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The Clinton Corruption & Censorship Chronicles

Writer: Linda GenzelLinda Genzel

Once again, in the insidiously cunning spirit of Left-wing Cultural Marxist deflection, projection, and, of course, in defiance of “Magna Carta” with their “rules for thee not for me,” above the law edict, an unspoken Democrat law unto itself, wherein in an effort to distract, scapegoat, and gaslight the American people, Hillary Clinton, a political, Social Justice thespian and a high-ranking member of the DC Democrat Deep State Demons Club, and thus insulated by and with the unwavering support of the 4th Estate, otherwise known to those of us with brainwaves as the misinformation media, or the editorial arm of the DNC —(that by Democrat default puts Party, Politics, and Politicians above People)— made an appearance on MSNBC, the White-Trash Network of the airwaves, and with a straight face and in all seriousness, actually had the audacity to market the Unconstitutional Left-wing authoritative notion that Americans should be prosecuted and imprisoned for “spreading misinformation and Russian propaganda.”

Indeed, Hillary Clinton —(like a broken cassette player stuck on rewind and playing the same irritating elevator tune over and over again, like an empty vessel, devoid of feelings, lacking a soul, the very essence of life)— who continuously claims that President Trump is the 2nd coming of Hitler and an existential threat to our Democracy, is, in point of fact, advocating for “We the People,” —(you know, the “Governed,” living in what is supposed to be a “Free Nation” that is “Of the People, By the People, and For the People,” where not only is the 1st Amendment sacrosanct but also where our purported leaders and former leaders alike, under the United States Constitution, i.e., the Supreme Law of the Land, “Derive their just powers from the CONSENT of (us, the People,) the Governed)— to be arrested, prosecuted, and imprisoned for having the temerity to speak our minds and form opinions that differ from hers. 

For all intents and purposes, it appears that Hillary has contracted yet another brain atrophying case of selective amnesia, a chronic ailment, or, moreover, a virulent contagion that is frequently triggered by the “I Want to be a Tyrant Virus ”or the “I Got Caught Bacteria,” which seems to only ever afflict Democrats, and as such she has all but forgotten that The United States Constitution clearly states in no uncertain terms that “Congress shall make no law… abridging the Freedom of Speech,” not “thoughtful, balanced speech,” or what Democrats deem to be “true or false” speech, rather, just “SPEECH!”

You see, in the Constitutional Republic of these “United States,” “misinformation” isn’t actually a thing, and for that matter, neither is disinformation or malinformation. In point of fact, these are Soviet-era terms that relate to psychological warfare. So when Hillary Clinton, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, and other Democrats use these terms, what they really mean is “facts I do not like and opinions I disagree with.”

Here’s the thing: career politicians in the Democrat Party, like Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, AOC, and Senator Ben Cardin, to name but a few Constitutional traitors, were not anointed or endowed by our creator to think on our behalf; they were not granted the power or privilege whether by God, the people, or by law to be the arbiters of what is or is not considered “misinformation, disinformation, and/or hate speech.” They were, however, elected to serve the people, whereupon they raised their right hand and duly swore to support, defend, and protect the United States Constitution, and not just as a ceremonial symbolic statement of personal integrity but as a binding promise to the American people to uphold and remain steadfast and loyal to their Oath of Office in reverence to the Constitution and to the people for whom they were elected to serve.

For that reason and in the face of such rank hypocrisy, not only can Hillary Clinton, MSNBC, and Rachel Maddow go pound sand but I believe it is also essential to point out and remind Americans that Hillary, in cahoots with the DNC and with malice of forethought cut a check for well over a million dollars, made payable to her attorneys at the Law Firm Perkins Coie, who then washed and funneled that money to a couple of actual “Foreign Agents,” Christopher Steele, a British spy, and Igor Danchenko, ironically, a Russian, who, in exchange for a handsome million-dollar payout, manufactured the now infamous, salacious, utterly fictitious, and thoroughly debunked dossier at Hillary Clinton’s behest in a wicked assay to trash and tarnish President Trump in order to prevent him from defeating and hence humiliating her by winning the Presidential Race. 

Yes, Hillary Clinton concocted the malicious and utterly fantastical “Russian Collusion Hoax,” you know, actual bona fide “MISINFORMATION,” involving Russian propaganda, which, of course, was extrapolated from her fictitious dossier, which she then deliberately disseminated across the globe, spreading malignant pernicious lies about her political opponent, President Donald J. Trump, in not only a Soviet-Style endeavor to have him expelled from office vis-a-vis a politically orchestrated coup d'état through an erroneously staged impeachment, but also to impugn and utterly destroy his character, reputation, credibility, family, and livelihood which is, in point of fact, not only illegal under “Libel, Slander, and Defamation” laws but also a violation of FEC Regulations, i.e., both crimes punishable by hefty fines but in some instances jail time too.

Indeed, misinformation, disinformation, malinformation, unthinkable schemes, fabricated hoaxes, and egregious lies, the dirtiest of all political tricks, if ever there were any, perpetrated against not only one man, “The Peoples President,” Donald J. Trump, but against an entire Nation.

Political chicanery that, over the course of almost a decade now, not only shocked the conscience of our Nation but inevitably divided our Nation in more ways than one, destroying families, friendships, logic, decency, and rules, stoking civil unrest, irrational fears and anger amongst the populace, and hence engendering unjustified hatred toward President Trump, ultimately provoking assassination attempts on his life and also inciting some of the most violent deadly riots this Nation has ever witnessed, not only costing the American taxpayers billions of dollars in damages as riotous infernos raged across the country engulfing and destroying cities, lives, and livelihoods, but also costing hundreds of millions in rabbit hole probes, impeachments, and prosecutions. 

Predictably so, when Hillary Clinton, the agitator, the instigator, and the fabricator of the aforementioned, was inevitably outed by Special Prosecutor John Durham, all she got was a slap on the wrist and a measly fine, along with, of course, a friendly media who were only too happy to cover up her sleazy trickery and who still, to this very day, continue to promulgate her lies while she lambasts and excoriates Americans, suggesting imprisonment for those voicing their subjective opinions… opinions that she, the Queen of Disinformation, calls “misinformation” in the face of her subterfuge. 

So, I’m sure if you are anything resembling a normal, fair-minded, sensible human being who is significantly more civically informed and engaged than arrogant and who, like me, actually believes in civil liberties and the rule of law, particularly the United States Constitution, then all of Hillary Clinton’s duplicity and political chicanery in the face of her call to imprison Americans for having the audacity to form, hold, and voice their opinions —(that she and the rest of her cult of Communists on Capitol Hill and their cohort of Constitutionally challenged constituents disagree with)— has left you scratching your head, wondering and speculating, comparatively speaking, you know, in the interest of “Equal Justice” under the law, and all that is just, honorable, and good, why the hell then isn’t Hillary Clinton and the whole kitten caboodle of Democrats and the 4th Estate not in jail at this junket? Well, simply put, because those who defy the law with impunity are, by definition, Tyrants… that’s why! 

If that were not enough false virtue and rank hypocrisy to instinctively irritate and anger you, there’s more. The Democrats' new misinformation, disinformation, and/or malinformation campaign against President Trump is that he is supposedly engendering hate toward the “undocumented” Haitian community —(who, by the way, have invaded and taken over a small community in Springfield, Ohio, due in full measure to Biden and Border Czar Kamala Harris’s “Come one, come all” open border policies)— which has, according to the Democrats notional beliefs, subsequently led to 33 bomb threats against various Springfield government offices, agencies, and/or institutions thereof, i.e., schools, Hospitals, etc., that they, you know the self-proclaimed arbiters of “truth,” all now conveniently suffering from a contagious and incurable case of Hillary Clinton’s selective amnesia, neglected to mention, were ALL BOGUS BOMB THREATS. You know, as in a “hoax,” as in “NOT REAL!” 

As Democrats and their sycophants in the media well know, Ohio’s Republican Governor Mike DeWine, who is no friend to Constitutional Conservatives, no friend to MAGA, and most certainly no friend to President Trump, and who, in point of fact, revels in berating Trump, not only verified that all 33 "email" bomb threats were Hoaxes from overseas agitators who were intentionally stirring the political pot in an effort to sow seeds of discord, division, chaos, and controversy in the United States during this very contentious election cycle.

However, as we all know, the Left-wing media will not allow silly little things called facts to get in the way of their narrative and the Democrat Party’s agenda, much like Hillary’s Dossier and the Russia Russia Russia Collusion “misinformation” Hoax that was and in many cases still is being propagated ad nauseam as “real” by the media. Indeed, by the very same righteous indignant deities who, along with Hillary Clinton and other traitorous Democrats, are now not only proposing that Americans be prosecuted and imprisoned for spreading “misinformation,” but who themselves are, in actual fact, and with malice of forethought, guilty of promulgating misinformation by falsely accusing President Trump of engendering hate and resentment toward the undocumented Haitian Community for simply reiterating what a Black gentleman in a Cincinnati Reds Hat had said in that: “Haitians were kidnapping pets and killing geese in public parks…” whilst at the same time, and in the same breath, the media and members of the Democrat Party are also vocally supporting and defending the hateful degenerates who are propagating misinformation about the Jewish community, whilst also chanting death to Israel. 

Their hypocrisy is truly staggering! 

Indeed, in the Democrat's warped minds, reiterating publicized reports that undocumented Haitians are purportedly killing pets, is engendering hate for the Haitian community, but conversely, voicing, reiterating, and chanting from the “River to the Sea,” “Death to Israel,” and that all the “Jews are responsible for October 7th” is somehow justified… you can’t make this stuff up. 

No, all that pervasive rot and hatred we see infesting College campuses is “not” coming from Democrats, no, not from the likes of Rashida Tlaib or Ilhan Omar, you know, “some people did something…” no, no, no, silly, don’t you know, it’s Trump’s fault; he made them spew all those horrible evil antisemite tropes… NOT! 

Excuse me for a moment while I roll my eyes! 

The undeniable fact of the matter is, it is abundantly clear, at least to anyone with a moral compass, conscience, and an IQ larger than their shoe size, that the legacy Left-wing media, without consequence, not only have but also continue to willingly create and propagate bogus narratives, otherwise referred to in layman’s terms as LIES or “misinformation” on behalf of and for the aggrandizement of the Democrat Party.

However, conversely, when, say for example, otherwise young, athletic, healthy people suddenly drop dead from heart attacks, and we, as parents and a concerned citizenry, have the gall to use our social media platforms to publicly voice our consternation, opinions, opposition, and/or to admonish our leadership and the science behind the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine, questioning whether or not it could have possibly caused these deaths, we are immediately accused of spreading “misinformation,” then promptly shut down and censored, and if we refuse to comply with their demands for silence, they, as Hillary Clinton is now proposing, want us prosecuted and thrown in jail for spreading “misinformation.”

What is it with these people, so-called reporters and news anchors who are supposed to know better, who are supposed to check their sources, who are supposed to question leadership, and who are supposed to hold our government to account? 

And NO, it’s not that journalists are “evolving” with the times, but moreover, it appears, at least to me anyway, that they have spent too much time rubbing elbows and wading in the DC Swamp because they have quite literally betrothed themselves to every Marxist policy, principle, and tenet that these Communists calling themselves Democrats are proposing or moreover imposing on the American people.

They clearly have never taken the time to consider the grave consequences of deliberately manipulating and misreporting the facts, and why haven’t they? Well, simply put, because they do NOT care... they have a Left-wing political agenda to sure up and bring to fruition, and so in furtherance of that end goal, the media will cobble together clever little soundbites and push out bogus narratives on behalf of their partisan political pals and colleagues in crime in the Democrat Party irrespective of who gets hurt, marred, maimed, or murdered in the process.

Quite frankly, in my humble, Constitutionally principled common sense opinion, it is the media, so-called journalists, anchored, independent, amateur, investigative, news, or otherwise, whether on broadcast TV networks, radio, print, or on social media platforms, who are indicting themselves by twisting and distorting objective facts on behalf of partisan politicians like Hillary Clinton. So, if the media and Hillary Clinton alike want to talk, or moreover, lecture the American people about what is or isn’t considered “misinformation” whilst they at the same time not only propagate misinformation but also propose prosecuting and imprisoning Conservative Americans for voicing their subjective opinions, then maybe, Hillary Clinton and Rachel Maddow should join forces and lead by example by checking into the nearest police precinct for deliberately spreading bona fide misinformation and Russian propaganda. 

You see, regardless of the Democrat's pernicious efforts to fundamentally transform America, the fact remains and will forever remain so long as we remain a Republic that we, the American people, have and are GUARANTEED the unalienable Constitutional Right to not only think for ourselves, but to form and voice our subjective opinions and objectives beliefs whether true or false in some small or large measure without fear of reprisal or imprisonment as a consequence, as Hillary Clinton, the Democrats, and the Left-wing media are now proposing be a component or element of Kamala Harris’s “New Way Forward,” 

Vote for Donald J. Trump on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024.

Early voting has begun in some states; if you live in one of those States, get out and vote now!

Linda Genzel Editor Wecu News.




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