It appears that after last November’s grueling Election loss, Democrats, in all their wretched splendor and inglorious Marxist majesty as vicious, dishonest, and utterly detestable agents of chaos, corruption, Communism, and now clown-hood, have, it seems, learned precisely nothing, diddly squat from their resounding and glorious defeat. A rebuke like no other that sent shockwaves through the conscienceless core of the Party in what was akin to the largest middle finger ever flipped to what couldn’t have been a more deserving bunch of miserable meritless miscreants, masked and masquerading as dutiful, caring leaders whom our Constitutional Republic and “We the People” have ever had the treacherous misfortune of dis-servicing and betraying us.
Suffice it to say, —(particularly given their excessive sense of self-importance, their smug sense of superiority, and their backasswards sense of specialness, not to mention their unreasonable and one could argue, infantile sense of entitlement, their vicious and oftentimes violent hostility, their irrational, mad hatter intolerance, and outright anti-American effrontery toward others when challenged, in addition to, of course, their almost innate psychopathic willingness to not only exploit but also to utterly devastate and destroy just about anyone, even their own, in the interest of Absolute Power, whether it serves them personally, politically, and/or their Party at large)— it should come as no surprise, at least not anyone with a semi-functioning brain between their ears, that Democrats have opted to deflect and project blame for their MAGA Smackdown rather than acknowledge their inadequacies and delinquencies.

Such as, amongst other things, the Democrats:
1)—America and Americans last, illegal aliens first posture stemming from their Open Southern Border electioneering initiative.
2)— Their economy-killing inflation rates in conjunction with skyrocketing Gas Prices as a result of their war on our Energy Independence.
3)— Their anti-White, antisemite, pro-Black virtue signaling discriminatory DEI and CRT divide and conquer schemes.
4)—Their penchant for and proclivity to start endless Foreign Conflicts and Wars in order to fuel their money-laundering machine, that is, the Military Industrial Complex.
…and the list goes on and on and on, but you get the point.
Ordinarily, under normal circumstances, one would expect the losing Party to reflect and engage in some honest introspection in order to figure out their faults and failures, or what and/or where they went wrong so that they could then, just maybe, possibly, conceivably figure out where and/or what they need to modify and amend, or as it applies to Democrats, completely gut, revamp, and transform, in order to right the ship, as it were, and restore balance.
Whether that means:
1)— Switching gears and reversing course after examining, reevaluating, and ultimately revising their unconstitutional, not to mention lousy, divisive, destructive, and oftentimes deadly Centralized Administrative State Programs and Socialist/Communist socioeconomic POLICIES that have caused significant and, in many cases, irreparable harm to our Nation and the American people over the past four, or moreover, over the last twelve of the last sixteen years that Democrats have wielded POWER.
2)— Making a U-turn by placing the PRIORITIES of the American PEOPLE, for whom they swore an Oath to serve, protect, and defend, above and before all else, most especially above and before the unconstitutional political preeminence of the Democrat Party and their lust for POWER.
3)— Doing a complete 180 on their unconstitutional practice of weaponizing our Government against their political opponents, or for that matter, against anyone who stands in the way of their Unconstitutional agenda, who publicly opposes them or their policies, and/or who refuses to accept or adhere to their insane, Marxist Ideology that squelches debate, squashes dissent, and elevates and binds their positions in POWER.
However, that said, as logical as those suggested solutions are, there is absolutely nothing objectively logical, let alone reasonably ethical, much less sanely normal about the Democrat Party, about their motives and intentions, about what fuels their political ambitions, shapes their decision-making, and ultimately about what drives their agenda and actions. So, expecting the Left to reflect and engage in some honest introspection is about as realistic as rocks rolling uphill and bananas growing in apple trees.
Unfortunately, time and time again, term after term, second chance after second chance after their third, fourth, fifth, and forty-sixth chance, despite their perfectly scripted, meant-to-manipulate words, Democrats have demonstrated through their Progressive policies, that their utter indifference, their callous apathy toward, and their reckless disregard for not only the American people and our Constitutional Republic, but also for their proletariat herd of civically ill-informed serfs —(whom they have taken for granted and essentially ditched to cater to their new faction of voters, a hysterical and some might even argue, a psychotic cult of far-left Progressive ideologues, angry DEI Racists, and transgender dysphoric individuals)— that they will never ever change.

Ergo, rather than looking inward and doing some much-needed soul searching —(of course, if only the Left actually had a soul, that is… if they do, it lies solely in their lust for power.)— Democrats, with not only absolutely no inclination or intention of reversing course —(of course, owing to their inherent inability to reflect, contemplate, and comprehend that their ideology is, in point of fact, profoundly flawed, un-American, and insidiously evil in nature.)— but rather, viewing their rejection as a reason to push even harder to force and affect change, instead resolved to double down and hence are devolving even further into the depths of crazy and darkness of Despotism.
You see, if Democrats, who perched on the hill of Woke insanity, overlooking a vast deep ocean of Marxist delusion, were to reflect on their Progressive policies and reverse their ideological political perspective and positions, it would, in their minds, not only be homogeneous or indistinguishable from admitting guilt, fault, and shame, but, worse still, it would ultimately also be "a rejection of the very fundamental foundational principles and values," or moreover, “Authoritarian Tenets of Communism” that they eat, breathe, and sleep. —You know, the very lifeblood of the hateful cultist dogma that is their Cultural Marxist Ideology, their Party, and they simply just cannot do that.
And why?
Well, silly, didn’t you get their scripted memo, you know, their Mission Statement that was cast in indelible ink at the end or possibly at the beginning of the Cold War? —you know, the decree that reads…
“We are never ever wrong-not ever!”
Or, at least, so they think, anyway.
However, this time around, and much to the Democrat's unsuspecting, sophomoric chagrin and our immeasurably satisfying delight, President Trump —(in the wake of the cascading cacophony of unrelenting and egregiously vicious attacks on his person, attempts to destroy him, to persecute, prosecute, imprison, bankrupt and yes, ultimately to kill him, to “MURDER” and erase him from the face of the planet)— in defiance, survived the Democrats crusade to crush him and is now fully equipped and prepared to not only take on but ultimately take down the entire DC Establishment Swamp.

You see, President Trump has seen behind the curtain and knows exactly who the players are now, and as a well-deserved consequence, Democrats are panicked and squirming in unfamiliar territory. They have fallen into the proverbial pit of despair, a hole of their own making, and are now desperately trying to claw their way out. As such, unable to hide their trepidation, the fear of their treachery being exposed, they are growing increasingly more rabid, pathetic, and pitiful by the day with every Executive Order that Trump signs and every fraudulent dollar that Elon Musk and his army of nerds unearths.
One could even say that most Democrats are, in point of fact, behaving like bipolar drug addicts, suffering from a bad case of TDS whiplash after Trump’s first term, with a touch of rabies thrown in, whilst also craving their next high, as they desperately cling to the last vestiges of their addiction, the drug that is Absolute Power, as they gather in the insane asylum that is the minority, not only refusing to clean up their behavior but instead becoming even more entrenched and vitriolic, trying to conceal their crimes whilst simultaneously plotting and planning their next attack.

Suffice it to say, on the one hand, Democrats are weaponizing our Government, more specifically, our Judiciary, employing “above the law,” unconstitutional, Soviet-esque era tactics that we have all grown accustomed to, or some might even say, numb to over the years. On the other hand, they are humiliating themselves in epic fashion, behaving like nauseatingly self-righteous obstinate propagandists, with their feigned outrage and holier-than-thou sanctimony in tow, as they pander and preach to the American people, as though we, even after November’s overwhelming Trump throttling, were or are naïve children, too immature, too uneducated, too unsophisticated, or possibly even too primitive and therefore too stupid to figure out what they are doing… that it’s all an insidious act.
One minute Democrats are:
1)— Echoing the exact same carefully crafted and choreographed cringeworthy scripted messages read from their “Get-Trump” playbill that has and is being circulated daily throughout the corridors of Congress and corporate media in an obvious unscrupulous effort to propagate a contrived narrative, deflect attention, project blame, and ultimately prop up and protect Democrats.
The next minute, Democrats are either:
2)— Enlisting Activist Judges to employ an unconstitutional statute known as "'Judicial Review” in order to issue unconstitutional “Nationwide Injunctions” in order to not only interfere with President Trump's fundamental "Article II Executive Powers" and functions but also to thwart his Government audit of their expenditures. No doubt to hide any and all evidence of their corruption after being exposed by Elon Musk as the degenerate, corrupt grifters that they are who have been fleecing and robbing the taxpayers blind for decades.

3)— Propagating the notional narrative that they are somehow the Party of the working class, claiming to stand for the little guy. Yet, somehow, at President Trump’s Joint Session of Congress Address, they, and their pink resistance with their trite ping-pong paddling messages, not only refused to stand for Devarjaye “DJ” Daniel, a 13-year-old brain cancer survivor, and dare I say, a black 13-year-old brain cancer survivor but they also refused to show even a scintilla of sympathy, empathy, or compassion for the families of Jocelyn Nungaray and Laken Riley —(two young women who were brutally murdered by illegal aliens.)— or Corey Comperatore —(the fireman who lost his life protecting his family during the attempted assassination on Trump’s life in Butler, PA., and the list goes on.)—
Oddly enough, though, Democrats did leap to their feet, enthusiastically clapping and cheering like giddy little school girls the second Trump mentioned Ukraine, to say nothing of the fact that just the other day, they also went to bat for Mahmoud Khalil, a Columbia grad student, who is not only an antisemitic Syrian National but also a Palestinian Activist who supports Hamas —(a designated Radical Islamic Terrorist Organization)— and was apprehended and detained on Saturday, March 8th, for his role in organizing pro-Palestinian protests against Jewish students on Columbia’s college campus.
Not to mention the fact that Democrats are:
5)— Refusing to cooperate with ICE and hence protecting and putting both economic illegal aliens and criminal illegal aliens before American citizens.
Whilst generally speaking, Democrats continue to:
6)— Hyperventilate, throw tantrums, and have massive meltdowns as they demand the suppression and censorship of Conservative speech on social media in violation of our 1st Amendment Rights.
All while they:
7)— Incessantly feign oppression, claiming victimhood as they, like a flashmob or a rapid response choir, belt out ear-bleeding tunes, like a screeching, high-pitched fiddle, in an effort to showcase their subjugation as they gather outside DOGE or around the likes of the newly censured Al Green —(an unintellectual, unethical docile racist who is incapable of deference and/or keeping his mouth shut for a whole two seconds, not even when paying respect to the dead)—singing “We Shall Overcome” as though they were all subjugated slaves and we were all living in the Civil War or the Civil Rights era…

You know, periods in our history when the Dixiecrat Democrat Party, you know, the actual anti-Abolitionist Party of Slavery, the Party of Jim Crow, the Party of the Confederacy, the Party of Dred Scott, the Party of the Southern Manifesto, and lest we forget the Party of the KKK, a Democrat Movement that terrorized, lynched, murdered, and subjugated Black Americans… yes, that’s right, that was all Democrats.
Now, I know history is as confusing as it is a foreign concept for most Leftists, but what exactly are Democrats trying to overcome here?
After all, Al Green deliberately, belligerently, and unrepentantly violated the Rules of Congressional Decorum and, as such, as he well knows, was not only justly booted from the House Chamber by the Sergeant at Arms during President Trump’s Joint Session to Congress on Tuesday, March 4th, 2025, but also correctly or befittingly censured as a consequence of that shameful violation.
So again, what is it that Democrats are seemingly trying to “overcome” here, Particularly being a member of the Democrat Party and living in a Constitutional Republic such as ours that not only guarantees their “5th Amendment’s Due Process Rights” in addition to our “14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause,” but also where people are only constrained by the limits of their own mind and abilities?
Could it be that after years, or moreover, decades on end of trashing our Constitution and shamelessly violating the Rules of Congressional Decorum without fear or threat of consequences —(you know, the very rules and laws that Democrats squawk and squeal about, perpetually reminding Republicans that “no one is above” whilst they, Democrats, invariably skirt and violate those very same rules and laws without consequence)— that they are now scheming to “overcome” those rules as a consequence of suffering the equitable and impartial consequences of violating those rules after Republicans finally decided to grow a spine and ultimately hold Democrats to account for once in disreputable lives?
Have Democrats forgotten that they got creamed in November’s General Election for, among other things, this exact behavior… for their race-baiting bullshit?
The answer…
It is not that they have forgotten; it is that they don’t believe that was the cause of their MAGA smackdown.
You see, as far as the Democrat Party is concerned, the problem is not them; it is us. Therefore, the solution to their loss is not to reverse course but rather to double down in an effort to force us to see things their way. To reeducate us, or to spark a lightbulb moment, if you will, so that we can then appreciate just how awesome they are and hence accept and adhere to their Ideology… of course, an obvious cloud-cuckoo-land delusion having absolutely no objective basis in reality.
The truth is that the Democrats unbending emotional attachment to their ideology, to Cultural Marxism, is why they and their avowed followers will never change; it will always be more of the “here we go round the mulberry bush” of insanity, "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different outcomes” that are and will never be different.

If there is one thing that I have come to realize in the last eight years, give or take a few months, it is that Democrats cannot be redeemed or coerced into believing, embracing, and/or accepting reasonable alternative ideas, positions, and/or solutions that fall anywhere outside the scope, realm, or echo chamber of their cultist ideology, no matter how objectively logical or observably real those ideas, positions, and solutions are…
One thing is for sure: Democrats give or bring a whole new depth of meaning to the “don’t believe your lying eyes………." and ears and brain term.
You see, being a Democrat means believing one is morally correct, if not necessarily factually correct, so arguing with them is utterly futile.
The unvarnished truth is that Democrats are, in point of fact, disassociated on every pragmatic, realistic level. It is not only that they don't have the psychological construct or capacity to consider alternative ideas, positions, and/or solutions, but it is also that they don’t have the emotional wherewithal to entertain and/or accept the notion or, moreover, the reality that they just might be and are, in fact, dead WRONG, that their ideology is antithetical to quite literally everything our Constitutional Republic stands for, was founded on, and was built around.
So it comes as no surprise that Democrats are not only putting the pedal to the metal and doubling down on stupid but also tripling and even quadrupling down.

To be sure, Democrats are upping the ante, lying, fearmongering, scaremongering, fomenting hate, and continuing to play every divisive ist and ism card in the deck. They are continuing to divide to conquer, pushing victimhood, categorizing groups as the oppressed versus the oppressor, Blacklisting Black Republicans as Uncle Toms and Whitewashing history to hide their Racist roots, baiting Black Americans against White Americans, women against men, Gay against Straight, while pitting Christians against Jews, and Jews and Christians against Muslims, exploiting children, transgender dysphoria, and Women’s sports for political purposes, and then, just as before, they are calling for the suppression and de-platforming of Conservatives through their "Censorship-Industrial-Complex," except, of course, this time around, on steroids.
All of which is why, despite our recent Electoral Victory and their MAGA smackdown, we must never ever let our guard down, never let up, and never give in. We must be relentless in our fight against them. Democrats must be defeated, destroyed, and reduced to ashes, but don’t ever trick or fool yourself into believing the misguided notion that they will ever be fully extinguished… they won’t, and they never will be.

You see, in the ashes, there are and will always be embers of “the before,” and you can be guaranteed that somewhere in some backroom in DC or across the country, those embers are gathered, smoldering, crackling, and waiting for the next Obama figure to enter the room, to gently blow them into a red hot burning flame… and the hellish inferno that was, will begin all over again.
Republicans, true Constitutional Conservatives, are the last refuge for our Republic and the future of our children because we can see, recognize, and acknowledge Democrats for the anti-Americans that they are and not for who and what we want or wish them to be.
Celebrate the victories, but never get drunk at the Party, poke the fire, and fall asleep because I promise you this: you will wake up to a burning house around you.
Linda Genzel. Editor @WECU News.