As we inch ever closer to the 2024 General Election, the unfortunate reality is that we are currently living or rather being trounced in what feels like a game of “beat-the-clock,” where collectively, our nation at large, our sovereignty, national security, economic stability and prosperity, and our Constitutional Principals, Judeo-Christian Values, and societal norms that have shaped our Republic for the last almost 250 years are in peril, under attack, and barreling headlong toward a cliff that leads to nowhere good, and fast.

And so as we count the days and mark our calendars, anxiously yearning for November 5th to arrive so we can return to the days of 45, a time when we were guaranteed a better future —for our children with education and not indoctrination, when a prosperous and thriving economy was not just a dream but a reality, and when the safety, security, and sovereignty of America, the American people, and our Southern Border took precedence over illegal aliens, foreign borders, and geopolitics, including global conflicts and wars, and so much more— it should come as no great surprise, particularly after Biden’s pathetic debate performance and a failed assassination attempt on President Trump’s life, that panicked Progressive Democrats have ramped up and expanded their efforts, not only misusing and abusing their powers, but now using coercive tactics against their own by usurping Democracy, and ostensibly staging a soft coup, of course, aided by their ever obliging proxies in the press who willingly propagate bogus narratives on behalf of the Democrat Party, suppressing and censoring Conservatives, disfavored news, opinions, and dissent in order to steal the 2024 General Election.
Indeed whilst we wait on pins and needles, growing more disconcerted by the day, yearning for a return to the Trump era, the mainstream media who have, over the last three election cycles, not only lost credibility and all sense of journalistic integrity and honesty BUT,
1— who have, for all intents and purposes, in an effort to prop up Progressives and manipulate the masses, become the Democrat Party’s de facto State-run propaganda machine, dutifully broadcasting and circulating cunningly crafted bogus narratives on behalf of DC Establishment elites;
2— who have, in furtherance of the Democrat Party’s Cultural Marxist agenda, which includes but is not limited to stoking fear, creating an atmosphere of hate, and widening divisions, spent the last four years repeatedly lying to the American people with impunity about Joe Biden‘s cognitive decline and hence capacity to govern and in so doing making America look not only as undemocratically corrupt and Communistic as Russia, China, Cuba, and Venezuela, but as weak, incompetent, lost, feeble, and frail as Joe Biden is on the world stage.
3— who have, in unwavering support of the Democrat’s quest for Absolute Power, helped the DC Establishment push Joe Biden out of the 2024 Presidential Race as a resurgent Donald Trump who has not only unified the Republican Party and the American People around our Constitutional Founding Principles and Values, around American Exceptionalism, around the American Dream, around Freedom, and around our unalienable Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness but who also threatens to dismantle the Democrat Party’s surreptitious initiative to fundamentally transform America into a One-World-Order Cultural Marxist dystopian hellhole with open borders, with massive spending and debt, with record shattering inflation rates, with the worst crime wave in modern history, with wars breaking out around the world, with content suppression and outright censorship of Conservatives, and with the weaponization of our Government and Justice system against the Left’s political opponents and anyone else who dares to dissent, to debate, challenge, question, or threaten the Democrat orthodoxy.

4— who have, in pursuance of the Democrat Party’s electoral ambitions, as I mentioned above, helped the DC Swamp usurp Democracy, subvert the will of the people, and steal the 2024 Primary Election from 14 million voters, after not only Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance but also after the Deep State’s multiple failed attempts to not only persecute, prosecute, and imprison Trump in order to remove him from the ballot, the race, and, as we all watched on in horror, from existence, at the hands of a would-be assassin at a Rally in Butler Pennsylvania on July 13th 2024;
…indeed, the corrupt mainstream media, including Google, who have thrown their nonexistent honor and morality to the wind and wittingly participated in, ostensively, a coordinated Deep State Joseph Goebbels-style coup, have now, in effect, coronated and installed a DEI hire Vice President Kamala Harris, as the Democrat Party’s punitive Presidential Nominee because the Left can’t win the old-fashioned way, on merit.

Yes, you heard that right, Kamala Harris, the anointed, ipso facto failed Border Czar, a demonstrated economic and foreign policy dunce, who is not only one of the most reviled, sophomoric politicians to have ever walked the halls of Congress, but who, according to Judge Joe Brown, “Is a witch and she is a corrupt witch. She’s been a corrupt her whole life and she fucked her way to the top…” is now, according to the Left-wing media and the Democrat Party, the best person to lead our country to prosperity, to protect the American people, and to secure our Sovereignty and National Security interests after she not only spent the last four years deliberately shredding our Constitution and making life unaffordable in furtherance of the Democrats dream of a Marxist-Socialist society, but also destroyed our Sovereignty and Security with her and the Democrat Party’s ongoing electioneering scheme, a veritable “Come one, come all” Open-Borders invitation to upwards of 15 million and growing illegal aliens, you know, the new Democrat voting bloc, whom she has intentionally prioritized over American citizens.

You see, to the Democrat Party,
—it doesn't matter that Kamala Harris, a self-serving harlot, and opportunist who not only reeks of insincerity, is fiscally illiterate, but who also boasts of an abysmal 35% approval rating, was incapable of making it on her own, of excelling and rising to political prominence without the nepotistic help of her sugar daddy Willie Brown;
—it doesn’t matter that Kamala Harris is a self-centered, ambitious, amoral Leftist who would govern to the left of even Bernie Sanders.
—it doesn’t matter that Kamala Harris is an incurable narcissist who places Power and Party above the welfare of the People unless, of course, you’re an illegal alien, that is;
—it doesn't matter that Kamala Harris, with her Marxist disposition and a proclivity toward autocratic rule, pushed a Truancy Program, a school-to-prison pipeline, prosecuting and imprisoning the parents of chronically ill children who missed too much school due to their illness;
—it doesn’t matter that Kamala Harris, between 2011 and 2016, threw approximately 1,560 Black men in prison for misdemeanor marijuana offenses, then kept them incarcerated to use as cheap labor even after a Supreme Court ruling demanded that she release them;
—it doesn’t matter that Kamala Harris, as California’s Attorney General, oversaw a State in our 50 State Union that not only ranks next to last, 49th, in education but that ranks last in opportunity due to its skyrocketing cost of living expenses, or for that matter, that California is home to half of America's homeless population who reside in makeshift tent cities.
—it doesn’t matter that Kamala Harris, as a District Attorney and then as an Attorney General, abused her office, wielding her prosecutorial powers as an instrument of injustice, intentionally withholding exculpatory evidence that would have freed an innocent man from DEATH ROW;
—it doesn’t matter that it was Kamala Harris who was behind the “Public Safety and Rehabilitation Act, or Proposition 27,” a law that ensures that violent offenders under the age of 17 who commit crimes, including MURDER and RAPE, are automatically eligible for parole when they turn 25.

—it doesn’t matter that Kamala Harris, as a United States Senator —just four days after the Minneapolis police precinct was burned to the ground by a bunch of Left-wing BLM/Antifa thugs who wreaked havoc across the country during the Democrat-incited riots of 2020—urged her supporters to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF) in order bail out not only those very BLM/Antifa rioters but to free other violent offenders, too. Indeed, Kamala Harris’s fundraising efforts helped raise more than $41 million; however, the MFF only used a small fraction of it, $210,000, to bail out rioters. The remaining money was used to bail out other violent offenders, including rapists and murderers who, like George Howard, for example, went on to murder more innocent civilians after being released from prison with the MFF funding that Harris helped raise.

—it doesn’t matter that Kamala Harris has never spoken about tackling our National Debt or, for that matter, the skyrocketing inflation rates that she and Biden brought to bear on the American people;
—it doesn’t matter that she wants to ban offshore drilling and fracking, which in turn would not only cause already crippling inflation rates to soar even higher but make America utterly dependent on foreign countries, such as Russia, Iran, and Venezuela, for our energy supplies;
—it doesn’t matter that Kamala Harris and Biden drained our Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPR) that is specifically meant for emergencies, for no other reason other than to artificially reduce the cost of gas prior to the 2022 Elections.
—it doesn’t matter that Kamala Harris wants to impose a “70% - 80% tax rate that would not only destroy the middle class but quite literally take our Nation so far Left that it would be nothing short of economic suicide.
—it doesn’t matter that Kamala Harris and Biden have vowed to allow President Trump’s Middle-class tax cuts to expire in 2025, effectively raising taxes on middle-class and lower-income Americans… so much for not raising taxes on anyone earning above $400,000.

—it doesn’t matter that in March of 2021, after Joe Biden tasked Kamala Harris with securing our Southern Border by stemming the flow of illegal aliens coming from every country, corner, crevice, and continent in the world, that, by the way, she not only failed miserably at but, in point of fact, turned into an unmitigated chaotic disaster zone of epic proportions with a historically unprecedented influx of unvetted migrants storming our border, not only bringing with it a tsunami of crime, drugs, terrorists, and denizens from our greatest geopolitical foes but also causing a massive drain on all of our social service resources that are meant solely for American citizens;
—it doesn’t matter that Kamala Harris, as border czar, kicked homeless, destitute Americans —(many of whom were and are military veterans, courageous, heroic patriots, who selflessly sacrificed so much for so little to keep us safe, to keep Kamala Harris safe)— to the curb and wayside, leaving them homeless, hungry, and humiliated; discarded like worthless, disposable pieces of trash in Kamala Harris’s America, in order to make way for and to accommodate the tsunami of unvetted illegal migrants, the newly minted present and future Democrat voting bloc, who have done absolutely nothing in service of our country, but instead have violated the very Sovereignty that our now bereft and indigent GI's so bravely fought to defend and protect.
NONE OF IT MATTERS… all that matters is that the Deep State DC Establishment Elites have chosen her, Kamala Harris, and, therefore, despite her far-left ideology, economic and foreign policy incompetence, and abject failures, too numerous to count, she is now, according to the Democrat Swamp, akin to the Mother of God, a veritable Saint, and the most spectacular human being and would-be leader that this country has ever witnessed, irrespective of the fact that she represents not merely a continuation of the Obama-Clinton-Biden doctrine of progressive interventionism at home and abroad but an acceleration of it on speed.

However, that said, no matter how much lipstick the media, the Democrats, and the Deep State attempt to paint on that pig, and setting aside the fact that the media shamelessly lied to the American people about Biden’s cognitive decline quite literally up until the day they bludgeoned and forced him to drop out of the Presidential Race, his presidency will be remembered and referred to as the Biden/HARRIS Administration, one that was not only marred with an endless slew of crises, catastrophes, Constitutional abuses, misuses, and a palpable lack of leadership but one that Kamala Harris’s dirty little fingerprints are all over, too because her policies are about as far left as it gets.
The fact of the matter is Kamala Harris doesn’t have a record of accomplishments to brag of, much less speak of, but she does have a record of failures; she doesn’t have a platform to run on, let alone present to the American people because she is politically illiterate, and so in an effort to make her seem like the next best thing since sliced bread, the media will, over the course of the next three months:

1- Give Google a good old-fashioned Hillary Clinton-style bleach-bit cleaning in order to hide her lack of accomplishments and promiscuous political rise to prominence, to whitewash her failures, and to smooth over her extreme Left-wing ideological stance on issues and policies, like, for example, her calls to:
B— Grant mass amnesty with a path to citizenship to every single illegal alien, murderers and rapists alike, who have broken our laws to get here.
C— Provide approximately 40 million illegal aliens living in our country with universal healthcare at the expense of the American taxpayer, many of whom can’t or can barely, if at all, afford healthcare for themselves and their families.
G— Implement universal basic income that goes against the Constitutional Founding Principle of Self Governance; against everything that is fundamental about earning your way, getting ahead, and realizing your potential and dreams. It creates a society dependent on Big Government, which is the one thing that we do not need any more of in this country.

And among other things:
2– Employ a “social justice” marketing campaign that predictably so revolves around trashing Trump in an unscrupulous effort to not only hoodwink and gaslight the masses into believing their “away with the fairies” fallacy that Trump is somehow the second coming of Adolf Hitler but that she is the one and only candidate who can beat him, the one that Republicans feared the most… as if, a career politician by day who by night slept her way to political prominence and power.
Nevertheless, no matter how assiduously the Democrats work to trash Trump, to cover up their scam, to gaslight the public, and to make Kamala Harris a palpable candidate, the vast majority of Americans can see right through their Left-wing lies; they are not blind, deaf, or dumb, or at least Republicans aren’t, that is; they have had it with the Lefts dirty tricks, dishonesty, and duplicitous tactics.

If the last 4 years have taught us anything, it is that life under Democrat rule is anything everything but ideal, affordable, safe, and secure what with one catastrophe after another crise; inarguably with poverty through unbridled taxation, with tyranny through the Democrat's fight for One-Party-Rule, with the very real bone-chilling potential for World War III looming over our heads, what with the Biden/Harris “Wars Through Weakness” stance, approach, and response to dictators, tyrants, and terrorists maniacal provocations against the United States and our allies, and last but not least, with a decimated Southern Border that not only jeopardizes our Sovereignty and National Security Interests but also puts the lives of Americans in grave danger as Kamala Harris, the appointed Border Czar continues to put her and the Democrat’s electoral ambitions ahead of not only our safety and security but our futures, by importing and giving away our jobs, our careers, and our dreams to millions of illegal aliens, who include murderers, rapists, and terrorists… she is giving away our future and the future of our children to illegal aliens in the name of “votes” in the name of her and the Democrat Party’s quest for Absolute Power!

And so, as you get ready to head to the polls with early voting set to begin in as little as eight weeks in some States, remember this: the people who said Putin rigged the 2016 election, who said that Hunter Biden’s laptop was fake, who said that 2020 was a free and fair election, who said that inflation was transitory, who said that there is no border crisis, and who said that Joe Biden is sharp as a tack are the very same people who are now trying to convince you that Kamala is the best candidate to lead our country forward, however, no matter how they try to spin it, no matter how much lipstick they slap on that pig, the fact is and remains that she is the worst possible candidate, not only is she an uninspiring cackling embarrassment who slept her way to the top but an incompetent failure and as corrupt as politicians come.
The Deep State Establishment is propping up Kamala Harris, but America thinks the Establishment can go straight to hell!
Linda Genzel Editor @WecuNews
