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General Flynn will be Exonerated

Writer's picture: Lynn MatthewsLynn Matthews

by Laurie Maga and Lynn Matthews

Breitbart News reported, "New documents filed under seal in federal court include “exculpatory information” about former White House National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Michael Flynn, according to a report.

These documents that remain under seal, show malfeasance on behalf of the FBI and reflect poorly on the agency. General Flynn's attorney Sydney Powell has long questioned the integrity of the FBI and is still questioning where the original 302's are being held.

It was the Obama administration's law enforcement agents that went to the White House to question General Flynn while being clandestine about their intent. James Comey, head of the FBI at the time admitted that he sent the agent's to the White House to interview Flynn and that despite not being a standard practice, he was empowered by the inexperience within the administration. Comey claimed, “something I probably wouldn't have done or maybe gotten away within a more … organized administration.” Comey said, “I thought: ‘It’s early enough, let’s just send a couple guys over.'”

In his declaration submitted to the court, General Flynn admitted he plead guilty, however, he withdrew his plea. General Flynn, a 3-star general stated that he felt pressured by his legal counsel to take a guilty plea and that failure to do so would result in an indictment of his son, as well as a 15-year prison sentence for himself. "I did not believe I lied in my White House interview with the FBI agents. I reminded them that I had spoken to representatives of well over thirty countries, many in a single 24-hour period, during that very busy holiday season and presidential transition period."

Despite popular opinion by media outlets, General Flynn's meeting with Kislyak was not improper as he was working on behalf of the incoming administration. As Trump's foreign policy advisor, it was his job to meet with representatives of foreign countries. In his court filings, General Flynn was "embarrassed and angered over the felonious leak of highly sensitive and classified information that was my phone call with Ambassador Kislyak."

On Friday, lead attorney for General Flynn, Sydney Powell stated, "This afternoon, the government produced to Mr. Flynn stunning Brady evidence that proves Mr. Flynn's allegations of having been deliberately set up and framed by corrupt agents at the top of the FBI." To further complicate issues, defense lawyers said that they "found further evidence of misconduct" on behalf of the Mueller team in that prosecutor Brandon Van Grack made baseless threats to indict the General.

What series of events led up to the indictment of General Flynn? Addressing the RNC, General Flynn gave an amazing pro-American, pro-Trump speech, where he addressed the criminality of Trump's opponent Hillary Clinton and the incompetence of the Obama Administration with respect to the handling of terrorism worldwide.

As political analyst and investigative reporter, Laurie Maga points out, "It explains why the dark forces said, “First we f**k Flynn, then we f**k Trump.”

After Trump took office, Comey sent in his agents to question the general about the Russian ambassador. Knowing full well that while the General was on the transition team, his conversations with the Ambassador were a pertinent part of the job. They decided to trap him on the premise that he was lying to the FBI while talking to them. Flynn had one interview with the FBI and was never put under oath. He was never informed by the FBI that he was in a formal interview or that the FBI suspected him of lying. Furthermore, one of the agents conducting the interview was a rabid anti-Trump advocate.

General Flynn hires a DC law firm by the name of Covington & Burling. "Covington and Burling is a global law firm, headquartered in Washington DC, that represents, among others, Saudi Arabia and Union Bank of Switzerland as separate clients, yet with suspiciously profitable mutual interests and relationships. If we draw out a schematic and connect the dots of these interests and relationships—like Sean Hannity clumsily tried to do on Fox News a few weeks ago—we will see that Covington and Burling is directly connected to Hillary Clinton, former President Barack Obama, former President Bill Clinton, former Attorney General Eric Holder, former Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, House Armed Services attorney Roger Zakheim and his father and Booz Allen Hamilton and Pentagon Comptroller Dov Zakheim, U.S. Central Command’s terror financing operation, and General Michael Flynn as Defense Intelligence Agency Director in 2012."

On page 4 of the document in which General Flynn announces his intention to withdraw his guilty plea, he points out the law firm he hired asked him if he had anything on Trump. Claiming that it would provide much more leverage with the government if he did. General Flynn claimed he was unaware of any wrongdoing by President Trump.

Furthermore, his legal team was putting pressure on Flynn to plead guilty. The FBI subsequently made a back door deal that should Flynn plead guilty his son would not be indicted.

An article in The Duran summarizes the relationship between General Flynn and the law firm Covington and Burling by claiming, "Covington and Burling should not be recognized as Flynn’s attorney, but rather considered a criminal conspirator in the larger Michael Flynn-Russian investigation-Uranium One case. To do otherwise indicates either a corrupt court, or a lazy and ignorant court which must be informed about this material as “Newly Discovered Evidence of Fraud on the Court” in the form of an Amicus Brief; which most likely could be submitted by Judicial Watch and Jay Sekulow, with the direct witness testimony of Senator Dick Black of Virginia—who can confirm the validity of this article.

What could be the plot behind trying to frame General Flynn? Why was his original legal team so insistent on him accepting a plea deal? Could it be that the Covington and Burling were working on behalf of the FBI given that Obama's attorney general Eric Holder is a partner in the practice and it was Obama administration FBI that sought to indict the general?


1 Comment

Kerry Parks
Kerry Parks
Apr 27, 2020

The vermin that ripped away General Flynn name, savings, any losses do to lawyer fees, need to be force to replay him every last penny!And be forced to apologies in person to him and his wife! This was premeditated action to take this man down, then to remove the President of the United States of America! Treason must be the verdict and shot by firing squad! Hanging, I'm okay with that too! ALL that were in on this Coup attempt need to fry!

Great article you two!


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