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NOLA: You Can't Defeat What You Refuse To Define.

Writer's picture: Linda GenzelLinda Genzel

In the early morning hours of Wednesday, January 1st, 2025, just three short hours after the ball dropped on New Year’s Eve, in what was not only a horrific, Radical Islamic ISIS-inspired Terrorist Attack but also the deadliest Terrorist Attack on American soil in almost a decade, 42-year-old Shamsud-Din Jabbar —(a Military Veteran, Texas native, and a Christian by birth who converted to Islam after his wife divorced him and his life fell apart)— after driving from Houston Texas to Louisiana, plowed a rented, Ford F-150 Lightning pickup truck into a crowd of joyous revelers who were ringing in the New Year on New Orleans famous Bourbon Street in the French Quarter, not only killing 14 innocent civilians but also putting another 35 in the hospital before being shot dead in a gunfire exchange with local police officers shortly thereafter.

Predictably so, in the ensuing hours, following the bloody carnage, as Americans, shockingly not shocked, reeled in the face of what we all knew was an obvious Radical Islamic Terrorist attack —(particularly given not only the nature or style of the attack, a favored tactic of Islamic terrorists because vehicles are inherently hard to stop, but also in light of the ISIS flag attached to the rear of Shamsud-Din Jabbar’s rented pickup truck)— the politically correct cowards on the left side of the political divide, otherwise referred to as Professional Progressive Propagandists, and their bureaucratic Deep State henchmen in the FBI, who, in their first press conference, desperate to control the narrative on behalf of the Democrat Party and preprogrammed to divert attention away from what, as I said, we all knew within moments was an obvious Radical Islamic Terrorist Attack —(and by the way, what and who we all also knew at the time, just as we have always known, at least since 9/11, what and who the proverbial Gordian Knot or problem is here, i.e., the apocalyptic homicidal cult that is Radical Islam)—, despite all indicators, knowingly LIED to the public for almost seven hours by denying that it was a Terrorist Attack.

I mean, seriously, even with a passing glance, given the ISIS flag, Shamsud-Din Jabbar’s motive was hardly a mystery. Which begs the question, what part of “when you rent a truck, attach an ISIS flag to the back of it, and plow it through a crowd of pedestrians, which by definition and by all immoral, diabolical, legal and logical standards, makes you a “Radical Islamic Terrorist” and it a “Terrorist Attack,” does the FBI think we are too stupid to intuitively register and recognize as being an “Act of Terrorism?” 

Why lie? 

Precisely, who and/or what are they protecting here? 

God only knows we wouldn’t want people to get the right idea and think that Radical Islamic demonic savages like Shamsud-Din Jabbar were "bad folks,” now would we… harboring ill intent and a deep dark, seething death wish against all “disbelievers” who don’t practice Radical Islam or bow to their pedophilic deity, Allah, but, hey, let's not quibble over the minutia, you know, the trivial, inconsequential details like, for example, who wants to mutilate, behead, and slaughter who, or who wants to plow their truck through a crowd of innocent civilians; after all, haven’t you heard about Biden’s diplomatic “Hug a Terrorist” Program?

The tragic truth is that the New Orleans or NOLA Terrorist Attack came as no great surprise to those of us who have been tuned into the sickeningly sinister scourge of Radical Islam that, over the last four years under Joe Biden’s unparalleled incompetence, his feckless “Open Border” policies, and amongst a plethora of other crises and crimes, his botched Afghanistan withdrawal that embarrassed the United States, alienated our Allies, and emboldened our enemies, has been festering, growing, and spreading like a malignant cancer across not only every County and College Campus in the United States but also across every Country and Continent on the face of the planet, particularly since the barbaric October 7th, 2023 terrorist attack on Israel that has since provoked an ungodly mass movement of Radical Islamic Palestinian Hamas terrorist sympathizers and protesters across our Nation and the World at large. 

A movement that has not only imparted a stark, unnerving, and terrifying reminder and warning that the antisemitic evil that is Radical Islam is still very much alive and thriving in the United States 24 years after 9/11 but a movement that has also laid bare some truly egregious, naked truths and wicked verities about not only the entirety of the Democrat Party as a Governing Body but also about the plurality of its Constituency. 

Whether that Constituency involves:

1)— Our learning institutions, whose classrooms and corridors seem to be drenched and dripping in Orwellian, pro-Palestinian professors and woke educators who have not only: 

1A)— Been poisoning the well of academia as they endeavor to rewrite and Whitewash history in an insidious and surreptitious sleight to indoctrinate our youth in order to hegemonize our society by replacing the premise and principles of free and independent thought, speech, and expression with Cultural Marxism in all its tyrannical, soul-crushing inglorious glory.

But who have also:

1B)— Due to their silly little neo-Marxist dichotomy of modern wokeism, declared that Jews are somehow now the White Oppressor class and Muslims the “Brown Oppressed” class. Ergo, in their delusional state of moral righteousness, feeling immaculately justified in encouraging their students to take to the streets, not only in protest against Israel and the Jewish people but also to rally in solidarity with Hamas and their global jihadi quest to ostensively eradicate the Jewish people off the face of the planet for no other reason other than a nonsensical, deep seething incandescent hatred for Jews that has evolved over quite possibly a millennium of scriptural and theological antisemitic Islamic teachings. 


2)— The Democrat Party’s relatively large cohort of likeminded ideological peers and colleagues in the mainstream Establishment Media, a constituency of unscrupulous, tone-deaf journalists who, doing what they do best —(much like, or moreover, precisely like Hitler's "Ministry" of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda," you know, acting as steadfast, loyal little foot soldiers, controlling the narrative on behalf of the Democrat Party and their henchmen in the bureaucratic Deep State through emotional manipulation, irrespective of the deleterious and oftentimes deadly consequences their rhetoric and reporting has spawned)— have not only:

2A)— Inspired homegrown Radical Islamic Terrorists like Shamsud-Din Jabbar to commit heinous acts of terrorism by propping up and pandering to antisemitic, designated Terrorist Groups or Organizations like Hamas, their unhinged members, uneducated naive sympathizers, and activist protesters, either by distorting, burying, and/or outright destroying any and all objective truths or evidence that could potentially link or lay blame at the doorstep of Democrat's for heinous acts of Islamic terrorism. You know, by pandering proxy of their electioneering coddling project to cement Muslims as a devoted, donating Democrat voting bloc. Obviously, of course, with little or rather absolutely no regard or concern for our National Security Interests and the Safety of all God-fearing Judeo-Christian Americans. 

But who have also:

2B)— For example, in the wake of Wednesday’s deadly bloodbath, just as we have witnessed after every Terrorist Attack, in the same old predictable, habitual fashion, and with the usual scripted retort and un-American fervor and lies that we have all grown accustomed to, or moreover, sick of hearing, wasted absolutely no time in shamelessly shielding Radical Islam from scrutiny by not only playing the race card, preemptively chiding Americans—you know, just in case any of us got any crazy un-PC ideas or notions about criticizing Muslims—, and regurgitating the familiar tagline that has burned a hole in our eardrums, “It’s not all Muslims; most Muslims are peaceful,” but, in this particular case, the pièce de résistance or cherry on top of the chocolate reporting soufflé, by headlining that A truck, plowed into a crowd and killed 14 people, not that a diabolical genocidal maniac on a terrorist massacre mission, driving a truck, murdered them, but that a truck did… let that sink in! 

Suffice it to say, or at least that is, as far as Democrats are concerned, the color of the perpetrator's skin is always significantly more important than the actual tragedy itself because, you see, the dead can’t vote but Radical Islamic Terrorists can, or oops, I mean have feelings—how thoughtless of me… NOT—and so, saying that a Radical Islamic Terrorist murdered 14 innocent American civilians is not permitted. 

Oh, hell no, that ladies and gentlemen, in the Progressive World of Woke Propaganda, a fantastical realm where up is down, down is up, and where logic takes a backseat, is considered “hate speech,” racist and/or racial profiling because, you know, and at the risk of sounding “HONEST,” 99.9% of the time the perpetrators are, let’s say, for the sake of or avoidance of “Content Moderation,” you know, Mark Zuckerberg’s fancy-pants, socially woke acceptable term for “Censorship,” ethnically speaking, Not White,” and “Not White” people vote for and support Democrats, hence, a White “Truck” killed 14 people, or headlining the bloody massacre as a “Truck Attack” rather than what it was, a “Terrorist Attack.” 

Insane, I know, but we wouldn’t want to upset the Islamic Movement, now would we… it’s such a peaceful-loving, tolerant religion… 

That said, despite the Democrat's undeniable denial of reality, I am reasonably confident that everyone with a conscience and a pulse —(or at least those of us residing on planet wide-a-fucking-wake, located in a hemisphere that sits about ten dimensions North of a tiny pea-sized island located on planet Uranus that sits South of reality, in a hemisphere known as “Hopeless Lunatics,” or the “Woke World.”)— are, in actual fact, astutely aware that until we choose to confront and take a stand against the poisonous plague that is Radical Islam, the evil that it exemplifies, that it has manifested, and the threat that it poses to the Western World, nothing will ever change. 

Until we reject the normalization of Radical Islam and refuse to accept or tolerate what has become an almost customary, passive, and even apathetic response from our leaders in reaction to barbaric acts of terrorism—that, over the last twenty years, many have grown numb to hearing—the slaughter and butchery of the innocent in the name of this ideological, murderous, incestuouspedophilic Religion that foments violence and hatred all over the world, will continue.

It must be confronted

However, that said, at this juncture, I can say with absolute confidence that my faith and trust in our current leadership and our Federal Law Enforcement Agencies has flatlined.

Waiting for Joe Biden —(the face of a four-year endeavor to not only weaponize our Government against his political opponents but to destabilize our Nation and destroy our Sovereignty by importing upwards of 20 million illegal aliens for his and the Democrat Party’s electoral benefit)— waiting for his Administration, and the Intel Agencies and Departments thereof —(particularly as it pertains to our FBI under Christopher Wray, our DOJ under Merrick Garland, and our DHS or Department of Homeland Security under Alejandro Mayorkas)— to do the right thing, to put the American People first and foremost, above and before Illegal Aliens, Party, Power, and Politics, to take a stand, and to do what needs to be done to “Protect our Sovereignty, to Secure our Nation’s Borders, and to “SAVE LIVES,” is tantamount to death by a thousand cuts… 

The fact is, for four years, in an ideologically motivated effort to mislead the public, Joe Biden, his FBI, the DOJ, and the Democrat Party falsely claimed that White Supremacy  was the biggest threat that America faced whilst largely ignoring the very real and present danger that Radical Islam posed as they, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and their Administration, opened up our borders, imported, housed, nurtured, and protected UNVETTED ILLEGAL ALIENS, which included Radical Islamic Terrorists who have been hiding amongst us in sleeper cellsradicalizing vulnerable Americans in Mosques across the country while plotting and planning attacks against the United States and the American people whom Joe Biden, our FBI, and the DOJ were and are Oath bound to serve and PROTECT!

Needless to say, the unvarnished, matter-of-fact, objective truth is that Joe Biden, his FBI, and our Department of Justice have been less than forthright with the American people. Their initial response to the NOLA Terrorist Attack is just the latest example of that. Waiting almost 7 hours to call a spade a spade, stuttering over the use of the term “Terrorist Attack,” afraid to offend “Radical Islam” in the face of what was, for all those with eyes to see and ears to hear, a blatant “Terrorist Attack,” was extraordinarily revealing. 

The fact is, “If you cannot name it, you cannot defeat it.”

If the FBI ever wants or expects public faith and trust in their Agency or institution to be restored, within the first hour of arriving at the crime scene on Bourbon Street, particularly given the ISIS Flag, the cache of weapons, and the IEDs or Improvised Explosive Devices found in Shamsud-Din Jabbar pickup truck, HONESTY and transparency was and is what they should have practiced. 

Simply put, all they had to tell us was, “We are investigating this crime as a “Terrorist Attack." As we learn more, we will release more details to the public, but in the interim, keep your eyes open and exercise caution, because it’s too early to tell if more people are involved.” 

That is it; that is all they had to say; no more, no less, but they didn’t. Instead, they chose to lie. 

So again, I ask, why did they lie?

Precisely, who or what were or are they protecting or attempting to protect?

Were they afraid that the NOLA Terrorist Attack would sway public sentiment toward Patriotic Nationalism and "Closed Borders," and hence a safe and secure society? You know, the very antithesis of the Democrat's delusional dream of a borderless, "Open, utopian, or moreover, dystopian Society?"

I am sure that the Left let out a gargantuan sigh of relief when they learned that Shamsud-Din Jabbar was an "American" homegrown terrorist, but make no mistake, that is irrelevant here. And why? Well, regardless of whether or not Jabbar was born in the United States or abroad, his radicalization is ultimately a direct result of our "Open Borders" because Radical Isam and its Global Jihadi mission or movement did not originate in the United States, a Nation that was founded and built on Judeo-Christian Principles and Values. Radical Islam was imported here from the Middle East, more specifically, from a secretive Iranian and Syrian Sect of Radical Islamic Terrorists known as "The Hashhashin," which means "assassin" in English, a terrorist cult that was founded in Iran and Syria sometime between the 11th and 13th Century. Terrorism is as old as a human's willingness is to use violence to affect politics.

The only way to deal with the scourge that is Radical Islam is to seal our borders.

On the campaign stump, Kamala Harris, prostituting herself for the Muslim vote, proffered up the asinine notion that if she were elected President, she would “ban” the label “Radical Islamic Terrorist” from the English language. And why? Because she felt it was “Racial Profiling” and that it hurt people’s feelings…

Whose feelings, the terrorists?

In my book, as I iterated above, I don't call calling "Radical Islamic Terrorists" what they are, "Radical Islamic Terrorists," Racial Profiling, or Racist anything; I call that “honesty,” which, in order to overcome a problem, to, per se, conquer the enemy, honesty is required; in fact, it’s the very first element necessary for success or victory because you can hardly fight and defeat what you cannot, or in the Democrat's case, "refuse" to name or define, now can you.

Linda Genzel Editor @WECU News. 



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