of Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills California! In this video, Pastor Jack does an extensive point by point, spotlighting the lies, hypocrisy, and attempted manipulation of God's Word by leftist Kamala Harris, so Christians everywhere can clearly understand the stark contrast between real Biblical principle, and the intentionally evil agenda of the anti-Christian Marxists/Leftists! This can also be a great opportunity to point out another "Elephant in the Room" that is crucially important to genuine Believers in Christ. Aside from their transparent, condescending efforts at shoring up a once assumed constituency group (Urban minorities in the "Blue" city of Philidelphia PA), the fact that this event was so widely publicized across the Nation proves that Democrats obviously see a need to pander and do "Damage Control" with Christians everywhere! Not only have Christians been alienated from the leftist/Marxist ideology embraced by Democrats, but throughout this campaign season, Harris and other DNC surrogates have openly mocked and derided the Judeo-Christian principles of our Nation's founding!
Their phony, nearly comical efforts at "mending fences" in these last few days of the campaign prove that Democrats recognize the enormous potential of a Christian/Conservative base which might actually vote the way it professes to believe. This is of huge consequence!! It reaffirms the possibilities for our Nation, if Christian Pastors will simply apply the Biblical principles they teach from the pulpit to the so-called "political realm," just as they should do in every other area of life. And it gives Christians who want to see our Nation healed from the ravages of its present malignancies a veritable roadmap towards success.
Don't accept the platitudes and posturing of Harris and the Democrats, as they work so hard to drag America down into the moral/spiritual abyss. Instead, return to the ways of our Founders, who sought the hand of God, with their "Firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence" when forging our Nation, and directing its course towards Greatness!
Christopher G. Adamo is a lifelong conservative from the American Heartland. He has
been involved in grassroots and state-level politics for many years, seeking to restore and
uphold the Judeo-Christian principles on which our Nation was founded. His book; Rules for Defeating Radicals guide for effectively confronting and overcoming the dirty tricks of the political left. It is available on Amazon.