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Patronizing Demographic Shame Tactics.

Writer's picture: Linda GenzelLinda Genzel

Updated: Oct 29, 2024

There is nothing more nauseating than listening to a bunch of self-righteous, pompous Liberals, particularly, but of course, not exclusively of the White persuasion, who are significantly more arrogant than they are informed, styling themselves as so-called Journalists and defenders of Racial Justice, parading about and pretending to care about minorities whilst pontificating on high about tolerance and inclusion and all that kumbaya crap that they disingenuously regurgitate every overbearing moment that they are awake. But then, in the same breath, in an astonishing display of theatrical hypocrisy, bigotry, and naked racism, turn around and tell Black people what their role in American politics is, what Party they belong to and in, and who they can and “must” vote for, whilst, from the other side of their breathlessly insufferable traps, maligning and Blacklisting Black folks who dare to do otherwise. 

Just as Joe Biden did during the 2020 Presidential Campaign when his face twisted into a scowl as he angrily hurled out his racist, insult-to-injury trope, ”If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or for Trump, then you ain’t Black.”

A more recent example of this pervasive "Progressive" paradigm of demographic-specific shaming, not to mention hypocrisy, employed and exploited to the nth degree by Democrat Politicians —(you know, in order to manipulate and guilt the Black electorate into doing precisely what the Democrat Party wants them to do)— occurred on Thursday, October 10th, 2024, when Barrack Obama, whom I prefer to refer to as the "Polite-Liar-in Chief" and who, although clearly not a “White,” fully-fledged Liberal Lunatic, but moreover, a half-White, half-Black fully-fledged conniving Left-Wing Sociopath, stepped outside of his multimillion-dollar Martha’s Vineyard mansion to stump for Kamala Harris at a rally in Pittsburg Pennslyvania where he had the condescending audacity to castigate struggling Black men for refusing to behave like cogs in the wheel of the Democrat Marxist Machine. 

As one would expect, Obama, as a matter of predictable course, being the smooth-talking, divisive Black Deity and race-baiting hustler that he is with identity politics at the forefront of his grandiose "Me, Myself, and I" mind, and obviously, of course, with no Harris successes to speak of or to tout, resorted to spewing the typical toxic invective of political rot that inevitably divides people and destroys Nations. 

Needless to say, with his “cool guy persona” intact, however, this time around with a large serving of anger and desperation thrown in, Obama stood on that Pittsburgh stage shaming, scolding, and accusing minority Black men of being “Sexist” for not setting aside their real-world struggles to toe the Left-Wing Party line by doing as he commands and quite frankly expects of them. Which is, you know, to be good little stewards of the Democrat Party and vote for Kamala Harris, a purported "Black woman." 

You see, it doesn’t matter to Obama that Kamala Harris is an incompetent, cackling, vacuous vessel whose staggering record of abject failures demonstrates that she is not only not up for the job but that, if elected, —(which in reality would be Barack Obama’s fourth term)— her policy positions would ostensively destroy our economy and bury already struggling Black and White Americans alike in more debt what with her price control policies, tax hike agenda, and inflationary spending that would ultimately make the challenge of living paycheck to paycheck a virtual impossibility. 

Clearly, in the Democrat Party’s authoritative, not to mention Unconstitutional “Power and Party above People” ideological Marxist view, they are, among other things, under the delusional impression that they somehow own the “Rights” to the Black Vote, that Black Americans are not permitted to put their best interests above and before the interests of Progressive politicians, like, for example, Obama and Harris, and the Democrat Party’s collective quest for Absolute Power. 

It seems, at least, as far as the Left is concerned, that Black Americans are not allowed to think for themselves, to form opinions, and to make independent decisions; that they are not authorized or entitled to ask questions, to debate the issues, or to dissent, but moreover, they are required to just shut up, sit down, accept the crumbs they are given, be happy, and vote as they are told!

So much for caring about Black autonomy…

Unfortunately, the regrettable or, moreover, the reprehensible fact of the matter is, if Black Americans refuse to march in lockstep with the Left, if they dare to step outside of the Democrat plantation and think for themselves, if they have the gall to rebuff the idea of Critical Race Theory that is now sadly endemic throughout every university in the country, or if they shun the all-too-pervasive DEI agenda that encourages and facilitates racial division; if Black Americans dare to do all of the above, if they dare to reject the notion that they are somehow perpetually oppressed victims of the White man’s ire, and simply view or identify as “Americans,” or worse still, as "Republicans and Conservatives" who believe in our Constitutional Founding Principles and Values, who believe in the American Dream and in American Exceptionalism and that “all men are created equal,” they then become Uncle Tom’s,” and subject to the Democrat's scorn.

The bottom line is it doesn’t matter what Conservatives do or say, or what color their skin is, or whether they belong to a minority or marginalized group, even if or when the record reflects that Democrats might, in fact, actually concur or align in some small part or measure with Republicans on specific socioeconomic issues, limited as that may be these days. If the matter at hand is not politically expedient or beneficial to the Democrat Party and its Gestapo-like Power Structure, the Left will, without batting an eyelid or breaking a sweat, twist, distort, and contort whatever the given or particular issue may be into something it absolutely is not. 

In fact, Democrats will consciously and reflexively, to the point of idiocy, carve out or concoct an alternate position contrary to and despite and in spite of what logic dictates and the actual record reflects because they can’t ever be seen to acquiesce to Republicans on anything in any shape, form, or fashion, particularly when it involves Obama and Kamala Harris’s nemesis, the Chief DC Deep State Establishment Swamp Drainer, the People’s President, a true Patriot and Freedom-Fighter, President Donald J. Trump

Take, for example, when Rep. Byron Donalds —(who, for context, is not only a Black Congressional Republican from the State of Florida but a steadfast and outspoken supporter of President Trump, who not only so happens to be married to a White woman but was also elected to Office in a district that is 70% predominantly White)— not only spoke truth to power about the Jim Crow era and exposed Democrats for the Jim Crow racists that they, in actual fact, are, but who also made President Trump’s Veep shortlist… hello, Black, a Constitutional Conservative, and a MAGA Vice Presidential candidate, a lethal combo that not only doesn’t get any more scandalous than that but that also put Donalds directly in the Bullseye of the Democrats fury… tell me again precisely who the racists are here?

So naturally, as expected in the world of Progressive Partisan Politics, the Left went on another one of their all too familiar, no-holds-barred, slanderous benders, a hateful smear campaign, vilifying Donalds, referring to him as “skin-folk who is not kinfolk” whilst labeling him an “Uncle Tom” and a token of the White man in addition to falsely accusing him of attempting to “Whitewash” history, more specifically, as I iterated above, the Jim Crow era. 

You see, Donalds fatal flaw and mistake, or moreover, mistakes, of course, in the Democrat's unhinged minds, was that: 

1)— He was, or rather, is not only a Republican but a Black Constitutional Conservative Republican and a MAGA one at that, who was only too happy to be Trump’s wingman if so chosen. 


2)— He not only dared to speak with certitude, to point out the irrefutable fact that even during the darkest days of Jim Crow, the Black family was held together, that it was a cohesive unit, but more significantly, at least, as it pertains to this century, because he refused to play along with the Democrats alternate version or moreover perfidious rendition of history and perpetuate the ludicrous notion, the LIE that Democrat’s were the "Blackmans Savior" during the Civil Rights era when in point of fact, they were anything and everything but Saviors, least of which was the Blackmans Savior. 

Moreover, Democrats were the “Oppressors,” and their chronicled efforts and actions, both past and present, reflect and verify that they still are, just as they were then, oppressors, not only during the 1950s and '60s Civil Rights era but before and during the 1860s Civil War era. Indeed, since the Democrat Party’s inception in 1829, they have not only fought against every major civil rights initiative,” but they have also, since the birth of the Republican Party in 1854, opposed the Republican Party’s Egalitarian anti-slavery, Equal Rights, Social Justice efforts.

So, no matter how much the Left Lies about the Democrats' racist history, it has always been the Dixiecrat Democrats who have been the maniacal force and the cause of all Racial TerrorismDiscrimination, Segregation, Division, and Conflict across the country, not to mention Sexism, as it pertains to the Suffragette Movement and the Republicans fight to enact the 19th Amendment. 

However, that said, when the political winds change direction, so too do Democrats, but not out of some deeply held belief or principle; moreover, like fickle little creatures, out of political expediency and in the name of power, which is why they have persistently Whitewashed history and taken credit where credit was not due. 

Think about it: how many times have you heard the Democrats declare that they elected the first Black members to Congress? The answer: Too many to count; however, if I’m not mistaken, and I most definitely am not, after the Civil War, it was, in point of fact, Republicans who elected 23 African Americans to Congress13 of whom were former slaves. You see, Republicans had been electing and seating Black delegates since the 1860s, long before a Democrat even entertained such an idea. The historical marrow of the matter is that it took Democrats until the 1930s, over half a century, an additional 70 years to elect and seat their first Black American to Congress. But, of course, that’s another on-the-down-low inconvenient verity that Democrats have deliberately Whitewashed in order to keep their electorate dumbed down and docile. 

The sum and substance of it is that throughout the storied history of our great Nation, irrefutable evidence, whether that pertains to historical and Congressional records, books, and legislation, in addition to treaties with Indian tribes, Constitutional Amendments, Articles, Clauses, and/or proclamations, not only reflect but prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that the legacy of Emancipation, of Women's Rights, of Voting Rights, of Civil Rights, and of our Declaration of Independence’s promise of “Freedom, Liberty, Justice, and Equality for all Americans belongs exclusively to our Nations Freedom Fighters who were then as they still are today, the Republican Party.

Those triumphs were and are evermore the Republican Party’s hard-fought Victories and not for Democrats, the Party of Sexism, Segregation, Jim Crow, and the KKK to Whitewash, Co-opt, and Consummate as their achievements. 

So you see, despite the Democrats' self-avowed claims and protestations of being the custodians of “Freedom and Equality” for all, the fact is and will always remain that it was the Republican Party who, under Abraham Lincoln’s leadership, led the States through the Civil War in the fight to and among other things, free enslaved people through the Emancipation Proclamation, whereas, it was the Democrats who, under the Kansas-Nebraska Act, sought to permit and expand Slavery into new U.S. territories. And it was also Democrats, under John J. Crittenden and The Crittenden Compromise, who fought to extend Slavery in the U.S. Constitution

And contrary to the widespread, popular, and misinformed belief among the Democrat electorate, it was, in fact, also the Republican Party, against fierce opposition and resistance from the Democrat Party, who fought for and passed the 19th Amendment, giving Women the Right to Vote, not Democrats, but Republicans. Indeed, if you were a woman or Black before you were legally permitted to vote, you were, in fact, a Republican.

So much for Kamala Harris and Barrack Obama's contrived accusations of "Sexism" among Black and White Conservatives. 

Seriously, what do you want to bet that if you asked a Democrat if they knew that Susan B. Anthony was, in point of fact, a Republican, which she unequivocally was, that their answer would be a resounding NO? 

Truth be told, most Leftists don’t know that, or any of the aforementioned facts discussed above, because the Left-Wing, historically illiterate, Whitewashed crux of the matter is that when most Democrats look at our Two-Party System of Governance, they are, for the most part, under the subjective opinion, or moreover, under the mistaken, misguided, misinformed, mal-informed, and/or delusional, convoluted notion that the Democrat Party is the Party of the Suffragettes when it was the Republican Party who pioneered Women's Right to vote.

Why are Democrats so historically illiterate, you might ask? 

Well, because the Democrat Party, together with their partners in crime, you know, their sycophantic talking heads in the mainstream media, are all manipulative liars who have been and continue to work jointly and overtime to convince their constituents, followers, and viewers, particularly women and Black Americans, not to believe what their lying eyes, ears, and history books tell them.

As a matter of unscrupulous principle as far as the media is concerned, Whitewashing the Democrats God awful, long, and storied “Sexist and Segregationist” history in order to hoodwink the masses with and on behalf of the Democrat Party and its ever-growing quest for Absolute Power is not only an unspoken job expectation but a job requirement for today's so-called Journalists and Reporters alike who, ostensively, spend most of their waking hours and days colluding with Left-Wing career politicians, surreptitiously crafting and creating narratives and stories out of thin air, then presenting and propagating their lies as fact and/or "Breaking News," even though they wreak with the rotten stench of "Opposition Research."

So, you see, when the likes of Barrack Obama, Kamala Harris, and other intellectually dishonest and morally destitute career politicians in the Democrat Party point their gnarly little judgemental fingers through some morally righteous, pseudo-intellectual lense or chasm with which they percolate and propagate their pervasive lies and hatred towards Republicans whilst either labeling them "Black Uncle Toms" or "White Supremacists" or accusing them of "Sexism" and/or of Whitewashing history, they may first want to open a history book, read, learn, and then after that, take a long hard look in the mirror and think twice before they libel others for or of that which they are undeniably GUILTY OF.

The long and short of it is that Republicans, and in particular, young BLACK Republicans, irrespective of what Obama, Harris, and Democrats, in their unhinged Marxist minds and with their Party's racially charged past in toe, would have you believe, actually have functioning brains and are quite capable of making independent decisions, drawing their own conclusions, and selecting and voting for a Presidential candidate based on the facts and what is in their best interests rather than on the color of Kamala Harris’s skin or what's between her legs. 

Indeed, decisions predicated on their current life struggles and circumstances and not based on identity politics. Decisions that, no doubt, center around and hinge on Kamala Harris's competence or, moreover, in her case, incompetence, what with her lack of accomplishments, her astonishing socioeconomic ineptitude, and her record of domestic and foreign policy failures, demonstrating that she is not only intellectually but morally unfit to lead the Free World, much less defend and protect the American people from all enemies both foreign and domestic as attested by her Open-Border policies and hence deliberate disregard for our Sovereignty, National Security, and the Safety of the American People whilst she, obviously for the electoral betterment and benefit of the Democrat Party, goes above and beyond to care for and cater to illegal aliens. 

Of course, the comms department of the DNC, you know, the televised bastion of Left-Wing pseudo-intellectuals but really, by any other name or names sycophants, ass-kissers, and window lickers masquerading as Historians and Journalists, have, no surprise, refused to call out Harris on her failures and Obama on his divisive rhetoric, and manipulative claims of "Sexism" that he recently leveled against Black men. Instead, they lie and put a filter between themselves and their audience in order to prevent their viewers from exercising their brains, forming opinions, and making informed decisions. 

And why? 

Well, silly, don’t ya know that they have a narrative to craft, an agenda to push, Black Americans to prey upon and guilt, and history to “WHITEWASH” in order to falsely portray Democrats as the Party of Suffragettes and the "Blackmans Savior" in the name of retaining and gaining more power.

And so, with that said, let’s take a brief moment to talk about who it is that is, in point of fact, actually Whitewashing history, shall we…  

As most Constitutional Conservatives know, it was Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States, a proto-totalitarian, Democrat, and Klan supporter who not only began the process of segregating federal employees but who was also known as not only the father of America’s all-encompassing “Administrative State” but who also believed that God had mandated and put him on this earth and into the Oval Office to carry out and accomplish certain things regardless of the manner and means employed to achieve those ends and at whatever cost and so by supporting and promoting the Ku Klux Klan and overseeing Segregation of the federal workforce, Democrat President Woodrow Wilson helped erase gains that Black Americans had made since Reconstruction under and in full measure and with all thanks to who, that is right, Republicans. 

Whilst most Republicans are aware to some degree or another of the aforementioned, the majority of Democrats in all Whitewashed form, fashion, and probability don’t have the foggiest who Woodrow Wilson even is, much less that he was a United States President, a Democrat, and a Progressive one at that who was infamous for his unflappable contempt for “We the People.” You know, ignorant weak savages whom he believed needed Government, more specifically needed him to survive, to ensure that their lives were not “futile,” empty, and pointless…

Furthermore, if we go all the way back as far as Democrat Presidents Andrew Johnson and Andrew Jackass Jackson and the Indian Removal Act, and the Trail of Tears, history and Congressional Records demonstrate that anti-abolitionist segregationist sentiment, tendencies, behaviors, and beliefs didn’t happen under Republican Presidents and leadership; they ALL happened under Democrat Presidents. 

Indeed, Internment Camps did not happen under Republican Presidents; they happened under Democrat Presidents. The Ku Klux Klanbake was not held under Republican leadership; it was held under Democrat leadership. Republicans did not filibuster Civil Rights legislation; no, that was ALL Democrats, too! — the fundamental fact of the matter is, if the majority of Americans actually knew the true history of the Democrat Party, they would NEVER again support or vote for a Democrat, much less Kamrade Kamala Harris. 

Of course, we all know the excuse that Democrats have and are using to explain away their crimes and racist history once exposed, and it's that all too familiar ludicrous LIE or MYTH that the Parties switched sides.” Well, I’d like to know precisely when that allegedly happened. I would like to know those pivotal points in history when the Parties supposedly switched sides because the fact of the matter is they did NOT switch sides; the Republican Party was then as it still is today, the Party of Lincoln; our Constitutional beliefs, Principles, and Values are the same now as they were then; they have not nor have they ever changed or wavered despite Democrats contemporary attempts to Co-opt them as theirs. 

So the next time some Leftist states that the Republican Party is not the Party of Lincoln anymore, ask them;

1– Exactly WHEN did it cease being the Party of Lincoln? Dare them to answer that question with specifics. My educated guess is that they will not be able to answer.

Next, ask them;

2– Exactly WHY they joined the Democrat Party, the Party of Sexism, Segregation, the KKK, Racial Terrorism, literacy tests, and poll taxes designed to intimidate and suppress the Black Vote.

And finally, ask them;

3– At WHAT stage of the Democrat Party’s terrible, awful, misogynistic, and racially charged past did they decide to join it? 

Of course, their answer, or rather EXCUSE, will be one of deflection. -You know, something along the lines of, “It’s a new Democratic Party," don't you know.

However, that still doesn’t answer or explain WHY or at WHAT stage they decided to join the Democrat Party… of course, the reason being, is that they don’t have or know the answer or answers to those questions because the notion that the Parties "switched Sides" is not grounded in reality and summarily falters under the weight of actual historical scrutiny, fact, and documentation. It is solely based on the Democrat Party's Machiavellian scheme to Whitewash history for their electoral benefit and possibly to rid themselves of any lingering feelings of guilt or shame, of course, that is, if they actually had or have a conscience. 

In truth, the likely reason many Americans joined the Party of Sexism and Segregation is purely selfish… because the Democrat Party offered them "FREEBIES;" it offered and provided them with a Socialist-style economy —(you know, just as Black Americans were broken down and sucked in by our Federal Government’s Left-Wing Socialist policies, more specifically by and under the Welfare-State policies and promises of Lyndon B. Johnson, a Democrat President, obviously)—

So, you see, instead of being honest and admitting the truth, you know, the real motive behind their choices, Democrats deflect, project, and blame Republicans, whether White or Black, of and for doing and being that which they are undeniably guilty of which is Sexism, Racism, and being a threat to Democracy, or moreover, our Constitutional Republic. 

Linda Genzel Editor @ WECU News. 




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