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1st Amendment Censorship: Kamala Harris & The Democrat's War Against Free Speech.

Writer's picture: Linda GenzelLinda Genzel

Of all the Nations in the world, America is the only one in the history of mankind that was born out of a noble, deeply held spiritual belief that all men were and are created equal, that we are endowed by God with certain unalienable Rights that can neither be infringed upon nor denied to us by any man, woman, or Government authority, agency, or institution thereof. Rights that preserve and protect our Freedoms. Rights that allow us to pursue happiness and the American Dream, to create and build a family, to worship God, to speak freely and openly, to petition our Government for a redress of grievances without fear of reprisal, and Rights that allow us to choose our leaders in free and fair elections… of course, until recently, that is!

You see, for all the Democrats' hyperbolic bloviating about respecting the Constitution, it appears that they have, yet again, in a “long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism,” demonstrated that it is, in actual fact, them who neither respect nor appreciate much less care about infringing upon or outright violating and depriving us of our Fundamental Unalienable Rights and Freedoms that were, on December 15th, 1791, ratified and enshrined in “The Bill of Rights to the Constitution” by our Founding Fathers in order to safeguard us, “the people” of these United States, by serving as a bulwark, if you will, as a first line of defense against an overzealous tyrannical Government that not only seeks to but repeatedly and maliciously forsakes the will of those it was elected to serve. A Government that abuses the very powers it derived and derives from the “CONSENT” of the Governed; a Government occupied by corruptible, self-serving men and women drunk on and driven by the all too consuming allure of Absolute Power. 

As a matter of fact, never has the State been more weaponized against its own people and against its political opposition; never has our Federal Government infringed so much and so egregiously on our Constitutionally GUARANTEED Rights and Freedoms, Founding Principles, and Judeo-Christian Values as a society than it has in recent years under the pervasive rot of Cultural Marxism that has not only taken over the Democrat Party but also seeped into the halls and corridors of every Agency and Institution in our country, poisoning not only the wells of academia but also the minds of the unwitting, those committed to denying reality, the sophomoric, and worst of all, the innocent, our unsuspecting youth. 

Indeed, with Democrats at the helm, America is looking more like the Authoritative Administrative State envisioned by Progressive President Woodrow Wilson and less like the Self-Determining Constitutional Republic “Of the People, By the People, and For the People” envisioned by our Founding Fathers.

Without question, the untenable and perilous situation that we, as a young Nation, find ourselves in today is purely because of the Democrat Party; more specifically, because of Barrack Obama, you know, the charismatic Black Deity, known to the politically astute and intellectually honest as the “Divisive Divider” in Chief. 

Needless to say, contributing to Obama’s leading role in America’s demise into despotism, we also have the current corrupt Deep State “Puppet” in Chief, Joe Biden, who has, under the direction of the DC Establishment, been heading up Obama’s 3rd term in office in the continued Democrat destruction of our Constitutional Republic, of course, with the help of his Border Czar and Vice President, Kamala Harris, the unelected Presumptive Presidential Nominee for the Democrat Party, who is currently running for Obama’s 4th term in office.

You see, Obama, Biden, Harris, and her Far-Left of Left “Stolen Valor” Socialist Running Mate Tim Walz, in addition to every other Despotic Democrat up on Capitol Hill and in every Blue-State Legislature and District across the Nation, in no uncertain terms, being the closeted Totalitarians that they ALL are, want to fundamentally transform and style the United States in their ideological Marxist image. They not only want to abolish the Constitution, particularly our 1st Amendment Right to SPEAK, to debate, and to dissent in what is supposed to be a free, fair, and open society, but they also want to, amongst other things, in violation of the 10th Amendment, take away the States Rights by federalizing our elections and eliminating the Electoral College so that they can then create a One-Party System of Governance, which, of course, as we all know, history and time has tragically proven over and over and over again, is a direct, nonstop one-way ticket to tyranny. 

However, in order for Democrats to consummate their Absolute-Power One-Party end goal, they must, just as they have been doing, paint America as being a systemically “racist and evil” country that needs to be ripped from its very foundation, blown to smithereens, left in an ash heap of history, and then “reimagined” and rebuilt, but in order to achieve that end, they must first silence their opposition and censor all speech that ruffles the political Establishment’s feathers, contradicts their Machiavellian narratives and impedes their insidious un-American agenda… 

And how does the Left accomplish that end? 

Well, simply put, they must, as they have been doing for the better part of a decade now, gaslight and manipulate the masses into believing that any speech they declare to be “misinformation, disinformation, and/or hate speech” is, or at least according to their perverse, unfounded notional version of our Constitution, “a danger to our Democracy” —(even though America, under our Constitution, is not, never has been, and never will be a Democracy but moreover a “Constitutional Republic”)— and therefore not “protected under the 1st Amendment to the Constitution… which of course is absolute utter hogwash. 

Of course, setting aside the Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, Biden-HARRIS anointed Ms. Mary Jankowicz Poppins Disinformation Czar and her, or I should say, their “Disinformation Board” that, if you recollect, they desperately endeavored to establish in order to, ostensibly, combat and avert what they falsely claimed was the flow of disinformation, —(you know, dangerous, insensitive, politically incorrect mean words that might otherwise hurt some poor little Left-wing wokster’s feelings, but in truth was created to regulate, shut down, and censor dissenting voices, you know, Conservatives, who might otherwise out the Democrats Marxist agenda and influence unsuspecting minds)— there was also a December 2022 televised interview, in which Kamala Harris’s 2024 Pro-CCP Vice Presidential hopeful, Tim Walz, appeared on an episode of MSNBC’s show “The ReidOut,” where the host, subbing for Joyless Joy Reid, the ultimate race-baiter amongst race baiters, asked him “what they could do to ensure there were penalties for spreading “misinformation,” which according to her subjective far-Left Marxist opinion was becoming more “ominous…” to which Walz retorted, “I think we need to push back on this… there’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or “hate speech,” especially in our democracy.” 

On another occasion, during a December 28th 2022 Senate hearing, of course, in line with the same Marxist mindset and Communist spirit of the avowed CCP LOVER, Tim Walz, Democrat Senator Ben Cardin also attacked our 1st Amendment Right to Free Speech, saying, “If you espouse hate, if you espouse violence, you're not protected under the First Amendment…” going on to say, “I think we can be more aggressive in the way that we handle that type of use of the internet. We know that Europe has done things; I think we have to learn things from each other. I hope we can figure out the strategy that we need everybody united on it." 

Here’s the thing, though: self-serving opportunistic career politicians in the Democrat Party, like Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, Senator Ben Cardin, Joe Biden, and Barrack Obama, were not anointed or endowed by our creator to think on our behalf; they were not granted the power or privilege whether by God, the people, or by law to be the arbiters of what is or is not considered “misinformation, disinformation, and/or hate speech.” They were, however, elected to serve the people, whereupon they raised their right hand and duly swore to support, defend, and protect the United States Constitution, and not just as a ceremonial symbolic statement of personal integrity but as a binding promise to the American people to uphold and remain steadfast and loyal to their Oath of Office in reverence to the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land, and to the people for whom they were elected to serve.

The fact of the matter is, irrespective of the LIES Democrats spew, “HATE SPEECH,” however terrible it may be, however uncomfortable or bad it may make you feel, is still, without question, protected under the Constitution. Furthermore, deliberate or otherwise, it is also wholly and unequivocally illegal for Government officials from any branch of Government or Agency thereof to conspire with private entities or industries, such as X and/or Facebook, to stymie or outright censor and silence our 1st Amendment Constitutional Right to verbally express ourselves, no matter how dubious, utterly idiotic, or hateful the speech may be. 

In America, in what is supposed to be a free society, the way to counter misinformation is not through Governmental censorship but through MORE SPEECH.

In 2019, the Supreme Court, in a 6-3 decision, agreed with the Pacific Legal Foundation brief that “government officials shouldn’t be allowed to determine whether speech is immoral or scandalous.”

Justice Samuel Alito wrote in his concurring opinion that “Viewpoint discrimination is poison to a free society, and laws that allow for government bureaucrats to restrict disfavored viewpoints can easily be exploited for illegitimate ends.” 

That said, it appears, just as with our Constitution, the numerous United States Supreme Court Rulings upholding our 1st Amendment Rights don’t seem to matter all that much to Cultural Marxist Democrat politicians, Left-wing activist Judges, and Blue-State prosecutors, along with a large number of governmental interagency Left-wing bureaucrats, or moreover Deep Staters, like, for example, Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray who are only too happy to skirt their responsibilities and sworn duties in order to do the Democrats bidding on behalf of the DC Establishment.

And why?

Well, because the rules never seem to apply to the Left! You know, the adage, “rules for thee, not for me" double standards principle; for example, if you dare to question the legitimacy of the 2020 election, you’re an election denier and an insurrectionist subject to prosecution in violation of your 5th and 14th Amendment Due Process Rights, but if you contest the legitimacy of the 2016 election, you’re a patriot deserving of a promotion! 

The fact of the matter is Free Speech does not threaten Democracy, BUT stifling it absolutely does!

Whatever happened to “I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”?

The slippery slope, problem, and/or dilemma with the Democrat's narrative that censoring speech is about protecting people against "hateful rhetoric is as follows; 

1)— this is the United States of America, not the Cold War Soviet era; we neither need nor want a bunch of Machiavellian Nanny-State elites protecting our feelings from mean words… we are big girls and boys with functioning minds of our own and not two-year-olds. 


2)— if validated or given any credence, Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, Ben Cardin, and the rest of their Despotic Democrat colleagues in Congress will not only not stop at what they falsely claim is disinformation or hate speech, but they will take tangible hard legislative steps to regulate ALL speech, ultimately banning any and all political discourse that contradicts or conflicts with the Left’s ideological Marxist beliefs and agenda because this is not about protecting people from the dangers and cruelty of big bad mean words; it never was, and it never will be about that, but moreover, this was, is, and will always be about control in the Democrats quest for Absolute Power.

Whether the Left cares or is honest enough to admit it or not —I highly doubt it— they are quite capable of throwing apoplectic fits, tantrums, and hurling out the most hateful, vulgar, and vile of insults when it suits. In fact, if I were a betting woman, which I’m not, but if I were and were to track it, I would almost certainly say that 99.9% of the hate speech that we have heard thus far has come directly from or was incited by Democrats and not Republicans. 

Nevertheless, that said, Democrats are and will continue to manipulate what type of speech, according to their mythical beliefs, is protected and/or permitted under the 1st Amendment to the Constitution. However, it is nothing more than a blatant effort to weaponize our Rights against us, to literally scare the unwitting or Constitutionally uninformed if you're being polite or illiterate if you're being honest, into silence, submission, and compliance for fear of violating some nonexistent unconstitutional law; but it’s all a lie, a tyrannical ploy, a sleight to gain control over the masses and to stomp out any dissenting voices and points of view. 

The truth is, no one person, political party, or politician can unilaterally determine what is or isn’t hate speech based on their feelings, ideological beliefs, or fleeting political whims. You can condemn hate speech; you can even hate "hate speech," and you can say it’s not nice and that it’s upsetting, but you can not ban it because it is, like all other forms of speech, protected under the 1st Amendment! 

The United States Constitution was not framed or intended to be used as a biased or emotionally subjective document, nor was it supposed to be used as a one-sided document, partial to factions of our society either, as in "us versus them" or Republicans versus Democrats; it was and is supposed to apply to everyone equally and without prejudice! 

ALL speech is protected under the 1st Amendment, which includes hate speech. Government officials, whether elected or appointed, particularly Democrat politicians, do not get to manipulate, amend, and subvert the Constitution to suit their political agenda or some capricious partisan fad or whim; they do not and will never possess or acquire the Constitutional power or authority to dictate or declare by some politically motivated malevolent law what is or is not considered hate speech or whether or not it is permitted under the Constitution; we, the People do, and it absolutely IS permitted.

You see, unlike Communist China or the Socialist European Union, in the United States of America, we are allowed to love or hate whomever or whatever we so choose, and we are allowed to express those feelings and our thoughts or remain silent; it’s our individual choice and our unalienable Constitutional Right given to us by God and enshrined in the Bill of Rights for our protection against tyranny and Government overreach; it’s our choice alone to make, and not within the Democrat Party’s power or purview to make or decide for us on our behalf, not now, not ever. 

Our Right to SPEAK and to be HEARD is ABSOLUTELY ABSOLUTE, as affirmed by the United States Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land.

The abhorrent and indefensible truth of the matter is that America’s Foundational Principles have not only been shaken to the very core, but they have been bowled over, knocked on their ass, and kicked to the curb since Barrack Obama came onto the political scene promising to fundamentally transform our Country. 

However, that said, if more Americans recognized that THEY ARE the rightful heirs to and protectors of our Freedoms and not our Government and not the Democrat Party, then the fight to save America from the grips of despotism might take on a whole new dimension, potentially igniting a flame of Patriotism within disillusioned Americans and giving rise to a movement dedicated to saving this once bright Shining City upon a Hill that we call America, at this critical and defining juncture in our history. 

Remember, “People Power” is called “Freedom,” and “Government Power”  is called “Tyranny.” The only place Government can obtain more Power is by taking away our Freedoms, which, of course, begins and has begun with our First Amendment “Freedom of Speech” Rights… do not allow this to continue! 

Linda Genzel Editor @ WECU News


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