who spent days following the near-death assassination attempt on President Trump’s life, propagating their predictable time-honored and tested falsehoods, lying by omission, deflecting culpability, and vilifying and projecting blame onto President Trump, you know, the actual victim, in addition to his supporters and Conservative Media outlets. 

Indeed, in the spirit of deflection and projection, claiming that it was the Republican's harsh rhetoric that was responsible for provoking Thomas Matthew Crooks to do what he did when, in actuality, it was and always has been the Left-wing media’s hate-filled inciteful, violent rhetoric and behavior on behalf of career politicians like, for example, Joe Biden, Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Congressional Democrats at large who poisoned Crooks’s mind with their lies, fueling his demented murderous psychosis and thereby provoking his treacherous assassination attempt on President Trump.

Case in point, on Sunday, July 14th, in a deliberate effort to shift culpability for her role in creating the pervasive climate of hate and fear across our country that not only poisoned the mind of Thomas Matthew Crooks and millions of other unsuspecting Americans but that also directly led to and was categorically responsible for the assassination attempt on Trump’s life, Martha Raddatz not only deliberately lied by omission when she recited a spliced, selective portion of a speech that President Trump had given back in March 2024 but she also removed the context of that speech in its entirety in order to manipulate and gaslight her viewers into believing that he had called for violence in the form of a bloodbath, when, of course, the speech and Trump’s words and intentions were anything and everything but a call to violence, much less a bloodbath. 

Seriously, who needs sophisticated digital resources such as AI to reframe information and alter images to make it appear as though someone had said something, done something, or been somewhere that they, in fact, hadn’t when you have people like Martha Raddatz? 

The fact of the matter is, if you look at or rather LISTEN to President Trump’s speech, once again, as in its “context,” the topic or subject at hand, as difficult as that may be for some or, moreover, those chronically plagued with Trump Derangement Syndrome, you would quickly realize that when President Trump said,” Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the country…” he was not calling for an actual bloodbath, much less any form of physical violence, but rather, he was, in point of fact, speaking in the figurative sense, in terms of an “automotive bloodbath” in the car manufacturing industry, in terms of JOB LOSSES and FACTORY CLOSURES if Chinese Electric Vehicles were allowed into our country.

But of course, Democrats and so-called journalists and news anchors like Martha Raddatz, who are supposed to know better, well, they never consider the grave consequences of propagating erroneous information, of deliberately broadcasting misinformation and malinformation, of manipulating and misreporting the facts, and why? Well, simply put, because they do NOT care… they have a Left-wing political agenda to sure up and bring to fruition, and so in furtherance of that end goal, they will distort dialogue and discourse, whether written or spoken, cobble together talking points and soundbites, and push out bogus twisted narratives on behalf of their partisan political colleagues in crime in the Democrat Party irrespective of who gets hurt, marred, maimed, or now even murdered because of their shameful lies. 

Quite frankly, in my humble, principled common sense opinion, it is the media, so-called journalists, whether anchored, independent, amateur, investigative, opinion, news, bloggers, or otherwise, whether on broadcast TV or radio, or whether in print or on social media platforms, who are indicting themselves when they twist and distort objective facts to fit their convoluted subjective opinions and politically motivated narratives on behalf of partisan politicians rather than the people and the media’s spurious version of the phrase “bloodbath is a prime example of that. 

By way of illustration, precisely like everything else the media manipulates, lies about, and picks apart every single time Trump sneezes, coughs, scratches an itch, utters a word, or expounds on any given topic, Martha Raddatz and her colleagues, by all insidious intents and purposes, ran with her lie by omission, using the word “bloodbath” in the context of physical violence, NOT Trump, but they did, not only before but also during and after the fact, after the attempted assassination of President Trump, and by doing so, they are not only telling the American People that they have NOT learned a lesson, much less a damn thing but that they also don’t give a rats ass either. 

And so you see, in the wake of Saturday’s attempted assassination, particularly in light of the media’s continued divisive rhetoric, I would venture to guess that it is reasonably safe to assume that even amidst all of the ensuing tumult and public outrage, there will be absolutely NO introspection among partisan political Democrats and Left-wing media elites alike because it is evident to anyone with a functioning brain and a modicum of integrity, that they are not interested in learning; they are only interested in controlling the masses by contorting and controlling the message no matter who gets hurt or killed in their pursuit of Absolute Power.  

Indeed, rather than show even just an ounce of journalistic integrity and remorse by issuing a mea culpa for their despicable rhetoric and behavior over the last decade that led to Saturday's events, the media, like the predictable gaslighting narcissists that they are, have instead chosen to vilify the victim, President Trump… not only the victim of an assassination attempt but also a victim of the Left’s continued insidious LIES and propaganda! 

However, no matter how many lies or ways the media attempts to spin the truth, the evidence proves beyond any reasonable doubt that Democrats are more prone to political violence and riots than Republicans are. Apart from, of course, J6, a one-off exception to the rule riot, that Republicans have been chastened by, whether rightly or wrongly so, but be that as it may, the fact remains that you do not see Republicans inciting or engaging in violence at Trump rallies or anywhere else for that matter; you do not see Republicans loot, destroy, and burn cities to the ground around them and across America but you do see Democrats do all of the above, as evidenced by the inferno of BLM riots during the summer of 2020; all 574 of them, incited and funded by the Democrat Party!

Indeed, Progressive politicians and their Left-wing bootlickers in the media have not only been inciting violent riots, but they have also been funding and encouraging their followers, viewers, and Constitutionally illiterate constituents to engage in all sorts of violent acts for the better part of a decade now; they have been threatening harm to President Trump, his constituents, and Republican politicians on the air, in the streets, across college campuses, or throughout the halls of Congress. 

Indeed, whether it be the President of the United States, Joe Biden, declaring that “it is time to put Trump in a bullseye,” or former Speaker of the House and current Democrat Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, calling for Americans to take to the streets, or whether it be Democrat Congresswomen Maxine Waters calling on her constituents to surround Republicans, to get up in their faces, and to push back on them, or whether it be Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer’s despicable verbal assault on our Conservative Supreme Court Justices, which led to the attempted murder of Justice Bret Kavanaugh at the hands of a crazed would-be Democrat assassin, or whether it be Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren threatening to take out Trump, or Democrat Senator Cory Booker threatening to and calling for his constituents to punch President Trump and Republican Congresspeople in the face, or whether it be a fanatical Bernie Sanders acolyte shooting up a baseball field full of Congressional Republicans, not only wounding several but also bringing Republican Congressman Steve Scalise to the brink of death, and the list goes on and on and on. 

Republicans aren’t violent! We don’t attempt to, let alone contemplate assassinating United States Presidents, Supreme Court Justices, or anyone else for that matter! We don’t firebomb pro-life clinics! We don’t firebomb opposition campaign headquarters! We don’t set fire to churches, federal buildings, or police stations, much less with officers inside! We don’t shoot up baseball fields or supermarkets! We don’t assault police officers! We don’t push people in front of trains. We don’t hand out crack pipes and enable addiction. We don’t loot stores! We don’t block highways and prevent ambulances from getting to the hospital! We don’t target school parents as Terrorists, and we sure as hell don't groom or sexualize children! We don’t normalize pedophilia. We don’t do any of that, BUT Democrats do… they do all of it, and worse still, they do it with the blind support of our “supposed” President, Joe Biden. 

And so, in typical to-be-expected Joe Biden fashion, in the hours and days following the heinous assassination attempt on Trump’s life, when he had the opportunity to unite the Nation, Biden, instead, did everything and anything but that. And while yes, he asserted that we need to reject political violence on both sides of the political divide, which I wholeheartedly agree with, the fact remains that rather than opting to bring down the political temperature and ease tensions for the sake of peace, Biden, once again, putting politics and party above the people, spewed a cacophony of fraudulent, inauthentic lies in an obvious state of desperation to escape culpability for his role in what happened. 

Personally, I do not believe it is a coincidence that the attempted assassination of President Trump came after he not only took a commanding lead in swing State polls but also after Biden had done so horribly in the debate because the fact of the matter is, at that point, Democrats had run out of other ways to take Trump out. They tried to tarnish him, and when that didn’t work, they tried to bankrupt him, and when that didn’t work, they weaponized our Government against him in order to prosecute him in an effort to imprison him, and when that didn’t work, they tried to murder him, but once again they failed! 

On Saturday, David Sacks posted on X: 


The Washington Post names me along with @elonmusk as one of several businessmen who are using their “megaphones” to spread “narratives” about the assassination attempt on President Trump. 

I’m not sure what “narratives” they’re referring to, but I know what I saw, and I know what the crowd in Butler witnessed live…” 

Pointing out that his father-in-law was at the rally, David went on to say,

“When the shots rang out, and Trump went down, he said pandemonium broke out around him. Everyone feared the worst. 

But then Trump rose. Covered in his own blood, resisting the secret service’s efforts to whisk him away to safety, Trump raised his fist defiantly, and the crowd could see him say: “Fight. Fight. Fight.”

Immediately the fear of the crowd dissipated, the chaotic uncertainty lifted, and it was replaced with steely resolve. The crowd responded back as one: “USA, USA, USA!” 

This is not a “narrative.” It is the truth. Trump stood up defiant in the face of an assassin’s bullet. There is no way to fake courage like that. 

It was more important for Trump to let the crowd know that he was unbowed and unbroken than to be taken to safety.” 

David finished by saying, 

“Donald Trump has already been in the fight of his life for months, as vindictive Democrats seek to imprison him, but on this day, he came within inches of losing it. He has risked everything for this country. 

It is now up to us, the American people, to show him that he does not stand alone. Let us reject the lies, the hoaxes, the hate, and the division that the media has spread about this brave man and support his resounding victory in November.”

Without question, what Democrats have failed to understand, what they have failed to grasp in their conscienceless wicked little souls, is that no matter how Machiavellian, ominous, and depraved their fear-mongering is or has been over the last decade, none of their deception, dirty tricks, doublespeak, propaganda, political prosecutions, or insidious attempts to assassinate President Trump will deter Trump or stymie our support for him; to the contrary, it only strengthens our resolve

Let's Save America by voting for President Trump on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024!

Linda Genzel. Editor @Wecu News 




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