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Judicial Insurrection: A Separation Of Powers Standoff Between President Trump's Article II Powers & Left-Wing Judicial Tyrants.

Writer's picture: Linda GenzelLinda Genzel

For all the Democrats' hyperbolic bloviating about respecting the Constitution, it appears that they have, for all criminal intents and self-aggrandizing, not to mention, Marxist fulfilling purposes, in what is or soon to be, was tantamount to the biggest political and financial heist ever perpetrated against the American people and our Constitutional Republic in what has obviously been a “long train of abuses and usurpations," yet again, demonstrated that it is, in actual fact, them who neither respect nor appreciate much less care about infringing upon or outright violating the United States Constitution and our Nation’s "Separation of Powers Doctrine."

You see, tragically, it seems, in their Century’s long and slow march toward Marxism, Democrats, in collusion with their hoard of bureaucratic pimps, who have been strategically installed and banked throughout every agency and department of our Federal Government, have not only

1)— Spent decades gleefully taking the American people for a ride, whoring their way through trillions of our taxpayer dollars on an objectively unprecedented, immeasurable scale for manifestly disgusting, sometimes heinous, and always morally bankrupt, shameful ideological reasons and, lest we forget, for personal profit, too —(that ordinarily, under normal circumstances, would see every day regular folks like you and I styling adorable silver bracelets and tailored orange jumpsuits, compliments of the Progressive prostitutes in our Federal Government who have been screwing us over for God only knows how long)— of course, all as our Nation teeters on the brink of catastrophic economic ruin… 

…however, don’t you worry your pretty little head about that, haven’t you heard, the economic harlot, Oops, did I say hoooo noooo, I mean genius that she is… absolutely NOT, Alexandria Occasional Cortex, our Nation’s Numero Uno Progressive Congressional Courtesan, suggests that we simply print more money.


2)— They have also managed to systematically infect and poison the sacred corridors and courtrooms of our Judiciary with the pervasive stench and rot of their politically transmitted corruption, and in so doing, they have not only managed to turn nearly every Blue State Federal Courthouse into a Left-wing brothel, cheapening the Rule of Law, but they have also perverted our Republic's very Founding Principles, in addition to our society’s ethical values and moral norms.  

One would have thought that even as disturbingly corrupt as our Government has become, at the very least, the United States Judiciary, the one Branch of our Government that, by its very nature, is not only supposed to be, but moreover, is expected and required by law to remain apolitical, nonpartisan, and impartial in its Oath bound duties; that it would have endured as a bastion of good. That Judges who don that black robe—(which is supposed to symbolize simplicity, impartiality, and the idea that “Justice is Blind.”)— who are tasked as the Gatekeepers of our Constitution,” would have persisted as steadfast, ethical, honest, and honorable trustworthy jurists who, beyond reproach, adhere to their convictions and duty to the Constitution. Particularly in the interest of “fairness and impartiality,” most especially as it pertains to our 5th Amendment’s Due Process  Rights in the Bill of Rights and our 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause,to say nothing of the “Rules and Code of Professional and Judicial Conduct."

Instead, what we are seeing and getting more of, in lieu of the Constitution, of “Equal Protection and Due Process,” are Trump-hating Judicial Bullies who are either not only:

1)— Presiding over but allowing District and/or State Attorneys to prosecute a hodgepodge of convoluted, politically motivated, bogus cases, which are not only outside of their jurisdiction but also have absolutely no objective basis in law, either Constitutionally or statutorily, but rather are often based off of intentionally manipulated and/or misinterpreted Constitutional Amendments, outright manufactured evidence, and/or what is tantamount to a mishmash of perfunctory novel legal theories. In other words, utter bullshit because they have a TDS axe to grind with President Trump, and it is the only way in which they can either prosecute and/or sue him or anyone who publicly agrees with or supports him or Republicans in general. 


2)— Who are also now actively attempting not only to thwart and conceal damning evidence of, potentially, their own personal, financial, and/or politically motivated activities and/or involvement in, with, or ties to the nefarious activities of individual Democrat politicians and their bureaucratic Deep State compatriots in crime, but to the entire apparatus itself. To the Progressive Party or rather, the Regime’s massive, interagency ideological Marxist agenda and multi-trillion dollar money laundering scheme perpetrated against the American people, that objectively violates every single moral, ethical, and legal principle, value, norm, rule, and law that has existed since America’s inception…

Madison wrote in Federalist 47, "The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether one, a few, or many... may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny." 

And, hands down, at no other time in history has Madison’s words proved more prophetic than they do today, as evidenced by the Democrat’s strategic use or exploitation of our Judiciary in or with what amounts to the advent and rise of modern-day “JUDICIAL TYRANNY via the implementation, or, at least, the attempted implementation of arbitrary, heavy-handed Progressive rulings that have and continue to be spawned by unelected, cherry-picked, Activist Judges in Blue States and/or Districts who are determined to help the Left pervert our legal system in an effort to affect policy, in order to effect ideological change, and ultimately cement the Democrat's Progressive Marxist agenda.

Without question, no ifs, ands, or buts about it, Left-wing Judges who, invariably eager to do the Democrat's bidding, are continually usurping our Constitution, ignoring our Separation of Powers Doctrine, and undermining our Nation’s Fundamental Founding Principles in a brazen, wanton effort to not only impart or, moreover, forcibly impose their personal ideological biases and beliefs on the American people, but they are also, with pernicious intent, endeavoring to convolute, dismantle, and ultimately abolish the United States Constitution in furtherance of the One-World-Order Regime’s fantasy to fundamentally transform America into a godless Marxist Utopia

An idealized paradise that, in actuality, wherever and whenever it has been tried, has resulted in abject failure, with economic ruin, societal decay and collapse, and tragically with the catastrophic loss of life, and for that matter, humanity with over 100 million people slaughtered by their Governments and with millions more living in abject poverty and misery after being promised the stars and moon by Progressive politicians whose platform, policies, and promises sound awfully familiar and akin to those of today’s Democrat Party who have proved themselves to be anything and everything but Democratic.

…but I digress.

That said, without question and with a commitment to “Judicial Defiance” over “Judicial Deference,” unaccountable, Left-wing Federal Judges have supplanted the practice of “Judicial Restraint” with Judicial Activism, and in doing so, they have and are not only intentionally destroying our Judicial System of Governance but they are also using it as a sort politburo weapon to impose and implement the Democrat Party’s far-Left Marxist agenda from the bench. 

And that, fine ladies and gentlemen, is the real Constitutional crisis here, not President Trump, not Elon Musk, and most certainly not his merry young band of tech geniuses, who, having put everything on the line going up against the Federal Bureaucracy, in service of our Republic, are simply trying to prevent our Nation from careening off a 36 trillion dollar cliff that leads to nowhere good and fast. 

Unquestionably, President Trump and Elon Musk, two American Patriots along with their army of nerds in tow, are effectively risking everything in what can only be characterized as a profoundly selfless endeavor to weed out fraud, waste, and abuse —(no less, of course, on their own dime to boot)— so our Nation can:

1)— Run more efficiently and with less debt, ultimately saving America from imminent bankruptcy and ushering the United States and the American people into an era of prosperity with which, of course, comes peace… you know, far away from the Progressive Party Plantation and its plight of Left-wing Lawfare, corruption, crime, Global conflicts, Warfare, and Communist control and subjugation through Unconstitutional censorship and shadow-banning.


2)—Reestablish a Representative, limited form of Government with greater freedoms as envisioned by our Framers, with deference for our Separation of Powers Doctrine, and generally speaking, the Rule of Law as defined by Article VI, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution, the "Supremacy Clause," establishing the Constitution as the “Supreme Law of the Land,” and not as redefined by the radical ideology of the Democrat Marxist Party and their cherry-picked Activist Judges

Unfortunately, as it stands, a large swath of the Federal Judiciary has commandeered the unsanctioned authority to exercise and discharge the powers granted to all three Branches of our Government from the bench as though the United States were an autocracy. Not only interpreting or rather, in their case, deliberately misinterpreting the law as written but also making or, moreover, manufacturing their own laws, then enforcing those manufactured laws that can be found on page “absolutely nowhere” of the Constitution or on page “guilty as charged without Due Process” in “The Bill of Fuck Your Rights,” and/or in paragraph “Timbuktu” of every other Statute and Code in Federal and/or State law. 

Indeed, Activist District Court Judges are now jettisoning deference without even so much as a second thought to or for the actual role of the Judiciary, which, as Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall famously opined, "Is to say what the law is," in other words, meaning that the role of the Judiciary is to Interpret the Law and not to: 

1)— Make the Law,” which is the role of the Legislative Branch of Government.


2)— Enforce the Law,” which is the role of the Executive Branch of Government, i.e., the President of the United States. 

Suffice it to say, with Democrats at the helm for twelve of the last sixteen years, with obviously an emphasis on the past four years, America has or at least was quickly becoming the Authoritative Administrative State envisioned by Progressive President Woodrow Wilson and less like the Self-Determining Constitutional Republic "Of the People, By the People, and For the People" envisioned by our Founding Fathers

Trailblazing Freedom Fighters, Revolutionaries, and pioneers who drafted our Founding Documents, not as some subjective, ceremonial symbolic statement of personal integrity but as a binding promise to the American people, to protect, preserve, and defend our Rights and Freedoms and to uphold and remain steadfast, faithful, and loyal to their Oath of Office in reverence to the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land, the United States, and to the people for whom they were elected to serve.

Our Constitution was established as an immutable legal contract that not only prescribes how our Government is set up and functions or governs within the confines of its carefully crafted edicts, with three and ONLY three coequal Branches of Government, each being a Check and Balance” on the other to guard against any one Branch from becoming too powerful, but it was also created to act as a guardian and guarantor of our unalienable Rights and Freedoms, serving as a bulwark, if you will, as a first line of defense for “We the People” against a weaponized, overreaching, tyrannical Government that throws off its duties, and usurps the very Powers it derived and derives from the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED.”

Indeed, much like what our Government has been doing and has become, particularly over the last 16 years under Democrat leadership, a Constitution-hating Regime determined to Fundamentally transform America and Centralize Power into what has now become a massive sprawling bureaucracy that is often referred to as our Fourth Branch of Governmentthat, as we have all recently learned, has ostensively been operating with impunity, with unlimited powers, and with ultimate authority and control over our tax dollars. 

In fact, an unofficial, unsanctioned, and unaccountable Fourth Branch Of Government that one could technically argue encompasses our “Lower Federal District Courts.” Although still considered Article III Courts, they, like every other Bureaucratic Agency or Department of the Executive Branch, were created by Congress and not the Constitution, unlike the United States Supreme Court, which was established by the Constitution.  

This is particularly noteworthy, especially as it pertains to those Democrats we see throwing tantrums and having apoplectic fits, waving about the Constitution, and screaming Constitutional crisis as their coconspirators in the bureaucracy rob us blind and their Democrat-appointed Lower Court proxies or Activist District Court Judges, as it were, simultaneously violate the Constitution and ignore the Separation of Powers Doctrine by acting with impunity and a sense of judicial entitlement, much like our bureaucracy has been doing with our tax dollars. 

However, in the case of the District Courts, Activist District Court Judges are handing down Nationwide Injunctions against President Trump and his core Article II, Section 3 Executive Powers under the “Take Care Clause” of the Constitution that requires our President to “Faithfully Execute the Laws of the Land” and in so doing, these District Judges are not just violating the Separation of Powers Doctrine, but they are also usurping and behaving as though their Judicial Authority and Powers supersede those of our Higher Courts, including the United States Supreme Court when they absolutely do not! 

How could that be, you ask, don’t Lower Courts also possess the Power of “Judicial Review?—(A statutory law that was established through one single case, Marbury v. Madison in 1803, allowing the courts to review and determine whether or not any particular given action carried out by either/or the Legislative and Executive Branches were or are within the bounds of the Constitution.)—

Well, simply put, the answer is yes: Lower Courts do possess the Power of Judicial Review. However, this is not merely about Lower Courts exercising the Power of Judicial Review; moreover, it is about Activist Judges exploiting the Power or process of Judicial Review to issue Nationwide Injunctions in order to interfere with Executive duties which, contrary to Judicial Review, they, being Nationwide Injunctions have absolutely no basis in law, either Constitutional or Statutory.

The fact of the matter is, there are no such Articles, Amendments, Sections, and/or Clauses in the Constitution or otherwise legalizing “Nationwide Injunctions,” just as there are no Articles, Amendments, Sections, and/or Clauses in the Constitution or otherwise legalizing a “Fourth Branch of Government,” that, as we all now know, has, unbeknownst to us, been controlling and misappropriating our tax dollars, and as then-Attorney General Bill Barr correctly stated in a May 21st, 2019 speech, “Nationwide Injunctions depart from history and tradition, violate Constitutional Principles, and impede sound judicial administration…” 


As Ronald A. Cass argued in Nationwide Injunctions Governance Problems: Forum Shopping, Politicizing Courts, And Eroding Constitutional Structure: “Use of nationwide injunctions—especially broad injunctions against the United States— undermines rule-of-law values, threatens the operations of the courts as impartial arbiters of disputes over legal rights, erodes the constitution’s careful separation of powers functions among the branches of government, and is at odds with basic aspects of the federal judiciary’s design, including its geographic divisions.”

The legal fact of the matter is, as Samuel L. Bray, a Notre Dame legal scholar, argued in a 2017 Law Review article, an injunction is nothing more than a remedy that restricts “the defendant's conduct only with respect to the plaintiff.” In other words, an injunction just binds the parties to the suit, not the entire Nation.

That is it. Nothing more, nothing less.

You see, under Article III, Section 1, Clause 1 of the Constitution establishing the Federal Judiciary, “Judicial Powers” were not intended to encompass or grant lone-wolf Judges, for lack of a better term, who were forum-shopped and cherry-picked by partisan politicians in Deep Blue States and/or Districts, the power to ENJOIN a single suit and its ruling to the ENTIRETY of the Federal Judiciary or the Federal Government with a Nationwide Injunction… rather, an injunction is, as Samuel L. Bray explained, just meant to bind the “parties to the suit.”

However, for obvious, politically motivated reasons, we are once again witnessing —(just as we witnessed during President Trump’s first term, when a barrage of Left-wing Activist Judges, chomping at the bit to take him down and sabotage his Presidency, rendered 64 unconstitutional Nationwide Injunctions against him—more than any of the 44 Presidents who preceded him…)— another mass slate of unconstitutional Nationwide Injunctions being rendered against Trump by a bunch of Left-wing Judicial Tyrants doing the bidding of the Democrat Party and their bureaucratic proxies occupying our so-called “Fourth Branch of Government” who, as I mentioned earlier, have been robbing us blind for possibly decades in an effort to Centralize Power on behalf of Progressive Politicians and Activist Judges… what a maniacal vicious little cycle of corruption. 

In an 1804 letter to Abigail Adams, Thomas Jefferson warned that “the opinion which gives to the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional, and what not, not only for themselves in their own sphere of action, but for the legislature & executive also in their spheres, would make the judiciary a despotic branch.” 

In other words, if the Judiciary is deciding Constitutional questions not just for its own purposes with respect to the specific cases brought before them, but namely in an effort to bind the entirety of the Government, i.e., both the Congress and the Presidency to its decision with respect to that case, then our Government essentially becomes a “Government of Judges” where courts are able to overstep their judicial boundaries and effectively dictate the law through their personal biases or subjective opinions or interpretations of the law, hence undermining the Separation of Powers Doctrine between the three Branches of Government, and making the Judiciary a tyrannical “Despotic Branch” of our Government. 

It is not lost on Republicans and Constitutional Conservatives, or anyone for that matter with a half-sensible grasp on reality, that Democrat politicians, in collusion and collaboration with Left-wing States Attorney Generals, Deep State bureaucrats, and Activist Judges, are the impetus behind the Unconstitutional judicial tyranny that we are witnessing being employed against President Trump in order to thwart his ability to govern.

The fact of the matter is that the entire edifice President Trump has and continues to go up against is basically owned, operated, and controlled by the Democrat Party and paid for by us, the taxpayers. So, unfortunately, it is no surprise; in fact, it is now expected that Activist District Court Judges will rule against Trump, bulldozing their way through his Administration, substituting his basic Constitutionally guaranteed Article II Powers and DUTY —(to restructure agencies, manage personnel matters, like, for example, severance, put blocks and temporary holds on wasteful spending in order to conduct audits, and/or gain access to agencies and agency information in order to conduct those audits, etc., etc.)— for their Unconstitutional ideological beliefs and agenda in a malicious effort to sabotage his ability to govern, because, you know, it’s to hell with the United States Constitution, the Rule of Law, and all things Donald Trump as far as the Left is concerned, irrespective of the inevitable, fortunate fact that these little tyrants will be brought to heel and reversed on appeal by the United States Supreme Court in the end.

Of course, that is if they don’t get a Constitutional Clue in the interim, just as Judge Carl J. Nichols did on 2/21/25 when he opted to reverse course instead of suffering a humiliating smackdown by the Supreme Court or possibly even face impeachment and removal from the bench by a Republican-controlled House and Senate. 

Ultimately, these legal battles will end up being more riveting episodes in the long-running “We Told You So” smackdown series by the United States Supreme Court, as Democrats flail about in a heightened state of panic, waving the Constitution in the air while screaming that we are on the precipice of a Constitutional crisis that has, in actuality, got absolutely nothing to do with the Constitution or the Democrat’s desire to protect our Constitution and avert a Constitutional Crisis but moreover, it has everything to do with Democrat’s

1)— Dismantling our Constitution and  Centralizing Power.

2)— Corruption, the literal lifeblood of the Democrat Party, of which they will quite literally fight to the death to preserve, protect, and defend their right to commit at all costs. 

And finally, of course, 

3)— Protecting themselves from prosecution and prison at any cost. 

Linda Genzel Editor WECU News.



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