After nearly two months of radio silence following the abrupt termination of Joe Biden’s re-election campaign, Kamala Harris —who is not not only one-half of the current and disastrous economic tag-team that is the Biden/Harris Administration but also the personification of toxic femininity, an opportunist by all accounts, and the unelected de facto Presidential Nominee for the UnDemocratic Party— walked onto the debate stage, not only refusing to answer fundamental questions on her abysmal political record but also proffering up nothing but a slew of “inane political platitudes,” back-to-back LIES, goading insults, and a retitled contemporaneous carbon copy of her and Joe Biden’s present-day anti-capitalist agenda that over the last almost four years not only in effect killed President Trump’s profoundly successful economic boom, causing crippling inflation rates that have and continue to ravage the middle class and crush working women and minorities, but an agenda that was deliberately engineered to create a system of Government dependency as Americans struggle to feed and provide for their families as they amass more debt borrowing to pay down their accumulating debt.

Indeed, an agenda that is unfortunately but predictably grounded in, of course, not only Kamala’s Soviet-Style-Worldview, which, fittingly so, earned her the infamous title of the most far-left progressive Senator in Congress but one that is also rooted in her Communist upbringing by a father whose staunch Cultural Marxist ideology molded her into the ever charming deceptive career politician that she is today.
Much like or moreover, precisely like Obama’s promise to fundamentally transform America, Kamala’s transformative socioeconomic plan and vision for America and the American people is everything antithetical to our Founding Fathers vision of a free and Independent Republic that is “Of the People, By the People, and For the People.
A Republic that is exempt from Government influence, subsistence, injustice, and control and that is populated by a citizenry that is endowed by our creator with certain Unalienable Rights, that among them are the Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, the Right of Self-Governance and Self-Determination, the Right to Speak and to be Heard, and the Right to Economic Independence with the freedom to use our God-given talents and abilities to not only support and secure a good life but to pursue the American Dream.
A life in which one is limited only by the constraints of one's own mind, whether imagined or real, and not by some overarching and overreaching tyrannical government or Monarchy that has all but forgotten the fundamental foundational tenets of the United States Constitution and that they, our purported leaders, derive their powers from and only from the consent of the governed, from “We the People.”
On Friday, August 16th, during a speech in North Carolina when Kamala Harris first revealed her master plan to replace Bidenomics with her Communist Kamalanomics agenda, worldview, and vision for the future of America and the American people, she began by indirectly admitting that the Biden-Harris team, a complete and utter catastrophe by all metrics, hasn’t been doing such a great job at repairing the historic and crippling inflation rates that are not only crushing and bleeding our economy dry but that SHE and her decrepit doddering wingman, Joe Biden, brought to bear on the American people in the very first place by killing our energy independence, over-regulation, and out of control government spending.
The truth is, you don’t have to be an economics expert to read, let alone grasp a basic understanding, much less catch a whiff of that gut-wrenching 6th sense stench that tells you that something stinks in the State of Denmark or, moreover, in the Kingdom of Kamalanomics because the truth is her policies amount to or moreover are currently mimicking an out of control teenager who has gotten her pot stained hands on mommies credit cards and gone on a drunken shopping spree to impress her friends, the Democrat Party.

So, let’s break down some of Kamala’s Unconstitutional agenda and lies, shall we:
Lie # 1: She will, according to Kamalanomics, offer first-time home buyers a $25,000 subsidy for a down payment on their home, which, of course, sounds admirable, but in reality, when you drill down and read the fine print, it is nothing more than a racist, manipulative Harry Houdini Meets David Copperfield sleight of hand, where Caucasian Americans need NOT apply but are instead left holding the bag and picking up the tab for the next 30 years for people of color and illegal aliens alike... and Democrats have the gal to call Republicans racist!

And why? Well, simply put, Kamala can not fess up to and admit that the exorbitantly higher mortgage rates burdening borrowers are due in full measure to her economic ineptitude. Ergo, in order to disguise the Biden-Harris Administration’s fiscally irresponsible policy failures that caused President Trump’s fiscally responsible successes that gave us low 2.6% to 3% interest rates to balloon to 7%, she has chosen to do what Democrats do best, rinse and repeat spending by throwing cash at a problem, in this case at homebuyers in the hopes that the appearance of a deal —which in actuality is really a stimulus or “handout,” that will in effect have to be repaid at the expense of the taxpayers whether they are mortgage holders or not—will be enough to shut down any conversation surrounding the current 7% interest rates that will in effect as I mentioned above not only cost the taxpayers but also in turn cost homebuyer’s exponentially more than $25,000 over the 30-year life of the mortgage… essentially unburdening White Americans from their hard-earned money.
Nonetheless, we all know just how much the mathematically challenged love their Veruca Salt “give it to me now” freebies that are anything and everything but free; however, that said, the reality is or little do they know that they, the Democrat constituency, are, in fact, the sophomoric suckers left holding the bag and paying 7%, over double the rate they paid under Trump, for the next 30 years, not to mention the “fine print fact” that Comrad Kamala forgot to mention, only one million African Americans, Asians, Hispanics, and illegal aliens in a country of 340 million can apply and qualify for Kamala’s discriminatory mortgage stimulus under the Democrats Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) scheme.
Kamalamomics Lie #2: In a bid to trick, primarily the largest holders of medical debt, our Senior Citizens, into voting for her, Kamala Harris has vowed to eliminate all medical debt. Nice try, but once again, she and the Democrats are trying to pull a fast one. Indeed, where have we heard this before? Oh, that's right, when Kamala and Biden promised to eliminate your college debt… And how’s that working out? Not so good after the Supreme Court shut down Biden and Harris’s illegal unconstitutional Executive Action because, as Kamala well knows, not only does the power of the purse belong to Congress, not the Executive Branch, but our Government has no right, authority, or power to force Americans to pay for any debt of any kind accumulated by others, whether that’s student debt, medical debt, or mortgage debt.

Kamalanomics Lie # 3: The highlight of the Kamala anti-capitalist Manifesto, which she took directly from Karl Marx’s playbook and then neatly tucked into her delusional and sweeping Soviet-era economic agenda, and that is “Price Controls.” Talk about a doozy that is not only antithetical in principle and by practice to a Free-Market Capitalist Economy but is also tantamount to corporate welfare where the Government and not the free market, not supply and demand, dictates the price of everything whilst pretending that it’s in the best interest of the American people, the consumer when in reality it’s nothing but a good old fashioned three-card Monte scheme, a trick; a Communist ploy that has not only proven itself time and time again to in effect raise the prices of everything and hurt consumers but it also guarantees the Government Absolute Power and control over our lives.
This isn’t free-market capitalism; it’s the exact opposite. It’s Communism, and unlike Communism, Capitalism is the only proven economic system to have lifted more people out of poverty than any other economic system in the world.

Of course, as prices continue to soar, Democrats will spew a litany of deflective lies on why we have inflation, projecting blame on price gouging, Republicans, and in particular Trump when the genesis of the current inflationary crisis that we are all presently suffering through can be directly attributed and traced back to Kamala Harris and Joe Biden’s tax and spend economy killing socialist policies and programs. You see, the undeniable fact of the matter is, as those of us with a functioning brain and an IQ larger than our shoe size know all too well that, as Nobel prize-winning economist Milton Friedman said, “Inflation is made in Washington because only Washington can create money and any other attribution to other groups of inflation is wrong.”
Kamalanomics is riddled with lies and false, unenforceable promises and policies… the fact of the matter is if you really want to know what Kamala or any other Cultural Marxist Democrat plans on doing, simply look at her or their storied track record.

Under Trump, inflation was not only nonexistent, standing at a mere 1.4%, but wage growth also surpassed inflation rates, leaving more discretionary income in Americans pockets; however, the opposite was and is true under Kamala Harris and Joe Biden’s leadership or moreover, lack thereof despite Kamala’s bogus claims that inflation is due to price gouging. At its peak in 2022, inflation rates hit a whopping 9.1%, not only causing the cost of goods and services to double and, in many cases, even triple as inflation rates outpaced and to this day continue to outpace wage growth, leaving no discretionary income, but it also resulted in subsequent interest rate hikes.
Indeed, mortgage rates under Trump hovered around 2.6% to 3%, whilst today, under Democrat Control, rates have more than doubled, sitting at 7% for a 30-year mortgage, leaving home ownership a distant dream for most Americans.
So, bearing the aforementioned in mind, let’s do some basic math shall we:
1– A vote for Kamala Harris will not only slow our economy and lead to higher taxes and ever-increasing, unsustainable, and crippling inflation and interest rates but also add to our Nation’s tsunami of debt, thereby causing an economic collapse that will make the 1920’s depression look like a minor recession. As a matter of fact, in the last ten months alone, the deficit totaled $1.52 trillion, which, in plain English, means that Kamala Harris -who, as Vice President and hence President of the Senate, was the deciding vote on Joe Biden’s spending bill, you know, the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act,“ that did anything and everything but reduce inflation- spent $1.52 trillion more than our Government took in in revenue.

2– A vote for President Trump WILL lower taxes and slash inflation and interest rates in half, leaving the American people with more money to pay down their debts and more disposable income to spend and, in turn, spur economic growth… sounds good, right!
However, according to the left-wing media, suburban women are often portrayed as Trump haters. You know, harboring nothing but disdain for the big bad orange man who fulfilled all his promises, brought about economic prosperity, made life more affordable, and reduced stress by securing our borders, protecting our Sovereignty and National Security interests, putting our enemies on notice, ending wars, and forging Middle Eastern peace deals.
But as a suburban woman myself who wholeheartedly supports Trump, I can say with absolute certainty that suburban women, regardless of their socioeconomic status or personal opinions about Trump, love a good sale. And so, as we inch closer to the general election, I believe it's imperative for all women to set aside their emotions, focus on pragmatic, practical concerns like family finances, and recognize that Trump is the "Black Friday" of politics, who has and will again slash costs across the board—from groceries and utilities to mortgage rates and health insurance premiums. Now more than ever, suburban women should consider the impact on their wallets.
There is an old Latin saying, "Caveat Emptor," which translates to "let the buyer beware," which essentially means that we are responsible for our purchases. So, in that same spirit or vein, in terms of our system of governance, leadership, and our electoral choices, we, the voters, are ultimately responsible for the direction our country takes, so do your due diligence, folks, and choose wisely by researching and asking all the pertinent questions before buying the Democrats lies…
This election cycle, the Democrats, whose vision it is to fundamentally transform America, are not only openly embracing Communism, but they have put it on the ballot.
Our Constitutional Republic, our Unalienable Rights, Freedoms, and Liberties are at stake.
Linda Genzel, editor at WecuNews.com