Speaking at a fundraiser for her husband, the Biden Victory Fund in Los Angeles, Jill Biden warned Democrat donors with thoughts of voting for Trump of the chaos Trump would bring if he were elected president. "We’ve all lived through” President Biden’s top political rival once before." She stated, “We know what’s in store if these MAGA Republicans win because we’ve all lived through this.
She went on to self-reminise “Take yourself back in your mind. You remember how U.S. policy was dictated in those late-night tweets. Or how about the constant assault on our most sacred institutions, our democracy and our freedoms, and it’s only going to get worse."
While addressing an audience of around 80 people, she proclaimed "The choice is between “chaos and corruption, hatred and division” or “strong, steady leadership.”
Despite her bellicose commentary regarding the former president, she failed to acknowledge that the chaos came from the administration when her husband served as vice president.
An administration that instigated spying on the former president. An administration whereby her husband served as vice president. An administration that knew the Clinton scheme was to install fear of Trump alleging Russian conspiracy, collusion, and corruption on the part of the former president.
There is a great deal more to say about the administration that her husband served as vice president, but many readers already know the facts. Even more so, the American citizenry is acutely aware of the dismal state of economic and foreign affairs this current president is serving its populace.
While the Whitehouse is continuing to falsely portray the economic condition as one of the best economies America has been blessed with in its history, we bring you the facts. Without our readers, we would be speaking to our pillows. Again thank you for reading. If you like our articles and commentary please hit the little heart. If you love our articles please consider sharing with your friends and family. If you super duper love our articles, and want to support independent journalism in its most raw form, without ads and you have a small amount of discretionary income to spend, we would LOVE it if you could send us a small donation of $1 to our Cash app $WecuNews. God Bless you all and of course God Bless America.