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Reflections On Biden's Misbegotten Tenure: A Legacy Of Feckless Failures, Fiascos, Fk-Ups, Fabrications, And Falsehoods.

Writer: Linda GenzelLinda Genzel

As we close the chapter on 2024 and reflect on Joe Biden’s misbegotten tenure —(a nightmarish era of social and political engineering and injustice under the Democrat Regime’s Communist-like, Administrative “One-Party “Central Planning” paradigm)— the idea that Biden is not only being lionized as some sort of political Titan but the notion that we are somehow not only supposed to but, moreover, expected to allow him to shuffle off center stage and go peacefully into the good night, not only ignoring the disreputable facts surrounding his half-century corrupt political career, but also shoving aside and Whitewashing all the undue death, devastation, destruction, chaos, crises, and unforgivable suffering that he willfully brought to bear and inflicted on the American people over the last four years, is utterly ludicrous on its face. 

If Democrats think, for even just one second, that real Constitutional Conservatives like myself and many others are simply going to sit down, shut up, and show Joe Biden as much as a scintilla of grace after he, his henchmen, and his smug, shallow little shills in the Left-Wing media refused to extend that same grace to President Trump after his first term in Office, they are sorely mistaken and out of their ever-hating cotton-picking Marxist minds.

After all, this is not only our Republic we are talking about here; a Nation that our Founding Fathers fought to establish, replete with guaranteed, unalienable Rights and Freedoms that so many brave souls and soldiers sacrificed life and limb to preserve, protect, and defend over the last 250 years, but on principle alone—in the name of all that is justified and good, and all that “All is fair in love and war,” “Eye for an eye,” tit-for-tat, “Karma is a bitch” stuff—it’s not happening. Not now, not ever!

Quite frankly, and with, of course, all due respect, Biden’s history of plagiarism, his blatant pathological need to lie about, quite honestly, everything, his medley of “get-rich” foreign influence peddling and money laundering schemes, his lecherous castigation, then vicious demonization and Unconstitutional censorship of Americans who openly dissent and refuse to bend the knee and acquiesce to his political ideology, his flagrant disregard and countless violations of our Constitution, Rights, and Freedoms, and amongst a veritable smorgasbord of other crimes and dubious ethical practices, his insidious weaponization of our Government and malicious persecution and prosecution of President Trump, and, for that matter, of anyone and everyone, including their parrots, who had the 1st Amendment temerity to speak ill of him, our Nation’s Chief Kiddie-Sniffer, and/or who threatened his position in power, should never be forgotten, or else history is doomed to repeat itself and in far more malevolent ways. 

In the span of four years, Joe Biden managed to tank our economy with his economic ineptitude and overall general incompetence, with his disastrous policies, with his aversion to fossil fuels and ensuing war on our energy independence and dominance, and with his profligate spending spree as though he were a drunken teenager on an all-you-can-squander bender with mommy and daddy’s credit card. 

Not only did Joe Biden crush our economy and ravage the middle class with his anti-capitalist pro-socialist agenda, which was surreptitiously engineered to create a system of Government Dependency, but he did it with a sense of utter indifference and apathy toward Americans as they suffered and struggled to meet their priorities, to put food on the table, to keep a roof over their heads, as gas prices soared, inflation skyrocketed to a 40-year high, and Joe Biden’s crackhead son, Hunter Biden, under the guardianship of the Democrat Deep State’s “Rules for thee not for me” Protective-Program, got a get-out-of-jail-free-card for, amongst other things, TAX EVASION on tens of millions of dollars —(he received from corrupt Oligarchs and Communist Dictators for access to Joe Biden and the Office of the Vice Presidency)— while at the same time, Americans amassed more debt borrowing and struggling to pay down their accumulating debt and taxes…

Tax dollars that, by the way, once in our Democrat-led Government’s grubby, and for all intents and tyrannical purposes, iron-fisted hands, were magically transformed into green tush-tissue and flushed down the proverbial toilet and into the sewer of despotism, Illegal Alien electioneering schemes, the Military-Industrial Complex, and political kickbacks, as it was laundered and spent everywhere and anywhere, and on everyone and anyone, except, of course, on the American people...

And if that were not sufficient grounds to make you spit fire, —(in Biden’s long list of self-inflicted catastrophic fk-ups and faux-pas)— there was also his August 13th, 2021, botched Afghanistan withdrawal. Undeniably, not only the worst military humiliation ever witnessed in our Nation’s history but one that has forever tarnished our Nation’s reputation in blood.

Indeed, an impetuous irresponsible withdrawal that, as a result, not only gave rise to the resurgence of the Taliban and other Radical Islamic Terrorist organizations, including providing unrestricted training grounds and camps for Al Qaeda and other extremist terrorist groups and cells to plot and plan future attacks against the U.S., in their quest to massacre and murder every last American, but it also saw 13 brave American soldiers blown to bits, needlessly slaughtered and slain, whilst scores more civilians and soldiers sustained catastrophic, debilitating injuries at the hands of a Radical Islamic suicide bomber—obviously, thanks in full measure to Biden’s conscienceless incompetence and duplicitous improprieties that, quite frankly, border on the criminal—and to what end? So Biden could stroke his grandiose ego and further embellish his feigned record of heroism by claiming to have ended the “War on Terror” on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 when, in reality, his foolhardy withdrawal has only served to strengthen terrorist networks in the region and their malign activities around the World. 

Suffice it to say, after witnessing Joe Biden’s reckless and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan, Putin, being the predictor that he is, sensing blood in the water and circling for the kill, sensed Biden’s wimpish weakness and, as such, feeling rather emboldened by not only Biden’s unwillingness but moreover, by his implicit inability to project real strength and a show of force in defense of our allies, decided to invade and attack Ukraine. 

Of Course, it wasn’t a particularly difficult decision for Putin to make, especially after Biden, the supposed leader of the Free World, in what can only be characterized as a profoundly cowardly move, not only deserted our Allies in Afghanistan in the wee hours of the morning on August 13th, 2021, as they lay sleeping in their bunks, in addition to Bagram airbase, along with its 83 Billion dollar stockpile of American Military Equipment that again, thanks in full measure to Joe Biden, Terrorist Organizations, such as Hamas have since used to kill Israelis and take Americans hostage, but also after Biden willfully abandoned thousands of American civilians, aid workers, contractors, and Afghan Interpreters in the terrorist torn region who, to this day, are currently in hiding and on the run for their lives from the Taliban—so much for “no man left behind."

In the meantime, in its drive toward Global dominance, China—not to mention a rogue’s gallery of other bad actors, from Oligarchs, Dictators, Tyrants, and Terrorists—sensing Biden’s spineless fragility and rightly predicting little to no consequences from the Coward in Chief for their malign activities, began and haven’t stopped provoking and running roughshod over the United States.

A glaring example of the aforementioned, of Joe Biden's fundamental weakness and blithe, lackluster response to our enemy's intentional, malign provocations against the United States was the Chinese Spy Balloon or Balloons incident, which, for approximately two weeks, Biden allowed to transverse our airspace, from one end of the country to the other, over our Military Bases and Installations collecting Top Secret Intel before public outrage forced him to shut it down.

Another egregious, but in this case, tragic, diabolical, and absolutely needless “cause and effect” illustration of Joe Biden’s “Wars through Weakness” or “Chaos and Catastrophes through Cowardice” making, was the October 7th, 2023 Terrorist attack on Israel where approximately 1,400 Israeli men, women, children, babies, and the elderly were bludgeoned to death, slaughtered on the streets and in their homes, yanked and dragged from their beds, beaten, burned, raped, beheaded, mutilated, and tortured in any and all godforsaken, irreverent, perverse, and depraved unconscionable ways imaginable to mankind by a bunch of Palestinian Hamas savages in what was not only the deadliest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust but also one that, as I mentioned earlier, saw American citizens taken hostage.

Undeniably, a calculated and unprovoked mass execution that was not only carried out in order to provoke an extreme sense of terror in Israeli civilians and threaten the territorial and political integrity of Israel as a Free and Independent Nation State but a heinous terrorist attack that was no less, funded by the over $100 Billion in cash that Joe the “Big Guy” Biden, since being put in the Oval Office, awarded Iran, the "World’s number one State Sponsor of Terrorism," in sanctions relief, whilst he, for an additional dose of bad vindictive measure against his political nemesis, simultaneously lifted President Trump’s strict sanctions on Iranian oil sales, sanctions that by the way, thanks to Trump’s “Peace through Strength” agenda, constrained and deprived Iran of the requisite necessary funding to finance its malign terrorist networks and activities around the World. 

And lest we forget—you know, to flip the middle finger and rub salt in the wounds of every victim and every heartbroken family member of every victim of terrorism—Joe Biden released an additional $6 Billion to Iran on the “Anniversary of 9/11” as part of his lopsided prisoner exchange deal that saw five U.S. citizens freed by the Regime in exchange for five Iranians in U.S. custody… so much for “We don’t negotiate with terrorists.”

Yes indeed, Joe Biden, in yet another one of his pathetic ego-driven fiascos, in a bid to appease our "Axis of Evil" enemies and curry favor with the Iranian Mullahs—by every metric, murderous monsters—is not only responsible for the slaughter of innocent Israelis, and the abduction of American civilians but he also made the World a lot less safe by cozying up to and financing Iran in a self-serving effort to revive Barrack Obama, the Black Deity of the Democrat Party’s, disastrous 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal, of course, retitled as Biden’s Nuclear Deal… 

On the home front, one of Biden’s most destructive Domestic Policy debacles, one that has and will continue to have far-reaching adverse implications and, in many cases, have an indelibly devastating impact on innumerable American families for years to come, is—or soon to be “was”—Biden’s “One-World-Order “ Open Border Policy. 

Not only in violation of his Oath of Office but in violation of Article IV, Section 4, of the United States Constitution, more specifically, the “Invasion Clause,” obviously, for the electioneering benefit and betterment of the Democrat Party’s stranglehold on Power, Biden invited upwards of 15 million or more unvetted illegal aliens to surge our Southern Border and break our Immigration Laws with his “Come One, Come All”  OPEN INVITATION to not only scores of illegal economic migrants from every continent, crevice, and corner of the Universe but to the World’s worst of the worst.

According to ICE’s recent stats, Biden gave the green light to 650,000 delinquent Criminal Illegal Aliens, including 13,000 convicted murderers. 2,000 charged with murder, 25,000  rapists, along with tens of thousands of pedophiles, sex traffickers, gang members, drug dealers, and god only knows how many Radical Islamic Terrorists who are currently roaming our streets across the Nation.

All 650,000 deviants who, once settled and furnished with a smartphone, debit card, a roof over their heads, and nourished with three square meals a day, and free medical, compliments of the American taxpayer, turned their violent, lewd, lascivious, and homicidal predilections and tendencies on innocent American civilians, you know, the actual people that Biden swore an Oath to defend and protect against all enemies both FOREIGN and domestic.

Of course, for those of us who dared to speak up and voice our outrage, we were immediately castigated and accused of being “un-American” racists. Some were even threatened with prosecution, accused of Hate Speech,” and spreading misinformation about Illegal Aliens.

Tragically, at this juncture, there have been so many egregious and heinous crimes committed against American citizens by Criminal Illegal Aliens that people have become numb due to the day-in and day-out sheer volume of victims. 

Just last week, 29-year-old Amelia Carter was set ablaze by an Illegal Alien as she sat sleeping on a subway train in New York City. The perpetrator was caught on camera gawking on in noxious delight as his victim burned to death whilst other commuters videotaped the disturbingly gruesome scene, but nobody came to her rescue… WHY? Possibly because being a Good Samaritan these days, particularly in New York, under what is essentially a One-Party Democrat-run State or dictatorship, could get you thrown in jail for life? 

Needless to say, whatever their shameful justification is for standing on the sidelines, from a moral standpoint, I find it utterly reprehensible, disturbing beyond measure, and sickening beyond words that nobody so much as attempted to help her. 

What is our society coming to?

Clearly, career politicians like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and others in their Left-Wing Administration don’t give a damn about any of the victims of their “Open Border Policies.” Amelia Carter, Jocelyn Nungaray, Laken Riley, Kate Steinle, Nisa Mickens, Kayla Cuevas, and Mollie Tibbetts, among countless other victims, were, at least in my opinion, as far as Democrats are concerned, collateral damage, the inevitable inescapable consequences of their electioneering scheme to stack the Census and, hence, Congressional Districts in the Democrat Party’s favor in their march toward "One-Party-Rule." 

Unfortunately, all the aforementioned domestic and foreign policy faux-pas, fk-ups, fiascos, failures, catastrophic tragedies, and what basically amounts to undeterred Government-sanctioned crimes are or soon to be “were” not an aberration of Biden’s Presidency; rather, they exemplified his approach to quite literally everything.

To address Joe Biden’s cognitive degeneration, on December 19th, The Wall Street Journal published an exposé on his diminished capacity dating back to his very first day in Office. However, from the get-go, most of us, well, at least those of us with eyes, ears, and a functioning brain, knew that Biden, despite his title, Commander in Chief, wasn’t in command of anything, much less his own faculties. It was obvious that his handlers had built a wall around him so that very few people had access to him—obviously to prevent the American people from learning about the entire extent of his cognitive decline.

Whenever Biden did show face, not only were his carefully scripted cue-card public appearances replete with a torrent of brain freeze episodes, but off-the-cuff, spontaneous, unvetted softball questions from the Press that could potentially confuse him and embarrass his handlers, his Cabinet, and the Democrat Party were strictly forbidden. Indeed, the Press was warned not to deviate from the script or to ask him anything about anything other than what was written on his cue card

However, it still doesn’t change, excuse, or absolve him from all the damage he and the Democrat Party have done. 

Kamala Harris, Joe Biden’s Cabinet, and the Democrat Party, aided by the Left-Wing media, all knew that Joe Biden wasn’t playing with a full deck. They also knew that he was corrupt beyond all measure, but rather than disclose the truth to the American people for the Sake, Safety, Security, Sovereignty, and overall general integrity of our Constitutional Republic, they protected Biden; they concealed his condition and buried his crimes, hoodwinked the public, and shuffled him into the Oval Office on January 20th 2021—suffice it to say the inevitable aforementioned calamities discussed throughout this article followed suit in what was nothing short of a long four year National Nightmare. 

So, to call Joe Biden’s tenure a monumental disaster does not come close to accurately describing the unforgivable damage and devastation he has caused. His staggering incompetence, his "away with the fairies'" non-compos mentis demented idiocy, and his “Pass-the-Buck” excuses that straddle his long list of domestic and geopolitical failures, fires, and feckless decisions that have left him with a disastrous legacy—one that is not only forever drenched in blood and shrouded in death, devastation, and disillusionment but one that will also haunt America for decades to come.

The incontrovertible fact of the matter is that the Bidens are and always have been a Crime Family; Joe Biden’s entire political career has been one giant grift. Over and over again, year after year, decade after decade, he sold our country out to the highest bidder for his own financial benefit... whether to China, to Ukraine, to Kazakhstan, or to Russia, amongst others, Joe Biden enriched his family at the expense of the American people. 

So no, Joe the “Big Guy” Biden does not get to exit stage left with grace. History books will be written, and he will forever be remembered as America’s worst and most corrupt President EVER!

Linda Genzel, editor @WECU News



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