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Judicial Tyranny Pt. 2: Führer Boasberg

Writer: Linda GenzelLinda Genzel

Since taking Office, President Trump has been slammed with one unconstitutional roadblock after another as unelected, Left-Wing Activist Judges, for all explicitly irrational Trump-hating intents and implicitly insidious Communist-loving purposes, have been lurking in the shadows, secretively bidding their time, presiding over unremarkable cases in ancillary courts, in unheard-of provincial towns called Backwardsville or something of that insular nature, waiting for such a time as this to subvert, usurp, and commandeer the inherent, unitary Article II Executive Powers vested in a duly elected, anti-Establishment Commander in Chief, in this case, President Trump, in a convoluted, duplicitous effort to impede his, America First Agenda.

Hands down, Activist Judges who, after being strategically installed by Progressive Presidents and without any judicial authority vested in them by the Constitution over the Executive Branch, and in a Machiavellian effort to abet and maybe even prove their fidelity to the Democrat Party, have been playing a lawless game of “Constitutional Coup D'état,” issuing a cascading tsunami of arbitrary, heavy-handed Nationwide Injunctions against President Trump, and for that matter, by proxy, against our Constitutional Republic too, for obvious, partisan political reasons, and quite possibly for financial gain, or conceivably, even for some sort of roundabout nepotistic advantage to boot. 

Of course, for the civically literate or conscious, it is obvious that the Lower Court Jurists who are deliberately poisoning our Nation and Judiciary with this unprecedented epidemic of unconstitutional Nationwide Injunctions as though they were cyanide-laced cotton candy at a carnival, are doing so with malice of forethought in violation of Trump’s core Article II, Constitutionally vested, protected, and guaranteed Executive Powers. And therefore, are knowingly and willfully violating "The Separation of Powers Doctrine" in addition to the "Rules and Code of Professional and Judicial Conduct," and as such, under one of several “Checks and Balances” remedies, are therefore subject to Judicial Impeachment as a direct consequence of their Judicial lawlessness. 

In The Role of the Judiciary in Maintaining the Separation of Powers Lecture, Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh stated that “The American rule of law depends on neutral, impartial judges who say what the law is, not what the law should be.” Going on to say, “The judge’s job is to interpret the law, not to make the law or make policy.” In other words, loosely quoting Justice Kennedy, “Judges must adjudicate political policies in light of Constitutional or Statutory Principles, rather than remolding Constitutional or Statutory Principles in light of or to fit Partisan Political Policies.”

Which is why, in 2017, during President Trump’s first term, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Trump v. Hawaii that the use of Nationwide Injunctions against President Trump was an “Abuse of Discretion.” 

And why? 

Well, in essence, by issuing Nationwide Injunctions, Left-wing Judges are, in point of fact, running afoul of the statutory Judicial Principle that Federal District Courts are statutorily limited in their jurisdiction, remanded to preside over disputes between the parties before them, and expressly prohibited from interfering with the Constitutional allocation of Power vested in the President of the United States, or for that matter, in Congress too. 

So, the question becomes, why are Judges, or moreover, specific Judges of the Progressive persuasion, exploiting their positions and abusing the law, not only undermining the citizenry's trust in and respect for our Judiciary by waging a blatant, political motivated Lawfare Campaign against President Trump but ultimately also sabotaging the very Constitutional brick and mortar Foundation of our Nation that was cemented into the Supreme Law of the Land to, in effect, prevent our Republic from crumbling into tyranny? 

Well, simply put, they are not real Black Robe Jurists; rather, they are Partisan Judicial Bureaucrats, political BULLIES, if you will, who, galloping high on a horse that is, in actual fact, a cowardly Donkey that, of course, carries the moniker “ASS,"-very fitting, indeed, view Trump as a clear and present threat to the Absolute Power Structure of DC's Permanent Ruling Class. 

You see, unlike any other President, certainly, in any of our lifetimes, President Trump is not willing to shut up, sit down, play nice, and abide by Washington's established Deep State Rules and Order; rather, he has had and continues to have

1)— The unapologetic temerity to "Speak Truth to Power," to vigorously defend our Constitution and Republic, to, with might and main, challenge the Progressive orthodoxy and their unconstitutional, Counterrevolutionary Marxist Agenda that has sought to undermine, fundamentally transform, and ultimately destroy every single Founding Principle upon which America, this "Freedom-Loving, Shinning Bright City on a Hill,"  was born, built, and stands.


2)— The fortitude to reassert the Rule of Law and Constitutional Order in these United States, precisely as our Founders had intended.

Suffice it to say, bearing President Trump’s Patriotic, tenacious spirit in mind as only an American Freedom Fighter could possess, upon assuming Office on January 20th, 2025, he, like a bull in a China shop, without hesitation or mental reservation, in what was and continues to be a concerted and noble effort to serve, protect, and defend the American people and our Republic, to restore our Sovereignty, and safeguard our National Security interests, began not only:

1)— Shattering the bureaucratic behemoth that is now our Government. Essentially, although not in name, an Administrative State fraught with fraud, waste, and abuse that functions contrary to our Constitution’s Founding Principle of Self-Governance.

but also 

2)— Pulverizing the Progressive's delusional dream of a borderless, Open “Dystopian” Society by effectively rounding up and deporting criminal Illegal Aliens in accordance with not only his Article II, Executive Branch Powers, but also in compliance with other Constitutional Articles, Amendments, Clauses, Executive Orders, Actions, and Statutory Laws, Provisions, Codes, and/or Acts. 

For example: 

1)— Under Article II, Section 1, Clause 1: The Executive Vesting Clause, "The Executive Power shall be vested in the President of the United States of America. Which, and not to put too fine a Constitutional point on it, makes it explicitly and unambiguously clear that President Trump, as the President of the United States of America, has the absolute sole Power and Authority to run the Executive Branch.

What’s more, for those about to blow a ruby-red enraged-faced gasket, hysterically claiming that "Judicial Review" states blah blah blah, or whatever deliberately misinterpreted nonsensical bullshit the Left is feeding them, the truth is, having not been established by the Constitution, Judicial Review does not give any Court or any Judge in the land the Constitutional Authority or Power to usurp, interfere with, direct, and/or curtail in any shape, form, or fashion, the Constitutionally vested, protected, and guaranteed Executive Branch Powers conferred on Donald J. Trump, as the duly elected President of the United States; not even the Supreme Court. 

Executive Branch Powers are binding, unitary Powers in that the Constitution vests them in ONE PERSON, the President. Those Powers carry mandated, not optional, but mandatory duties and responsibilities that are not only expected but moreover required by the Supreme Law of the Land to be fulfilled, upheld, and enforced without exception by the Chief Executive Officer; however, of course, with the proviso, to the best of his abilities.

Those Powers neither belong to Congress nor the Judiciary, and they most certainly do not belong to some corruptible, unelected, no-name Lower Court Judge, who, like a good little Marxist foot soldier on a tyrannical, One-World-Order Power trip, jaunt around the fuck the Constitution Mulberry Bush, is not only looking to make a name for himself but is also willfully usurping those Powers in such an egregious, duplicitous manner so as to complicity aid and abet the Democrat Party’s One-Party-Rule Agenda. 

The way I see it, in my well-researched, fully informed opinion, said Judges, with their tiny little gavels in hand, believing it gives them some sort of orgasmic, shiver up their spine, magical, mystical veto power over the Presidency, are acting as Black Robe accessories or Court-sanctioned seals of approval, if you will, in the Left’s unlawful Illegal Alien Electioneering crime spree scheme. No doubt, amongst other likely reasons, also to Court and curry favor with Democrats, ostensively, hoping to one day covet a U.S. Supreme Court Judgeship—you know, that carries with it a lifetime appointment of Power. 

2)— Under Article II, Section 3: TheTake Care Clause of the Constitution that states, among other things, “He [President Trump] shall take care that the laws are faithfully executed…” which, of course, means ALL LAWS, and not just the laws that Congress and the Judiciary —(depending on which way the Progressive political winds and whims of the Democrat’s Radical Extremist base are blowing.)— decide he is allowed to execute, but again all laws, which includes those pesky Immigration and DEPORTATION LAWS that, you guessed it, stymie and thwart the Left’s Illegal Alien Electioneering scheme. 

However, that said, it seems that a Barack Obama-appointed, Left-wing Activist Judge, in this particular case, Judge James Boasberg, has somehow gotten it into his TDS-infected brain that on page absolutely “nowhere” of the Constitution, he has been bestowed with the all-encompassing Supreme Power to, amongst other usurpations, abridge President Trump’s core Article II Powers to enforce not only the “Take Care Clause” as it pertains to our Immigration and Deportation Laws, but also his Power to invoke the “Aliens Enemy Act” of 1798,” by ordering President Trump to return Criminal Illegal Alien members of the "Tren de Aragua” Gang, a designated Terrorist Organization and arguably, one of the most ruthless, vicious, and violent Foreign Terrorist Gangs on the face of the Planet, back to U.S. soil so they can resume terrorizing, murdering, and raping Americans.

3)— Under Article II, Section 2, Clause 1, The  Commander in Chief Clause requires President Trump, as the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, to protect our Nation against all enemies, FOREIGN and domestic. 

And if I am not mistaken, and I am not, the last time I checked, Criminal Illegal Alien Terrorist Gangs or Organizations were, are, always have been, and always will be, in point of fact, dangerous FOREIGN ENEMIES! 

As David Barron and Martin Lederman’s definitive academic study of the Commander on Chief Clause explains, the textual designation of the President as the Commander in Chief was intended to ensure that that officer, the President, and NO OTHER —(not Congress, not the Judiciary, not some Lower Court Left-Wing Activist Judge)— would ultimately be responsible for performing that role; whatever it may entail —(such as protecting our Sovereignty and the American People by DEPORTING Foreign Enemies like Tren de Aragua and/or MS-13, etc., etc., to obviously and in effect, ensure that they cannot continue to terrorize, murder, and rape Americans.)— and to that end, Congress may not by statute or otherwise delegate the “ultimate command of the army and navy to anyone other than the President.”

And once again, if I am not mistaken, and once again, I am not, the last time I checked, Judge Boasberg was and is NOT the President of the United States vested with the Awesome Powers of the “Commander in Chief Clause” to protect and defend our Nation against ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN and domestic. 

4)— Under Article IV Section 4 of the Constitution, The “Guarantee Clause requires that the President and the Federal Government “Guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion…”

In Knauff v. Shaughnessy | 338 U.S. 537 (1950).  The Supreme Court affirmed the inherent Right and Duty of the Executive Branch to defend our National Sovereignty, stating that “When Congress prescribes a procedure concerning the admissibility of aliens, it is not dealing alone with a legislative power.  It is implementing an INHERENT EXECUTIVE POWER.”

It’s an unambiguous no-brainer. 

So why is protecting our Nation’s Sovereignty up for debate, much less even a question in the mind of Judge Boasberg?

I mean, why else would one seek higher office, whether Executive, Legislative, or Judicial, if not to Preserve, Protect, and Defend our Constitutional Principles and Values for the sake, safety, security, and SOVEREIGNTY of our Republic and the American People, right? —Wrong, 

Maybe in a perfect world where bad and downright evil do not exist and where people are not blinded by their greed and lust for Absolute Power, but unfortunately, that is unequivocally, incontrovertibly undeniably, definitely not the case or world we live in now, at least not with the Lawfare and Judicial Tyranny we are currently witnessing amongst today’s lot of Left-wing Progressive politicians and Activist Judges like, amongst many others, James Boasberg? 

5)— Under the invocation of The National Emergencies Act:” which states that “During the period of a national emergency, of any special or extraordinary power, the President is authorized to declare such national emergency…” As such, given the undeniable crisis at our Southern Border, President Trump declared a "National Emergency at our Southern Border," proclaiming that:

“America’s sovereignty is under attack…" that “To protect the security and safety of United States citizens, to protect each of the States against invasion, and to uphold my duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, it is [his] my responsibility as President to ensure that the illegal entry of aliens into the United States via the southern border be immediately and entirely stopped.”

Ergo, as per the Supreme Law of the Land, i.e., the Powers conferred on President Trump by the Constitution under Article IV Section 4 and Article II, Section 3, and President Trump’s "Executive Action" declaring a “Southern Border Invasion” authorized through the "National Emergencies Act," our Southern Border is officially and lawfully CLOSED, in that Illegal Aliens are no longer welcome or free to skirt our immigration laws, invade our Nation at will without consequence, live amongst us at the expense of the taxpayer while committing crimes, hurting Americans, exhausting our resources, and draining social services meant for struggling Americans.

What part of that is ambiguous to Judge Boasberg? 

6)— The Aliens Enemy Act of 1798.” which, given the obvious National Security implications, is not only "beyond the jurisdiction of the Courts" but also gives the President the Absolute and ultimate sole Authority to invoke, proclaim, and order that during times of "War, INVASION, AND/OR PREDATORY INCURSION," noncitizens who are fourteen years or older “who shall be within the United States, and not actually naturalized, shall be liable to be apprehended, restrained, secured and removed, as alien enemies…” for staging an “invasion or predatory incursion.”

President Trump, the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) laid out and presented evidence that Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro and his Government were and are, as part of a broader invasion and/or predatory incursion of the United States, collaborating, coordinating, and conducting irregular warfare with Tren de Aragua, directly directing and funding not only their unlawful infiltration of our Nation but also their violent, hostile actions against the United States, trafficking drugs, sowing discord, and terrorizing American citizens, which as a consequence and owing to President Trump’s solemn Constitutional Duty and Oath to protect our Nation and the American people from ALL ENEMIES, FOREIGN and domestic, gives President Trump the Power to invoke and enforce Aliens Enemy Act of 1798.”

So the question or questions become:

1)— What part of the Aliens Enemy Act of 1798, notwithstanding being beyond Judicial Review or the jurisdiction of the Courts, the Commander in Chief Clause, the Guarantee Clause, the Take Care Clause, the Executive Vesting Clause, and/or the National Emergencies Act does Judge Boasberg fail to grasp? 

2)— What part or wherefore in the Constitution or Statutory Law is Judge Boasberg given the Power or his Court the jurisdiction to halt and/or usurp President Trump’s Power to invoke and enforce the Aliens Enemy Act of 1798

3)— Why is Judge James Boasberg aiding, abetting, and giving comfort to FOREIGN ENEMIES... to a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization and Government? 

On November 5th, 2024, "We the People" voted for President Trump, we voted for his America First Agenda, and "We Voted for the Deportation of Criminal Illegal Alien Terrorist Gangs and Organizations." The Letter of Statutory Law and, more importantly, the Constitution is on Trump’s side here, despite Judge Boasberg's lawless rulings.

Yet, Judge James Boasberg still continues to usurp the Awesome Powers of the Presidency, acting as though he were the President, with all the Power conferred on him to command the Armed Forces. To direct Counter-Terrorism Operations, to regulate where aircrafts may or may not fly, who is deported from our Country, and/or what terrorists are arrested irrespective of having absolutely no jurisdiction over the Executive Branch, much less to interfere with or in specific Executive Branch matters that involve National Security and/or Military Operations which are unjudicable in that they are beyond the jurisdiction of the Court.

The aforementioned Powers are all extraordinary, Awesome Powers vested in the President of the United States and the President ONLY. When unelected nobody District Court Judges, such as Judge Boasberg, representing absolutely no one, answerable to absolutely no one, and accountable to absolutely no one, take it upon themselves to usurp the Powers of the Presidency, they not only become ENEMIES OF OUR REPUBLIC AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE but their actions can only be described as one thing, TYRANNY. 

Linda Genzel Editor @Wecu News



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