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Why Conservatives are Losing the Battle on Abortion

Writer's picture: Christopher G. AdamoChristopher G. Adamo

We are losing the battle on abortion for the simple reason that we are not fighting to win! We need to face this grim reality if we are ever to turn the tide on it. Abortionists, arguably the most evil practitioners in the history of humanity, are able to portray themselves as saintly paragons of "compassion and caring." TV ads promoting pro-abortion ballot initiatives show them in idyllic depictions of families; parents walking blissfully along holding their young daughters' hands with lilting music playing in the background.

The message is that pro-aborts are "protecting" those little girls, which is a monumental irony, given the actualities of abortion. Elsewhere, elderly black women talk about abortion as if it is the ultimate "civil right" for minorities. Nowhere do they mention that abortion has decimated black America, since two thirds of babies aborted are black. That's a record the KKK could only wish to match in its heyday! Yet in every case, it's the pro-life community that is depicted as the ultimate threat to this utopian status quo.

It is appalling that leftists/pro-aborts have gotten away with so much phony sanctimony about “protecting women.” Abortion consummates the exploitation of women and maximizes the profits of sex traffickers! Furthermore, abortionists are convincing Americans to annihilate their next generation, while importing foreigners with alien ideologies to supplant our heritage, and steal our future! In response, the pro-life community is largely preoccupied, attempting to defend itself from baseless charges hurled by pro-aborts, and seeks to reassure the public that it actually has the best interest of women and babies in mind. But where, in all of this, is the hideous reality of abortion ever revealed or discussed? When was the last time any pro-life organization rebuffed the platitudes of the pro-abort lobby with an actual image of an aborted baby? Do we really need to ask if actually exposing the truth on the topic of abortion is appropriate, hideous though it may be? Unfortunately, the left has succeeded at convincing our side that we are not allowed to go there. This is textbook Alinsky, calling evil good, and good evil, in a time-tested ploy to get us to respond defensively. And by taking the bait, we cede virtually the entire issue.

Rule No.6 of my book "Rules for Defeating Radicals" explains "Power that is not asserted when necessary and appropriate is forfeited. Eventually, it is lost forever." Attempting to address this issue, while stepping delicately past the battered bodies of those innocent babies, is akin to decrying the atrocities of Hitler's Reich, while never showing or mentioning the death camps and gas chambers! Even a picture of a healthy, unharmed newborn baby on the delivery table (like the one shown below), can devastate all of the pro-abort platitudes when accompanied by the disturbing explanation that in their nightmarish world, this helpless child could legally have been brutally slaughtered, and even dissected like a lab rat only moments before, according to the despicable precepts of "full term abortion." The nearly hysterical, coordinated efforts of abortion activists to solidify the lie that full term abortions "aren't happening" is proof of their vulnerability to public realization of what they advocate, and who they really are. And that is precisely why we should be confronting them with the undiluted truth! Let them rage against us. It would only spotlight their guilt. And let those claiming to be "in the middle" accuse us of driving them to the enemy's camp.

Those who need to know the truth can't unlearn it, once they've been forced to observe it. Bringing this ugly issue back to its reality, unspeakably hideous though it may be, is the only way to properly combat the propaganda blitz of deflections and sanitized lies on which it currently advances itself.


Christopher G. Adamo is a lifelong conservative from the American Heartland. He has

been involved in grassroots and state-level politics for many years, seeking to restore and

uphold the Judeo-Christian principles on which our Nation was founded. His book; Rules for Defeating Radicals guide for effectively confronting and overcoming the dirty tricks of the political left. It is available on Amazon.

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